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He Zong Lian Heng Chinese Wild Meta Report #9 - translated

This is a translation of the latest Chinese Wild meta report from He Zong Lian Heng of NGA.CN, first published 5 June 2020.
Gallery of decklist images, credit to glormagic.
Tier Score Deck 1 Deck 2 Deck 3
1 100 Pirate Warrior
98 Even Shaman
96 Odd Demon Hunter
93 Reno Quest Mage
92 Discard Warlock
90 Reno Secret Mage
2 (high) 89 Secret Mage
88 Galakrond Warrior Murloc Paladin
87 Malygos Druid
86 Quest Mage Cube Warlock Big Priest
85 Spell Token Druid
83 Odd Warrior
82 Odd Paladin
81 Even Warlock Jade Druid Reno Warlock
80 Odd Rogue Reno Hunter Kingsbane Rogue
2 (low ) 79 Mech Paladin
77 Reno Mage
75 Big Shaman
73 Reno Priest
70 Albatross Priest (estimate)
3 60 Treachery Warlock (estimate)
To attack backwards while riding a horse, to advance while feigning retreat, this period has seen fierce meta change; compared to the past, there is definite structural change.

Meta overview:

The third patch for Ashes of Outland dropped suddenly, including buffs as well as nerfs. Regarding Wild format, Odd Demon Hunter welcomed its third blow, and last expansion's strongest deck, Even Shaman, was buffed. Seemingly, the meta would develop towards Even Shaman, but this did not come to pass. Odd Demon Hunter, after briefly showing weakness, struck back. Even Shaman has unfinished business; its revival was ended even before it began...
From the perspective of the changed cards, Even Shaman, Reno Hunter, and Odd Demon Hunter are the only Wild meta decks to be affected. (Buffs to Wild Paladin and other decks did not make waves). Declines in Odd Demon Hunter's popularity or power level are bound to move the meta; as Cube Warlock and Even Shaman are both suppressed by that deck, after the patch, they both gained a degree of freedom, but a rebound in Odd Demon Hunter's popularity will reverse that change. However, the changes to the meta are not limited to the patch, as shown by three decks without changed cards. Since the last meta report, many decks have risen and fallen; among them, Pirate Warrior and Malygos Druid are especially attractive.
Long before the patch, Pirate Warrior had already begun to solidify its position, its popularity rising day by day. Before the patch, the deck's popularity reached new heights as the meta was unable to react quickly enough to its rise. Golakka Crawler did not make much of an appearance as tech cards against Pirate Warrior were limited to Glacial Shard and Frozen Shadoweaver, the two more targeting Odd Demon Hunter. As for countering Pirate Warrior, Even Shaman was a quicker reaction than Golakka Crawler. In the short post-patch period when Odd Demon Hunter was in hibernation, Pirate Warrior was still very popular. Even Shaman quickly became the weapon of choice to counter Pirate Warrior, and, lacking counters, became the undisputed top deck. Though Even Shaman's reign was subsequently cut short by Odd Demon Hunter, the deck is still inherently strong, and remains one of the strongest meta decks. Pirate Warrior's aggression is fast; a bomb variant runs Wrenchcalibur, with the new card Corsair Cache substantially increasing the chance of drawing it. Thus, highlander decks cannot stand against Pirate Warrior; even if they run multiple Oozes, the Oozes must be drawn on time. Some decks that have passive early turns, such as Quest Mage, Malygos Druid with a bad draw, and Cube Warlock that does not draw Defile, also struggle against Pirate Warrior. Pirate Warrior not only excels against highlander and slow decks, it also dominates other aggro. The successfully returning to popularity Pirate Warrior also adds another coffin cover to many aggro decks, such as Kingsbane Rogue, Odd Paladin, and Galakrond Warrior. For a long time, Kingsbane Rogue has lost to Pirate Warrior. Though the two decks are similar, the main difference is in the effectiveness of the early game Pirates. N'Zoth's First Mate and Sky Raider are notably better than Kingsbane Rogue's Buccaneer and Bloodsail Flybooter. After the nerf to Ancharrr in Descent of Dragons, Kingsbane Rogue saw a slow rise, then a fall, but the deck still has some power. Now, the rise of Pirate Warrior is bound to end Kingsbane Rogue's existence, and it can be said that the coffin has closed on the latter deck for the last time. Odd Paladin was once like a fish in water, doing well against Odd Demon Hunter, with unfavored matchups rare and favored matchups everywhere. However, Odd Paladin is heavily unfavored against Pirate Warrior. Last time, we mentioned that if Pirate Warrior trends, it is a danger sign for Odd Paladin. Now, this hidden danger has come to pass. Odd Paladin has fallen from the altar and its meta suitability has dropped precipitously. Even Even Shaman has gained a new tool to take on Odd Paladin. Galakrond Warrior runs a Pirate package, so it has some similarities to Pirate Warrior, with the differences being midgame value versus early game tempo. Galakrond Warrior's greatest advantage over Pirate Warrior is its more favorable matchup against Even Shaman. If Even Shaman could have taken over the meta post-patch, then Galakrond Warrior would have also had a chance to rise. However, in the end, Even Shaman did not succeed in taking over. But, Galakrond Warrior's inherent flaws are glaring: its curve is insufficiently low and it often has passive early turns, making it lose to other aggro. Whether it is Odd Paladin, Pirate Warrior, Odd Demon Hunter, Secret Mage, or Mech Paladin, Galakrond Warrior is always slightly downwind. (It is not heavily unfavored owing to the early game strength of the Pirate package). As it is not fast enough, Galakrond Warrior also may lose to combo decks. Relatively speaking, Pirate Warrior, which fares better against both aggro and combo, is the better choice.
Speaking of combo decks, one cannot avoid discussing a newly popular combo deck: Malygos Druid. The nerf to Kael'thas Sunstrider was of course a huge blow to Druid, but on the positive side, the card can now be tutored with Juicy Psychmelon. As Malygos Druid necessarily runs many low-cost spells, the list with Kael'thas has been slowly optimized, and it gradually became popular just before the patch. To increase its speed, the deck has cut the Oaken Summons package to increase the effectiveness of Jepetto Joybuzz. Defensively, the deck can only rely on small removal, Spreading Plague, and armor. Thus, Malygos Druid is a very extreme deck, relying on the speed of its combo to win. It has similarities to a previously popular combo deck, Hemet Mech'athun Warlock. Both counter slow decks, both have little regard for their life total, and both fear Dirty Rat. The differences are that Malygos Druid can combo earlier and how they face aggression. Druid cards are better at maintaining a high health total, while Warlock cards lack healing but are better at clearing the board. Now, Mech'athun Warlock has fallen out of favor, but Malygos Druid continues to deeply influence the meta.
But, whether it is Reno OTK Priest, Mecha'thun Warlock, or Malygos Druid, none of them can compare to the previous Quest Mage. Whether it is facing aggro or Dirty Rat, or combo speed, Quest Mages best all the other combo decks. Though the quest progress was nerfed to be increased by two, after the third patch, as its counters have weakened, Quest Mages are beginning to reappear. Quest Mage is unstable, as it relies on drawing well to beat aggro, but its advantage is in its speed relative to other combo decks, being able to combo one or two turns earlier. It suppresses other combo and slow decks. Quest Mage's high ceiling will destine it to have players give it a go to try and create miracles. In fact, Quest Mage is often common among top 200 Legend (on the Chinese server). “All or nothing" describes Quest Mage's line of thinking. Relatively speaking, Reno Quest Mage is more stable, and its matchups are less polarized. After three patches of nerfs to aggro, the meta has become much more favorable for it and it is now a stable pick. It is now popular and can be found at all ranks.
Last report, the authors thought the restraining forces on the Wild meta were loosening. The abdication of Quest Mages significantly lowered the meta pressure. Now aggro is dominant, though not to the previous extent of combo, allowing for more deck variety. Now, relative to the past, deck variety is more diverse; multiple highlander decks, midrange decks, and aggro decks can be played. But as aggro decks are weaker, combo decks may rise again. Slow or midrange or highlander decks may fall victim to combo. From the perspective of winning, one must still consider the top meta decks.
No matter when, Wild has a special quality: the meta differs significantly among ranks. In the past, it was Mech Hunter, then Mech Paladin, and now Secret Mage and Mech Paladin. At low ranks, Mech Paladin and Secret Mage and perform very well, and are relatively popular. But as rank increases, their popular drops. Within top 1000 Legend, these two decks are virtually unseen. When they do appear, they are often easily defeated. The main elements behind this phenomena are the differing attitudes and skill levels of players at different ranks. Simultaneously, streamers also profoundly influence the meta. Finally, it is not only that at higher ranks decks become more utilitarian. At low ranks, to perform well is to beat weak decks, thus Mech Paladin and Secret Mage can be the best choices. At high ranks, with multiple strong decks in contention, the meta will naturally be different.
Deck Popularity conditions Popularity grade
Pirate Warrior Indisputably the best, both strong and popular, popular at all ranks S
Even Shaman Though it was the victim of Odd Demon Hunter, it cannot be decisively defeated and is still popular S
Odd Demon Hunter After falling from popularity, it is once again popular S
Reno Quest Mage As its counters have weakened, it has gradually adapted to the meta and become popular S
Discard Warlock An aggro deck with a high element of luck, very popular all over ladder S
Reno Secret Mage Very unpopular, almost unseen E
Secret Mage Virtually absent at high Legend, but more popular at other ranks A
Galakrond Warrior A starving camel is larger, but not more lively, than a horse; currently the deck is unpopular C
Murloc Paladin A truly rare sight in the meta D
Malygos Druid Very popular, Druid's default deck S
Quest Mage More popular at high Legend, is a casino-style deck, unpopular at other ranks B
Cube Warlock Though the meta has not become more favorable, it is relatively popular at 10-star MMR S
Big Priest Has some level of popularity, with a wider range of application than Odd Warrior, but its performance is unsatisfactory, and its performance is similarly limited B
Spell Token Druid A newly developed deck, needs optimization C
Odd Warrior Relatively extreme, suitable in an aggro-heavy meta, but not very popular owing to its limitations B
Odd Paladin Unpopular due to meta changes C
Even Warlock Almost nonexistent; even if it exists, it is largely Reno Even Warlock played by fans of Shovel Mouth (streamer) E
Jade Druid Fallen out of favor relative to other Druid decks, but still played C
Reno Warlock Has definite popularity A
Odd Rogue Rogue's default deck, but unpopular B
Reno Hunter Fallen in popularity after meta changes, popularity is not ideal C
Kingsbane Rogue Not lifeless, popularity already decaying D
Mech Paladin God of low ranks, almost nonexistent at high ranks A
N'Zoth Reno Mage Though its power is limited, it is more fun and still has players C
Big Shaman Only suitable at certain ranks and certain metas, limited popularity B
Reno Priest Though its power is limited, and the meta is unsuitable, it is still popular S


Note: The decklists are for reference only; the writeups take precedence.

1, Pirate Warrior

From the second Outland patch onward, Pirate Warrior's popularity has gradually risen. Before the third patch, its popularity reached the peak. Pirate Warrior's aggression is fierce, with the early tempo of N'Zoth's First Mate, and Ship's Cannon and Skybarge creating an unshakable advantage. If the opponent cannot clear, Southsea Captain buffs the board to strike a lethal blow. Also, the deck can run Wrenchcalibur to counter Reno Jackson and deal heavy damage. Whether against aggro or slow decks, Pirate Warrior performs extremely well. As the meta evolves, no one runs Golakka Crawler, but rather Oozes have seen a slight increase, but even this cannot stop Pirate Warrior.
As for deck construction, recently, Pirate Warrior has seen two variants, mainly differing in weapon choices. One variant runs Livewire Lance; the other runs Wrenchcalibur. Wrenchcalibur is very favored against highlander decks. Livewire Lance is less favored against highlander, but as the weapon, and Ancharrr, both cost three mana, this avoids a passive turn after playing Corsair Cache, making the variant better against aggro. Of course, there is a variant popular on other servers that does not include weapons besides Ancharrr, but from many angles, the inclusion of Livewire Lance increases the deck's stability and power, so that variant has not been popular on the Chinese server.

Wrenchcalibur Pirate Warrior


Livewire Lance Pirate Warrior


2, Even Shaman

The king of the last expansion was fatally struck by Odd Demon Hunter. Initially, it could have gone a whole expansion without making a difference; however, in the third patch, Even Shaman was buffed, while its mortal enemy Odd Demon Hunter was nerfed, seemingly signaling that Even Shaman could have its way again. Pirate Warrior, still popular post-patch, also laid out the red carpet: to beat that deck, picking Even Shaman was imperative. Thus, Even Shaman temporarily became the best deck. However, the good times don't last forever. After a brief dormancy, Odd Demon Hunter revived. In spite of its nerfs, Odd Demon Hunter was still favored against Even Shaman. But, Even Shaman found ways to fight back, preventing the opponent's Hench-Clan Thug from snowballing, and using The Lurker Below, Murkspark Eel, and Sea Giant to flip the board. As long as life total is healthy, there is chance to win, but the matchup is still heavily unfavored.
It must be noted, Even Shaman is very draw-dependent. There is a great disparity if the opening hand lacks Totemic Surge and Totemic Might. Drawing Totemic Surge when aggression is needed, and Totemic Might to hold the board, can make the deck unstoppable. In the mulligan, it is crucial to toss everything to find those two zero-cost cards.
As for deckbuilding, the basic skeleton of the deck can be said to be fixed. By the pre-expansion rank one Legend list by 小太阳, Cryostasis has completely supplanted Earthen Might.

Totem Even Shaman


3, Odd Demon Hunter

Though Odd Demon Hunter has been nerfed three times in succession, it still has strong individual cards. Though the deck vanished right after the patch, it came roaring back. The Crimson Sigil Runner nerf decreasing its attack by one, like that of Sludge Slurper, was seemingly insignificant but greatly weakened the card, and now it has been cut. Priestess of Fury being nerfed to 6/5 did not kill the card, but now it is rarely played, perhaps because it has been disenchanted for dust.
On the whole, after the third patch, Odd Demon Hunter is now lower in value and it runs out of cards more quickly. Cutting Crimson Sigil Runner decreases its card draw, and there is no high-cost mainstay to replace Priestess of Fury. This indicates Odd Demon Hunter easily runs out of stamina. After gradual nerfs, though the deck is definitely strong, its current weakness of lacking endurance has been exposed. Once it is unable to occupy the early board, it cannot ever kill the opponent. Once it reaches turn 6, it completely loses initiative. In the current meta, Odd Demon Hunter is no longer the strongest deck, but it is definitely popular, and continues to deeply shape meta trends.
Regarding deck construction, there are many differences. At the 1 and 3 cost spots, there are many choices, including Glacial Shard, Frozen Shadoweaver and Vulpera Scoundrel, as well as Priestess of Fury.

Odd Demon Hunter


4, Reno Quest Mage

Reno Quest Mage's core issue is that is unable to simultaneously beat back aggro while completing the quest. But the problem did not need to be solved by Reno Quest Mage itself, as the nerf to Odd Demon Hunter significantly reduced the pressure from aggro. Reno Quest Mage is most afraid of decks that can win even after Reno is played; this includes past Odd Demon Hunter and Even Shaman with a good draw. But as Odd Demon Hunter has cut Priestess of Fury, Reno Quest Mage can clear the board, play Reno on time, and win, without worrying about being unable to remove Priestess. Against other aggro, Reno Quest Mage has the same line of thought, only Pirate Warrior is more troublesome. If Wrenchcalibur cannot be dealt with in a timely fashion, then Reno Quest Mage will be crushed; thus, nowadays, the deck is starting to run Gluttonous Ooze. Against slow and combo decks, Reno Quest Mage basically holds a definitely advantageous position. Relying only on Dirty Rat and armor is not enough to beat Reno Quest Mage. Only aggression can threaten the deck.
As for deck construction, owing to Odd Demon Hunter's popularity, Volcanic Potion has already become a popular inclusion. As board-flood aggro has declined, Frost Nova's effectiveness has also dropped, and it is now only played by a minority. Recently, the deck has seen two variants, one with Stargazer Luna and Mana Cyclone, the other with Brann Bronzebeard. I personally recommend Brann as it affords better tempo, which the deck needs in the current expansion. As for tech cards, the only recommendation is Gluttonous Ooze, which can work against many decks.

Dragon Reno Quest Mage


5, Discard Warlock

After a period of optimization and popularization, Darkglare Discard Warlock has become the most popular variant. Cataclysm is again becoming an option, but even with that card, from the perspective of deck speed, Flame Imp is still needed to strengthen early tempo. Darkglare Discard Warlock can more stably build large boards without relying on Silverware Golem. Against slow decks, Darkglare Discard Warlock's extreme development can prove decisive. But in Wild, even though the deck can play a 3/2 minion on turn 1, it suffers against other aggro. N'Zoth's First Mate and even and odd hero powers are stronger presences against aggro. In all, relying on a good draw to build a large board around turns 3-5 is the core idea behind Discard Warlock.

Darkglare Discard Warlock


6, Reno Secret Mage

For a long time, Reno Secret Mage was relatively unpopular, but now, it is still recommended. Though compared to Secret Mage, Reno Secret Mage is insufficiently aggressive, it has more resources, runs out of cards less easily, and has the means to flip the board with highlander cards. After the addition of Astromancer Solarian from Ashes of Outland, the deck's direct damage has increased.
Currently, highlander decks are seeing a revival. Secret Mage's aggression is obstructed everywhere; once the opponent plays Reno, Secret Mage most likely loses. But Reno Secret Mage has more value, with Brann, Kazakus, Zephrys the Great and Loatheb to achieve more stability; it has more explosive boards. In the current meta, Reno Secret Mage has more competitiveness than Secret Mage, or, in other words Secret Mage has lost some of its competitiveness. From a popularity perspective, it can be said that Reno Secret Mage has not entered the mainstream, but from a power perspective, the deck actually is already tier 1.
Regarding construction, this time Aluneth is recommended for an aggressive style.

Reno Secret Mage


7, Malygos Druid

Last version, Druid combo decks were in a lukewarm state, but with Kael'thas changed to 7 mana, all the combo decks now run Juicy Psychmelon, Kael'thas, cheap spells and Ultimate Infestation. Among them, Malygos Druid is naturally the most suitable form, as it must run Moonfire and Living Roots, and Ultimate Infestation can be used for damage. To increase combo speed, Malygos and other combo decks cut the Oaken Summons package to increase the effectiveness of Jepetto Joybuzz. But, this makes for passive early turns and worse matchups against aggro, as it can only rely on Spreading Plague.

Malygos Druid


8, Murloc Paladin

Murloc Paladin is also an unpopular but strong deck. The Prismatic Lens variant is unstable, but Murloc Paladin's snowball ability is enough to keep a foothold in Wild, and the Lens is just icing on the cake. The variant without Lens, running Hand of A'dal is another choice. In all, Murloc Paladin is not bad in the meta. Though it is unpopular, its presence cannot be completely ignored.

Prismatic Lens Murloc Paladin


9, Secret Mage

Though no matter on what server, Secret Mage has the highest winrate, it cannot be denied that at high Legend, its performance is not ideal. When the opponent can guess the secrets, Secret Mage's effectiveness takes a steep discount. And, Secret Mage's floor is relatively low. If only secrets are drawn, but no minions, the opponent can easily occupy the board and take initiative. In the end, losing with an empty hand is normal. But, Secret Mage is the best choice against the recently popular Malygos Druid, so it still has meta significance.

Secret Mage


10, Quest Mage

"Winning means partying with models, losing means going to sea to eke out a living" is even more so the current state of Quest Mage. Currently, the deck relies on Mana Cyclone and Evocation to complete the quest, both of which are inadequately stable, to say nothing of whether they can be drawn on time. Even if they are drawn on time, the generated spells pose great variance. To play the spells effectively, Sorcerer's Apprentice is key. In all, Quest Mage's strength is highly dependent on luck, but its high ceiling earns it players' favor.
On deckbuilding, the current Quest Mage usually runs at least one copy of Questing Explorer for early tempo, with some builds running two. The inclusion of Archmage Vargoth varies from person to person. Most builds run it, but many experts think it is unneeded. Chenvaala is another alternative.

Flamewaker Quest Mage


11, Spell Token Druid

Token Druid is a deck that has recently become popular, already making an impact at high ranks. Not every deck can play an AOE on time, allowing Spell Token Druid a foothold. Even if its board is cleared, the deck can redevelop with its other copies of Wispering Woods and Glowfly Swarm. To beat the deck, the opponent must clear the board while developing its own board. For example, Reno Priest, a deck with many clears, cannot easily gain board presence itself and must expend clears on even small Druid boards.
Regarding deckbuilding, one variant is pure token, and the other runs Jade Idol.

Jade Spell Token Druid


Spell Token Druid


12, Cube Warlock

Though Odd Demon Hunter was nerfed, it has not disappeared, and its key cards against Cube Warlock, namely Mana Burn and Consume Magic, still exist. Until now, Odd Demon Hunter still has a degree of popularity, limiting Cube Warlock's proliferation. Cube Warlock's era has not come, and the flourishing of combo decks like Malygos Druid also suppress Cube Warlock. Therefore, limited by Odd Demon Hunter, and an improving Even Shaman, Cube Warlock is not ideal, and has not returned to tier 1.
As for deckbuilding, to counter aggro, Dark Skies is very important, so two copies must be run. Demons can be run based on personal preference. Aside from conventional ideas, a list here runs Molten Giants for a more anti-aggro approach.

Egg Cube Warlock


Molten Giant Cube Warlock


13, Jade Druid

Due to the rise of Malygos and Spell Token Druid, Jade Druid's playrate has gradually fallen. Though the deck has a definite strength, it is worse in an era of the rise of combo Druid decks.

Jade Druid


14, Big Priest

Big Priest's meta position is similar to that of Odd Warrior, both eating aggro, only not as extreme. It has fewer unwinnable matchups than Odd Warrior. Also, Big Priest has proactive plays, so in actual games, it beats aggro, but it can win much faster than Odd Warrior. In the time it takes Odd Warrior to win one game, Big Priest may already have won two. If one does not trust their bladder but also wants to beat aggro, Big Priest is a good choice.

Big Priest


15, Reno Hunter

The nerf of Scavenger's Ingenuity was not a mortal blow to Reno Hunter. It can only be said that a non-key card was nerfed to a normal power level. Currently, Reno Hunter's specialty is its high number of Rush minions, indicating an advantage against small opposing boards. Against large boards, it can only rely on Zephrys. Reno Hunter's offensive depends on its draw. As a deck with a relatively high curve, it often has passive turns. Only by spending all its mana can it organize an offense. As it often cannot apply early pressure, and can only begin to apply pressure by turn 5, Reno Hunter is slightly unfavored against other slow decks.

Reno Hunter


16, Galakrond Warrior

Though Galakrond Warrior is not as good as Pirate Warrior in the current meta, it can be said to be a lower quality substitute. But being a substitute for the strongest deck is nothing to be ashamed of. As the saying goes, even a starving camel is larger than a horse. Though it is not as strong as Pirate Warrior, it is still a strong aggro deck. The tempo advantages of the Pirate package are clearly evident, allowing the deck not to be heavily unfavored against other aggro. And, the deck's value means that it is not powerless even if its early board is cleared. But, Galakrond Warrior's inherent flaws are clear. Owing to curve problems, it is relatively easy to have passive early turns. Wild does not accept aggro decks with passive early game, as that is halfway to surrender.

Galakrond Warrior


17, Reno Warlock

Reno Warlock's orthodox build is N'Zoth, but both Malygos and Leeroy variants have come to the cutting edge of the meta. N'Zoth Reno Warlock has relatively better defensive capability and value; against combo decks, it can rely on Dirty Rat and taunts to win. But Malygos and Leeroy Reno Warlock are more midrange, opportunistically pairing with burst damage to win, but also lacking value. In all, Reno Warlock has a foothold in the meta. Relatively speaking, it is a deck that can slowly creep up.

Malygos Reno Warlock


N'Zoth Reno Warlock


18, Mech Paladin

Mech Paladin, god of low ranks! This expansion's Mech Paladin has included a copy of Replicat-o-tron; once board initiative is gained, a greater threat is posed to the opponent, who cannot easily clear. But, Mech Paladin is historically unfavored against other aggro. In higher ranks, where aggro is rampant, it is definitely unfavored.

Mech Paladin


19, Odd Warrior

It can be said, Odd Warrior's polarization makes any scoring of the deck useless. Against aggro, Odd Warrior is a tier 0 deck. Against combo and slow decks, Odd Warrior's score is 0. Baku screams, and the opponent flees.
As for deckbuilding, Coldlight Oracle and Deathlord are two contested inclusions. Deathlord is better against aggro and Malygos Druid. To further counter Malygos Druid, Bulwark of Azzinoth is recommended.

Odd Warrior


Mech Odd Warrior


20, Odd Paladin

Pirate Warrior and Even Shaman are bad news for Odd Paladin. A meta filled with Pirate Warrior is torment for Odd Paladin. Though the deck's favored matchups are not few, those advantages are not enough to overcome the heavily unfavored matchups against Pirate Warrior and Even Shaman.

Pirate Odd Paladin


21, Odd Rogue

In the current meta, Odd Rogue is strong against all other aggro decks, with the exception of Pirate Warrior. But its weakness is its inability to defeat slow decks, whether it is Druid with Oaken Summons, Odd Warrior, highlander decks, or Cube Warlock. The main problem is that Odd Rogue is not aggressive enough, as it has a greater ability to clear the board. In addition, the dilution of the Lackey pool from EVIL Miscreant is a problem. There is now a lower chance to get tempo Lackeys, with Draconic Lackey being the lifelong enemy of the Lackey pool.

Odd Rogue


22, Even Warlock

Even Warlock can be said to have almost no popularity, but the deck is not weak. It is not strong enough to be popular. Regarding its level of fun, there is no streamer effect, but rather, Reno Even Warlock has been popularized by a streamer. But Reno Even Warlock is not as strong as Even Warlock and Semi-Reno Even Warlock.

Even Warlock


23, Reno Priest

After the rise of Pirate Warrior, the last Reno Priest also turned to Pirate Warrior (specifically referring to streamer 老中医). In fact, many meta changes are unfavorable to Reno Priest: Bomb Pirate Warrior, Reno Quest Mage's revival, and Malygos Druid's attractiveness. Every combo deck is favored against Reno Priest.

Reno Priest


24, N'Zoth Reno Mage

After the nerf to the unparalleled Quest Mage, highlander decks began to be able to gain a foothold in the meta. Though N'Zoth Reno Mage is not particularly strong, it is at least a tier 2 deck that can climb. It is also relatively fun, so its popularity is not unusual.

N'Zoth Reno Mage


25, Kingsbane Rogue

Though Kingsbane Rogue has almost no popularity, it is after all one of the two playable Rogue decks. As for deck quality, Kingsbane Rogue has essentially been completely replaced by Pirate Warrior. Compared to Kingsbane Rogue, Pirate Warrior has higher tempo, twice the number of Ship's Cannons (referring to Skybarge), roughly similar stamina, and it also beats Kingsbane Rogue. Kingsbane Rogue's low popularity is completely normal.

Fal'dorei Strider Kingsbane Rogue


26, Big Shaman

Big Shaman is a deck that arose and became popular after the patch. In truth, Big Shaman's strength has limits, and its offense is inconsistent. Ancestor's Call is relatively luck-dependent. In actuality, in terms of power and stability, Big Shaman is not as good as Big Priest. Any deck with large removal can completely beat Big Shaman. Though opinion in the fora extols Big Shaman, in reality the deck is overrated.

Big Shaman

submitted by EerieIratxoak to wildhearthstone [link] [comments]

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คาสิโนออนไลน์โอมานทั้งหมดเสนอผู้ใช้มองหาข้อเสนอโบนัสอย่างน่าดึงดูดซึ่งเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของแพ็คเกจต้อนรับ อย่างไรก็ตามเกือบทุกหลังพบโบนัสทุกครั้งที่นำเสนอในคาสิโนออนไลน์ที่เป็นมิตรของโอมานมีการวางเดิมพันบางประเภท เมื่อเล่นที่โอมานคาสิโนออนไลน์นักพนันควรอ่านข้อกำหนดและเงื่อนไขของโบนัสก่อนเสมอ เป็นผลให้ผู้เล่นการพนันในท้องถิ่นได้รับคำแนะนำให้เลือกคาสิโนอินเทอร์เน็ตในโอมานที่มีความต้องการพนันต่ำ เหล่านี้เป็นคาสิโนออนไลน์ที่ดีที่สุดที่จ่ายเงินให้ผู้เล่นโอมานสามารถเล่นได้ คุณควรจำไว้ว่าคาสิโนออนไลน์ชั้นนำของโอมานมีแนวโน้มที่จะวางข้อกำหนดและเงื่อนไขโบนัสที่ง่ายต่อการค้นหาสถานที่ในเว็บไซต์ของพวกเขาและจัดทำเอกสารเหล่านี้เป็นภาษาธรรมดาเพื่อไม่ซ่อนข้อ จำกัด การพนันใด ๆ
ก่อนที่จะเริ่มเล่นเกมคาสิโนออนไลน์โอมานนักการพนันควรตรวจสอบด้วยว่าสกุลเงินของประเทศนั้น ๆ ได้รับการยอมรับหรือไม่ วันนี้มีแพลตฟอร์มคาสิโนออนไลน์ OMR อยู่มากมายบนอินเทอร์เน็ตดังนั้นคุณจะไม่ต้องแลกเปลี่ยนเมื่อทำการเดิมพันหรือถอนเงินรางวัลของคุณ เมื่อค้นหาคาสิโนโอมานที่ดีที่สุดนักการพนันออนไลน์ก็ควรตรวจสอบบริการการชำระเงินที่มีอยู่ในแพลตฟอร์มการพนันเฉพาะเพื่อทำการโอนเงิน นอกเหนือจากระบบบัตรเครดิตแบบดั้งเดิมเช่น Visa หรือ Diners ที่วิธีการชำระเงินออนไลน์ของคาสิโนโอมาน ยังมีให้บริการบ่อยครั้ง นอกจากนั้นที่คาสิโนออนไลน์ที่ติดอันดับต้น ๆ ของโอมานนักพนันสามารถใช้ cryptocurrencies ในการฝากและถอนเงิน ผู้เชี่ยวชาญบางคนคาดการณ์อนาคตที่สดใสของ cryptos ในประเทศนี้และคาสิโนออนไลน์โอมานใหม่หลายแห่งคาดว่าจะนำเสนอวิธีการที่เป็นนวัตกรรมนี้สำหรับการทำธุรกรรมการพนันบนอินเทอร์เน็ต
submitted by kungfupanda1993aa to u/kungfupanda1993aa [link] [comments]

2018 ToyotaCare 250 paint schemes

Sorry for getting this posted so close to the race it has been a very busy week for me. At least posting this late I can find some pictures of the actual cars on track
0 Garrett Smithley-FAME/
00 Cole Custer-Code 3 Associates
01 Vinnie Miller-JAS Expedited Services
1 Elliott Sadler-Chevrolet
2 Matt Tifft-National Brain Tumor Society
3 Jeb Burton-Estes Express Lines
4 Ross
5 Michael Annett-Pilot Flying J
7 Justin Allgaier-Hellmann's Real Ketchup
8 Tommy Joe Martins
9 Tyler Reddick-BurgerFi
11 Ryan Truex-Bar HarboSea Watch International
15 Joe Nemechek-Safeway (couldn't find a picture)
16 Ryan Reed-Drive Down A1C Lilly Diabetes
18 Noah Gragson-Switch
19 Brandon Jones-Toyota Service Centers/Mobil 1
20 Christopher Bell-Rheem
21 Daniel Hemric-South Point Hotel & Casino
22 Austin Cindric-Fitzgerald Glider Kits
23 Spencer Gallagher-Allegiant
24 Kaz Grala-NETTTS
28 Tony Mrakovich-Smart Emissions Reducer (might be Lupton because Mrakovich is so slow)
35 Joey Gase-Sparks
36 Alex Labbe-Can-Am/Wholey/Cyclops Gear
38 JJ Yeley-Superior Essex
39 Ryan Sieg-Mike D's BBQ
40 Chad Finchum-Smithbilt Homes
42 John Hunter Nemechek-Fire Alarm Systems
45 Josh Bilicki-Prevagen
51 Jeremy
52 David Starr-Circle Track Warehouse
55 Stephen Leicht-Jani-King
60 Chase Briscoe-Nutri Chomps
66 Timmy Hill-Chris Kyle Foundation
74 Mike Harmon-Shadow Warrior Project
76 Spencer Boyd-Grunt Style
78 BJ McLeod
89 Morgan Shepherd-Visone RV
90 Brandon Brown-W.G. Speeks
93 Jeff Green
submitted by bluegold4 to NASCAR [link] [comments]

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