Casino Azul Collection Tower Tequila 750ml ShopSK

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Casino Azul dispenser

Casino Azul dispenser submitted by BlackishDude to tequila [link] [comments]

Casino Azul Tequila Bottle Bong

Casino Azul Tequila Bottle Bong submitted by jmwhite312 to StonerEngineering [link] [comments]

Tequila Casino Azul Limited Edition

Tequila Casino Azul Limited Edition submitted by drfrankie_ to alcohol [link] [comments]

Casino Azul Premium Tequila

I am fairly new to tequila, but ever since I have started drinking I have eye-balled the monster that is Casino Azul Premium Tequila. I plan on buying it, but I would love to know if it is worth the buy or if it's all flash. Has anyone ever got one? Is it worth the price?
submitted by Hookerpiss to tequila [link] [comments]

Tequila Casino Azul (3 tier tequila dispenser)

Tequila Casino Azul (3 tier tequila dispenser) submitted by TheRealPhunctional to mildlyinteresting [link] [comments]

Finally got some display cabinets for the bottles I like looking at the most, plus gives me lots of storage so I can buy more now.

Finally got some display cabinets for the bottles I like looking at the most, plus gives me lots of storage so I can buy more now. submitted by mehboysi to liquor [link] [comments]

Mercado en 5 minutos

0:30 | Se viene el nuevo plan de estímulos
Luego de que Kamala Harris quebrara el empate, el Senado de Estados Unidos terminó con una votación de 51 a 50 para adoptar el plan de estímulos en el marco de la lucha contra los estragos que está causando el Covid-19 en la economía.
Esto sucedió luego de 15 horas de debate, y habilitaría los estímulos por USD 1,9 billones que quiere implementar el presidente estadounidense Joe Biden.
Dadas nuevas reglas presupuestarias especiales, los demócratas podrán elaborar un proyecto de ley de ayuda en las próximas semanas que puede aprobarse sin ningún voto republicano.
El presidente de Presupuesto de Estados Unidos, Bernie Sanders, dijo que este plan de estímulos significa que la ayuda está en camino para quienes están sufriendo un "colapso económico".
Continuó declarando que entiende el dolor que están experimentando los ciudadanos estadounidenses y se hará todo lo que esté al alcance del gobierno para ayudar a solventar el problema.
En su mayoría, los demócratas se mantuvieron unidos para rechazar las enmiendas republicanas, pero en algunos temas, los centristas del partido azul demostraron que no están dispuestos a complacer todos los deseos de Joe Biden.
El paquete de estímulos antes mencionado será clave en 2021, ya que fue esta inyección de liquidez lo que permitió en 2020 que los mercados subieran mientras la economía real caía en el mundo entero.
Así, la definición de la tendencia la dará este paquete de estímulos, y si habrá nuevos o no a lo largo del año. En caso de que luego del primer semestre los gobiernos decidan bajar el gasto fiscal, consecuentemente, bajarán los estímulos y ocurrirá una inevitable caída generalizada en el precio de las acciones.
Entonces, el mercado continuará subiendo mientras perduren los estímulos. En este sentido, habrá empresas que seguirán siendo beneficiadas durante la pandemia. Me refiero a empresas como Amazon y Facebook, que se mantendrán como las estrellas mientras continúen los lockdowns.
Sin embargo, estas podrían corregir en la segunda mitad del corriente año.
1:20 | Dos datos de empleo
Ayer, Diego Matianich habló acerca de cómo el mercado estadounidense continuaba subiendo con la tercera caída semanal consecutiva en las solicitudes de subsidios por desempleo.
Los datos de hoy no son tan buenos, pero tampoco malos.
La economía estadounidense reanudó la creación de más puestos de trabajo de los que perdió en enero, ya que la flexibilización del confinamiento y las medidas esperadas de estímulo fiscal de Washington aliviaron la presión sobre el mercado laboral. Sin embargo, el número de puestos de trabajo recuperados no alcanzó las expectativas de los analistas.
Estos fueron los principales resultados esperados del informe, en comparación con las estimaciones de consenso compiladas por los analistas de Bloomberg:
• Empleo no agrícola: 49.000 nuevos puestos frente a 50.000 esperados.
• Tasa de desempleo: 6,3% versus 6,7% esperado (en diciembre también había sido de 6,7%).
En enero, las industrias de viajes y restaurantes sufrieron una gran derrota al perder más puestos de trabajo, sumado a los ya perdidos en diciembre. Estos empleos referidos al ocio se redujeron a 61.000 puestos en enero.
Eso dejó a estas dos industrias con un déficit total de más de 4 millones de puestos de trabajo, lo que representa una parte importante de los casi 10 millones de empleos perdidos desde febrero de 2020.
Si bien este no es un dato alarmante, tampoco es positivo. Lo podemos tomar como una señal de alerta a seguir de cerca.
Evidentemente, la normalización de la economía en Estados Unidos no tiene fecha cierta.
Puedes protegerte de una eventual correción a mitad de año incorporando acciones de valor, oro y Treasurys a tu cartera.
2:35 | GameStop sube un 48%
La empresa más manipulada del año, como te contó Bruno Perinelli en una edición anterior de M5M, sube más de un 40% luego de haber avanzado 80% en la primera mitad de la jornada bursátil.
Esto sucede después de una semana de alta volatilidad en los mercados, mientras Robinhood había eliminado las posibilidades de trading sobre las acciones de esta compañía.
Ahora que las operaciones con las acciones de GME están permitidas nuevamente en la plataforma, los especuladores (no inversores) se hicieron eco de esto. La noticia llegó ayer por la noche y hoy la acción sube como un cohete a la luna.
Las acciones de GameStop han subido 1.500% desde la jugada de Reddit en enero, lo que le dio un valor de mercado de USD 30.000 millones a la compañía.
El precio de las acciones se desplomó 80% a principios de esta semana, cuando los especuladores vendieron su posición tras embolsar grandes ganancias.
Estos movimiento bruscos en base a especulaciones no aportan nada al mercado, lo convierten en un casino en el que no se toman en cuenta los balances de las empresas como argumento para la suba o baja de un activo.
Mi recomendación es que te mantengas alejado de estas acciones tan especulativas. Así como las ganancias pueden ser estratósfericas, las pérdidas en cuestión de horas también pueden ser calamitosas. Por Bruno Perinelli Líder de mercado tiene terreno para avanzar
Oracle provee aplicaciones, plataformas e infraestructura para las tecnologías de la información. Es la primera compañía de software que desarrolla toda su línea de productos enteramente por Internet: base de datos, aplicaciones comerciales, herramientas de desarrollo de aplicaciones y soporte de decisiones.
Oracle es el primer proveedor mundial en la administración de la información, por delante de su competidora Software AG.
Su condición de líder de mercado la consiguió a base de márgenes de ganancias muy superiores a los de su competencia. Actualmente, sus ganancias netas alcanzan el 25% de sus ventas, un porcentaje que está 28 puntos sobre el de sus pares.
Lleva 14 trimestres consecutivos presentando resultados superiores a los estimados, que desde junio de 2017 treparon desde los USD 0,70 por acción hasta USD 1,06 por acción.
Recientemente, los fondos Johnson Midwest Financial, Baron Financial, Kathmere Capital Management y Price Wealth aumentaron sus tenencias en la compañía porque estiman que habrá una mayor demanda por sus productos y servicios, a raíz de la recuperación económica global.
Su acción cotiza en el NYSE con el ticker ORCL.
Si analizamos su gráfico, podemos ver que ORCL rompió al alza la directriz que regía la corrección iniciada el 23 de diciembre. Y sin esta barrera por delante, la acción tiene el camino liberado para prolongar su tendencia alcista y avanzar hacia los USD 67-68,50.
Fundamentos, perspectivas y tendencia se unen para señalar que es un buen momento para tener a ORCL en cartera.
Buen fin de semana.
submitted by soldevil to Wallstreetbetsnew [link] [comments]

Mercado En 5 Minutos

0:30 | Se viene el nuevo plan de estímulos
Luego de que Kamala Harris quebrara el empate, el Senado de Estados Unidos terminó con una votación de 51 a 50 para adoptar el plan de estímulos en el marco de la lucha contra los estragos que está causando el Covid-19 en la economía.
Esto sucedió luego de 15 horas de debate, y habilitaría los estímulos por USD 1,9 billones que quiere implementar el presidente estadounidense Joe Biden.
Dadas nuevas reglas presupuestarias especiales, los demócratas podrán elaborar un proyecto de ley de ayuda en las próximas semanas que puede aprobarse sin ningún voto republicano.
El presidente de Presupuesto de Estados Unidos, Bernie Sanders, dijo que este plan de estímulos significa que la ayuda está en camino para quienes están sufriendo un "colapso económico".
Continuó declarando que entiende el dolor que están experimentando los ciudadanos estadounidenses y se hará todo lo que esté al alcance del gobierno para ayudar a solventar el problema.
En su mayoría, los demócratas se mantuvieron unidos para rechazar las enmiendas republicanas, pero en algunos temas, los centristas del partido azul demostraron que no están dispuestos a complacer todos los deseos de Joe Biden.
El paquete de estímulos antes mencionado será clave en 2021, ya que fue esta inyección de liquidez lo que permitió en 2020 que los mercados subieran mientras la economía real caía en el mundo entero.
Así, la definición de la tendencia la dará este paquete de estímulos, y si habrá nuevos o no a lo largo del año. En caso de que luego del primer semestre los gobiernos decidan bajar el gasto fiscal, consecuentemente, bajarán los estímulos y ocurrirá una inevitable caída generalizada en el precio de las acciones.
Entonces, el mercado continuará subiendo mientras perduren los estímulos. En este sentido, habrá empresas que seguirán siendo beneficiadas durante la pandemia. Me refiero a empresas como Amazon y Facebook, que se mantendrán como las estrellas mientras continúen los lockdowns.
Sin embargo, estas podrían corregir en la segunda mitad del corriente año.
1:20 | Dos datos de empleo
Ayer, Diego Matianich habló acerca de cómo el mercado estadounidense continuaba subiendo con la tercera caída semanal consecutiva en las solicitudes de subsidios por desempleo.
Los datos de hoy no son tan buenos, pero tampoco malos.
La economía estadounidense reanudó la creación de más puestos de trabajo de los que perdió en enero, ya que la flexibilización del confinamiento y las medidas esperadas de estímulo fiscal de Washington aliviaron la presión sobre el mercado laboral. Sin embargo, el número de puestos de trabajo recuperados no alcanzó las expectativas de los analistas.
Estos fueron los principales resultados esperados del informe, en comparación con las estimaciones de consenso compiladas por los analistas de Bloomberg:
• Empleo no agrícola: 49.000 nuevos puestos frente a 50.000 esperados.
• Tasa de desempleo: 6,3% versus 6,7% esperado (en diciembre también había sido de 6,7%).
En enero, las industrias de viajes y restaurantes sufrieron una gran derrota al perder más puestos de trabajo, sumado a los ya perdidos en diciembre. Estos empleos referidos al ocio se redujeron a 61.000 puestos en enero.
Eso dejó a estas dos industrias con un déficit total de más de 4 millones de puestos de trabajo, lo que representa una parte importante de los casi 10 millones de empleos perdidos desde febrero de 2020.
Si bien este no es un dato alarmante, tampoco es positivo. Lo podemos tomar como una señal de alerta a seguir de cerca.
Evidentemente, la normalización de la economía en Estados Unidos no tiene fecha cierta.
Puedes protegerte de una eventual correción a mitad de año incorporando acciones de valor, oro y Treasurys a tu cartera.
2:35 | GameStop sube un 48%
La empresa más manipulada del año, como te contó Bruno Perinelli en una edición anterior de M5M, sube más de un 40% luego de haber avanzado 80% en la primera mitad de la jornada bursátil.
Esto sucede después de una semana de alta volatilidad en los mercados, mientras Robinhood había eliminado las posibilidades de trading sobre las acciones de esta compañía.
Ahora que las operaciones con las acciones de GME están permitidas nuevamente en la plataforma, los especuladores (no inversores) se hicieron eco de esto. La noticia llegó ayer por la noche y hoy la acción sube como un cohete a la luna.
Las acciones de GameStop han subido 1.500% desde la jugada de Reddit en enero, lo que le dio un valor de mercado de USD 30.000 millones a la compañía.
El precio de las acciones se desplomó 80% a principios de esta semana, cuando los especuladores vendieron su posición tras embolsar grandes ganancias.
Estos movimiento bruscos en base a especulaciones no aportan nada al mercado, lo convierten en un casino en el que no se toman en cuenta los balances de las empresas como argumento para la suba o baja de un activo.
Mi recomendación es que te mantengas alejado de estas acciones tan especulativas. Así como las ganancias pueden ser estratósfericas, las pérdidas en cuestión de horas también pueden ser calamitosas. Por Bruno Perinelli Líder de mercado tiene terreno para avanzar
Oracle provee aplicaciones, plataformas e infraestructura para las tecnologías de la información. Es la primera compañía de software que desarrolla toda su línea de productos enteramente por Internet: base de datos, aplicaciones comerciales, herramientas de desarrollo de aplicaciones y soporte de decisiones.
Oracle es el primer proveedor mundial en la administración de la información, por delante de su competidora Software AG.
Su condición de líder de mercado la consiguió a base de márgenes de ganancias muy superiores a los de su competencia. Actualmente, sus ganancias netas alcanzan el 25% de sus ventas, un porcentaje que está 28 puntos sobre el de sus pares.
Lleva 14 trimestres consecutivos presentando resultados superiores a los estimados, que desde junio de 2017 treparon desde los USD 0,70 por acción hasta USD 1,06 por acción.
Recientemente, los fondos Johnson Midwest Financial, Baron Financial, Kathmere Capital Management y Price Wealth aumentaron sus tenencias en la compañía porque estiman que habrá una mayor demanda por sus productos y servicios, a raíz de la recuperación económica global.
Su acción cotiza en el NYSE con el ticker ORCL.
Si analizamos su gráfico, podemos ver que ORCL rompió al alza la directriz que regía la corrección iniciada el 23 de diciembre. Y sin esta barrera por delante, la acción tiene el camino liberado para prolongar su tendencia alcista y avanzar hacia los USD 67-68,50.
Fundamentos, perspectivas y tendencia se unen para señalar que es un buen momento para tener a ORCL en cartera.
Buen fin de semana.
submitted by soldevil to u/soldevil [link] [comments]


With the little balance I have left I'd like to invest in either MGM or AZUL - I was keeping an eye on them last week and lost the chance to buy Thursday's dips.
Which one would you recommend for a mid term investment (2-3 months hodl)?
Both seem quite volatile, and even though they belong in different industries their graphs have been moving in similar directions lately.
Also, should I wait until tomorrow to buy either? Some people say that the US market will follow China's market downtrend.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by imm_uol1819 to stocks [link] [comments]

[VENDO] PS4 PRO 1TB con 1 año PS plus y más de 100 juegos

la play en sí
Vendo PS4 Pro jet black 1TB IMPECABLE, la entrego con cable HDMI, Cable de energía, Cable de red, joystick original color azul (comprado hace 6 meses) stand logo Playstation impreso en 3D y otro joystick más que está roto y queda para repuesto.
Va con mi cuenta que incluye 12 meses ya pagos de Playstation plus y una violenta lista de juegos la cual voy a detallar al final. Todos los juegos son digitales.
Estoy en Boedo CABA. Puedo hacer publicación de ML y en cuotas pero obviamente aumenta el precio por la comisión.
Precio Rediturro: $51.999.-
Lista de juegos:
Assassins Creed The Ezio Collection Assassin's Creed Freedom Cry Assassins Creed IV Black Flag Assassin's Creed Sindicate Assassin's Creed Unity 3on3 FreeStyle (basquet ball) A Way Out Amplitude Another World - 20th Anniversary Edition Apex Leyends™ Batman: The Enemy Within BATMAN™: ARKHAM KNIGHT Battle Ages Battlefield 4™ Beyond: Two Souls™ BioShock Infinite: The Complete Edition BioShock: The Collection (BioShock 1 + BioShock 2) Borderlands: The Handsome Collection Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition Burly Men At Sea Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® Remastered Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® 2 Camping Remastered Call of Duty®: WWII Cities: Skylines Conan Exiles Crossfit Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition Darksiders III Dauntless DC Universe Online Dead by Daylight Dead Island - Definitive Edition DEAD OR ALIVE 5 Last Round Destiny 2 Detroit: Become Human™ Detroit: Become Human™ Digital Deluxe Soundtrack Deus Ex: Mankind Divided™ DiRT Rally 2.0 DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 Lite DRAGON QUEST BUILDERS 2 Dreadnought Dungeon Dedenders II eFootball PES 2020 Lite Erica F1™ 2017 Far Cry® 4 Farming Simulator 19 FIFA 17 FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn Firewall Zero Hour™ For Honor Fortnite Foul Play Four Kings Casino and Slots Game of Thrones Games of Glory Gauntlet™ Goat Simulator God of War® III Remastered Gran Turismo Sport Gran Turismo®SPORT Versión Beta Grow Home GUNS UP!™ Hardware: Rivals™ BETA HEAVY RAIN™ HELLDRIVERS™ Here They Lie™ HITMAN™ HORA de Aventuras: Finn Y Jake, Investigadores Horizon Chase Turbo Hustle Kings™ Hyper Void IGN inFAMOUS Second Son™ Journey Just Cause 3 Kill Strain™ Killing Floor 2 King's Quest Kung Fu Panda: Confrontación de Leyendas Legendarias Láser League LawBrakers Beta LET IT DIE LittleBigPlanet™3 Lords of the Fallen Los Sims™ 4 Mad Max Mafia III Marvel Heroes Omega Marvel's Avengers Beta Marvel's Spider-Man METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN Mirror's Edge™ Catalyst MLB® The Show™ 19 MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM BATTLE OPERATION 2 Monster Energy Supercross - The Oficial Videogame Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Monster Hunter :World Beta NBA LIVE 18 NEBULAREALMS NEED for Speed™ Neverwinter Nioh ONRUSH™ Orcs Must Fue! Unchained Outlast 2 Paragon Path of Exile Pinball Arcade PLAYERUNKNO WN'S BATTLEGROUND DS Pro Evolución Soccer 2016 myClub PUBG - Public Test Server Q.U.B.E: Director's Cut Ratchet & Clank™ Residen Evil 7 Teaser: Beginning Hour RESIDENT EVIL REVELATIONS 2 Rise of the Tomb Rider Roundabout Saints Row: Gat out of Hell Skyforge Sniper Elite 4 SOMA SONIC FORCES Sparkle 2 STEEP Strike Vector EX The Art of Detroit: Become Human ™ The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited The Evil Within The Last of Us™ Remastered The Order: 1886 The Surge The Walking Dead: Season 2 Thief Titanfall™ Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon® Breakpoint BETA Trackmania Turbo TRANSFORMERS: Devastation Tricky Towers Until Dawn™ War Thunder Warface Warframe WIPEOUT™ OMEGA COLLECTION World of Tanks XCOM2 YAKUZA KIWAMI 99Vidas Brawlhalla Call of Duty®: Black Ops Cold War - Alpha Call of Duty®: Black Ops III Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® - WARZONE Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy El Conocimiento es Poder Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout FiFA 20 Grand Theft Auto 3 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Grand Theft Auto V Happy Dungeons life Is Strange™ NBA 2K20 Need for Speed™ Payback Overcooked Pinball FX3 Q*bert: Rebooted Rocket League Rogue Company SHADOW OF THE COLOSSUS Sonic Mania STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ II STREET FIGHTER V Trials Fusion™ Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection™ Vampyr What Remains of Edith Finch Worms Battlegrounds Zen Pinball 2
submitted by Das-Mortal to Mercadoreddit [link] [comments]

Lista de ideas de brawl stars



aquí están mis ideas de star powers y gadgets para brawl stars, no todos son inventados por mi, si alguien quiere hacer algún video o algo así, no tiene que pedirme permiso, dejar ideas en comentarios lo nuevo estara puesto asi ire usando este post como una lista online de ideas


empuje final = la super de shelly empuja hasta el final de su super
ultra perdigones = la próxima super de shelly tiene un aumento de amplitud y alcance del 10%


hijo de la manada = cuando el oso de nita muere, deja uno más pequeño, el cual hace 10 de daño y tiene 500 de vida (no es compatible con gadgets)
oso veloz = la velocidad de el oso de nita aumenta un 25%
zarpazo espiral = el oso de nita hace un ataque en espiral (como el gadget de mortis) que quita 1500 de daño


doble rafaga = la velocidad de carga de colt disminuye un 40% pero dispara dos rafagas de balas una a la derecha y otra a la izquierda
chaleco protector = los primeros 2000 de daño de colt son protegidos por su chaleco el cual es renovado cuando reaparece
cuerpo a tierra = colt salta hacia delante pero al saltar cae al suelo teniéndose que levantar


hombre de hierro = bull pierde todos sus efectos(veneno, ralentización,) tanto positivos como negativos
freno de mano = mientras bull usa su super puede atacar y cancelarla y este ataque tendrá un aumento de daño del 10%
quítate del medio = bull hace una pequeña carga hacia delante la cual empuja como la super


triple acción = ahora jessie puede poner tres torretas pero estas tienen un 40% menos de vida y de daño
plasma curativo = el básico de jessie, puede rebotar en los aliados, curandolos 150
electrozap = los básicos de jessie ahora electrocutan, haciendo 10 de daño por segundos durante 2 segundos
rebote asegurado = el próximo básico de jessie rebotara aunque no de a ningun enemigo
torreta 360º = jessie pone una torreta la cual dispara en 360º (como el gadget de darryl, pero todo el rato y gira mas lento) estas balas hacen 100 de daño y tiene 1000 de vida (sinergia con star powers)


cohetes serpentina = los cohetes de brock dejan un rastro de fuego el cual hace 500 de daño si lo pisas
misil volador = el próximo básico de brock es lanzado hacia arriba (como barley) (tiene sinergia con la primera y tercera star power) (no rompe paredes)
(sinergia es el término de cuando dos cosas combinan, especialmente si lo hacen muy bien)


menos mecha = los básicos y super de dynamique explotan un 10% más rápido
bomba mortal = cuando dynamique muere con su super cargada, esta se activara automaticamente
dynamina = dynamique entierra una dinamita en el suelo la cual explota cuando alguien pasa por encima(como las minas de bo) haciendo 1000 de daño


minas rápidas = las minas de bo se activan un 10% antes


aumento de cuerda = las minas de tick tardan 3 segundos en explotar
muerte por muerte = si tick muere en los próximos 5 segundos , su cabeza se activará como su super


daño extra = la super de 8-bit aumenta el daño un 10% más de lo normal
maquina expendedora = 8-bit crea un batido el cual aumenta el daño y la velocidad un 15%
reproductor portatil = 8-bit empieza a reproducir música durante 5 segundos, lo cual hace que los brawlers cercanos no puedan atacar (rango como la super de max)


nuevo modelo = el básico de emz se mueve de manera regular(en vez de avanzar y quedarse quieto , se mueve de manera regular)
spray toxico = el próximo básico de emz envenena el cual hace 100 de daño por segundo durante 5 segundos


puños grandes = el ataque del primo recibe un cambio el cual aumenta la amplitud del final del básico
(como la beta)
super salto = el primo salta hacia delante, cayendo con el puño hacia delante haciendo 500 de daño


subidon de azucar = cuando barley usa su super bebe de las botellas y le da un subidón que aumenta su velocidad un 20% durante 10 segundos
formula secreta = el próximo básico de barley tiene un aumento del daño de 200 y un aumento del rango del 10%


resurrección = si poco tiene su super al morir, la usará automáticamente reviviendo con 2000 de vida
melodia protectora = los basicos dan a los aliados un escudo del 5% y la super del 25%
cultivo de hongos = poco usa un hueso como abono para crear una zona con hongos
la cual cura 500 por segundo durante 10 segundos


super arbustos = cuando rosa está en un arbusto, se le recarga la super (como el tótem de bo, pero un 50% más lento)
vegetación = rosa crea un escudo a ella y a sus compañeros cercanos del 30%


pelotas de goma = el alcance de las balas de rico aumentan un mas 10% por cada rebote (básico y super)
balas de colores = el próximo básico de rico dispara bolas de colores las cuales tienen diferentes efectos (rojo=+200 daño, azul=+10% alcanze, verde=veneno, amarillo=ilumina)
(ilumina, efecto que si es sufrido, eres visto mientras estás en los arbustos)
canicas trampa = rico deja canicas suyas por todo el suelo las cuales hacen un efecto resbaladizo como si fuera hielo


disparos rodantes = mientras darryl usa su super, va disparando por sus laterales
camuflaje = darryl se camufla como un barril , esta acción se cancela si es golpeado, si se mueve , si ataca o después de 15 segundos, se puede curar mientras esta transformado
rodamiento = darryl empieza a rodar, mientras tanto, puede ser controlado y aumenta su velocidad un 10% durante 10 segundos (tiene sinergia con sus star powers)


más oro = ahora penny tira cuatro monedas las cuales aumentan la amplitud del básico
oro puro = las monedas de penny ahora hacen 1000 más de daño
sorpresa = penny tira una bolsa hacia el suelo, por lo que crea una onda de monedas
que hace 500 de daño en todas las direcciones


pico minero = carl puede romper paredes con su super pero al hacerlo, pierde 0,1 segundo de su super
lanzamiento curvo = carl tanza su pico un poco curvo lo cual hace que aumente su radio de ataque
carrito escudo = carl le da la vuelta a su carrito de mina , lo cual le da un escudo del 70% durante 5 segundos, mientras lo usa no puede atacar


aumento del neumático = el rango del ataque de jacky aumenta un 15%
ajuste del casco = jacky se ajusta el casco, lo cual le da un escudo del 30%


aumento de granadas = la super de pipper ahora usa 5 granadas
granada voladora = el próximo básico de pipper lanza una granada, la cual puede ser lanzada a través de muros (como barley) la cual rompe paredes y hace 1500 de daño (y empuja)
tiro inverso = el próximo básico de pipper funciona al revés, es decir, cuanto mas cerca esta, mas daño hace


sabanas de madre = el radio de la torreta de pam aumenta un 15% (afecta al gadget)
chatarrilla = pam pone una mini torreta la cual tiene 1000 de vida y cura 10 de vida por segundo


movimiento rápido = frank tarda un 20% menos en usar su super y básicos
super martillazo = el próximo básico de frank stunea 0,3 segundos


ultimate knockdown = todos los básicos de bibi empujan pero un 75% menos
ultra pegajoso = el chicle de bibi ralentiza 0,5 segundos
chicle de fresa = bibi se pone a mascar chicle , lo cual hace que se le cargue la super
pasta pegajosa = bibi escupe al enemigo más cercano, lo cual lo stunea 1 segundo
burbuja escudo = bibi hace una pompa de chicle, lo cual le da un escudo del 10% (sinergia con 2 star power)
home run = si bibi es atacada en 5 segundos, hara un batazo rapido y devolvera el ataque


deliciosa miel = cada vez que bea ataca, se cura 150 por abeja normal y 450 por abeja grande
abejas voladoras = bea llama a sus abejas, las cuales la hacen saltar a través de paredes (un poco más que brock y el proceso más lento)


derrape magistral = las curvas que hace beep al girar son un 30% más cerradas
explosion = si nani pulsa el botón de atacar, beep explotara automáticamente
aumento de rendimiento = el básico de nani ahora usa 4 esferas
piloto automatico = beep empieza a seguir al enemigo más cercano y deja de ser controlado por nani


stars powers
pala protectora = cada vez que mortis ataca, se le activa un escudo de 0,5 segundos, que lo protege del 25%
escudo curador = los murciélagos de mortis lo recubren, lo cual hace que se cure 500 por segundo durante 5 segundos si alguien está cerca


partida de poker = ahora tara ataca con 4 cartas lo cual aumenta su amplitud un 10%
suelo de casino = tara deja cartas clavadas en el suelo, alrededor de donde esta, las cuales ralentizan y hacen 100 de daño por segundo durante 5 segundos


mano aliada = ahora el genio puede atraer a aliados, lo cual solo gasta la mitad de su super
chocala = la próxima super del genio empuja a los enemigos (y los aliados con la tercera star power) (no rompe paredes)


ingrediente secreto = la super de max ahora produce un aumento del daño de 10%
mientras tiene su velocidad
derrame = max esparce su bebida por todo el suelo, lo cual crea un radio en el que ella y los aliados, si lo pisan, aumenta su velocidad, este se evapora después de 5 segundos (radio parecido al de pam)
pirueta = max encadena una serie de piruetas hacia delante, con las cuales puede saltar paredes y moverse más rápido durante 3 segundos


stars powers
maleta de viaje = cuando la maleta se abre, llega un 25% más lejos, y su rango aumenta un 50%
maleta trampolín = mr.p pone una maleta en el suelo, la cual lo hace saltar hacia delante (es literalmente como el trampolín de gale,solo que se destruye después de usarse)


semilla germinante = si en básico de sprout da al enemigo nada más caer hace 20% mas de daño
circulo seguro = sprout crea unas paredes alrededor suya (a tres cubitos, justo cuando dejas de ver en los arbustos)


daño de espinas = si alguien esta cerca de spike recibe 1000 de daño por segundo (el radio es un poco más pequeño que el tótem de bo, como la primera star power de jacky)
con extra de espinas = el próximo básico de spike tira 8 espinas en vez de 6
(sinergia con segunda star power)


efecto duradero = el veneno dura 2 segundos mas de lo normal
veneno contagioso = si un aliado envenenado se acerca a un aliado este es envenenado también
salto venenoso = crow salta hacia delante y antes de caer lanza una zona de plumas la cual hace 500 de daño y envenena (como el gadget de brock, pero hace el daño donde cae y envenena) (sinergia con star powers)


paso sigiloso = mientras león usa su super tiene que estar un 50% más cerca de lo normal para ser visto
sigilo invisible = león se vuelve invisible y, aunque estes cerca, no te ven, este efecto solo dura 5 segundos


tormenta cegadora = cuando un enemigo entra en la tormenta de arena, se le reduce su campo de visión un 5%
sonámbulo = si sandy está quieto, se empieza a curar 150 de vida por segundo
bostezo contagioso = sandy bosteza, ralentiza a los enemigos cercanos durante 5 segundos (radio parecido al tótem de bo)


nieve pegajosa = cuando la super de gale impacta a un enemigo, se le reduce el campo de visión un 10% durante 2.5 segundos
bola de nieve = gale lanza hacia el enemigo más cercano una bola de nieve la cual ralentiza 2.5 segundos y puede ser lanzada por encima de paredes
(radio parecido al tótem de bo)


energía canalizada = surge recarga su super un 25% más rápido
aprovechando al máximo = el próximo básico de surge lanza 20 splash en vez de 6, solo puede usarse en la última mejora (explota siempre)


daño extra = colette añade 200 de daño a todos sus básicos
solo un billete = la próxima super de colette solo hace un viaje de ida
english version making in the coments by me pls like to be in the top comment
submitted by dani_videosboy to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

Saw this beast at the liquor store in Sedona, AZ for $180. Seemed like a gimmick but still cool looking

Saw this beast at the liquor store in Sedona, AZ for $180. Seemed like a gimmick but still cool looking submitted by tequila_shane to tequila [link] [comments]

The COMPLETE Year-By-Year Jamiroquai Tour History META | Year #19-#20: 2010-2011

Hello Jamiroquai!
This is the thirteenth META post for a new expansive series I have been wanting to do for some time for the subreddit, "The COMPLETE Year-By-Year Jamiroquai Tour History META'! This information will be eventually added to the Jamiroquai WIKI Page in it's entirety in the future but for the time being, it will be a recurring post series.
All of this information is being imparted to us from the Funkin Site fansite, massive thanks to my pal David Rowe for collecting all this important tour information during the nearly past +30 years of the band history, I hope everyone in the Reddit Jamily enjoys this & MUCH MORE TO COME! Cheers Reddit Jamily!


The COMPLETE Year-By-Year Jamiroquai Tour History META | Year #19-#20: 2010-2011:


Date Of Gig Country Concert & Additional Info
24 Jun 10 (Thu) UK, London, Debut London Performed: Revolution, When You Gonna Learn, If I Like It I Do It, Light Years, Virtual Insanity, Too Young To Die, Little L, Alright, Hooked Up, Corner Of The Earth, Space Cowboy, Cosmic Girl, Rock Dust Light Star, Love Foolosophy, Just Another Story, Deeper Underground. Exclusive 'warm-up' gig two days prior to the band supporting Stevie Wonder at the Hard Rock Calling event in London's Hyde Park.
26 Jun 10 (Sat) UK, London, Hyde Park, Hard Rock Calling Performed: Revolution, When You Gonna Learn, If I Like It I Do It, Virtual Insanity, Too Young To Die, Little L, Alright, Hooked Up, Space Cowboy, Love Foolosophy, Deeper Underground. Jamiroquai are one of the support acts for Stevie Wonder, who headlines the second day of this three day festival in central London.
02 Jul 10 (Fri) France, Arras, Main Square Festival Performed: Revolution 1993, When You Gonna Learn, If I Like It I Do It, Light Years, Cosmic Girl, Black Capricorn Day, Little L, Alright, Love Foolosophy, Deeper Underground
11 Jul 10 (Sun) Hungary, Zamardi, Balaton Sound Festival Performed: Revolution 1993, High Times, If I Like It I Do It, Virtual Insanity, Light Years, Little L, Alright, Hooked Up, Corner Of The Earth, Space Cowboy, Cosmic Girl, Rock Dust Light Star, Love Foolosophy, Canned Heat, Deeper Underground
14 Jul 10 (Wed) Switzerland, Locarno, Moon and Stars Festival Performed: Revolution, High Times, If I Like It I Do It, Virtual Insanity, Light Years, Little L, Alright, Hooked Up, When You Gonna Learn, Blow Your Mind, Space Cowboy, Cosmic Girl, Rock Dust Light Star, Love Foolosophy, Canned Heat, Deeper Underground
16 Jul 10 (Fri) Italy, Naples, Neapolis Festival Performed: Revolution, High Times, If I like It I Do It, Virtual Insanity, Light Years, Little L, Alright, Blow Your Mind, When You Gonna Learn, Hooked Up, Space Cowboy, Cosmic Girl, Rock Dust Light Star, Canned Heat, Love Foolosophy, Deeper Underground
18 Jul 10 (Sun) France, Carhaix, Festival des Vieilles Charrues Performed: Revolution, High Times, If I Like It I Do It, Virtual Insanity, Light Years, Little L, Alright, Black Capricorn Day, When You Gonna Learn, Space Cowboy, Cosmic Girl, Love Foolosophy, Canned Heat, Deeper Underground
19 Jul 10 (Mon) France, Carcassonne, Grand Theatre Performed: Revolution, High Times, If I Like It I Do It, Virtual Insanity, Light Years, Little L, Alright, Hooked Up, When You Gonna Learn, Space Cowboy, Cosmic Girl, Love Foolosophy, Canned Heat, Deeper Underground
21 Jul 10 (Wed) France, Nimes, Nimes Arena Performed: Revolution, When You Gonna Learn, If I Like It I Do It, Light Years, Little L, Cosmic Girl, Alright, Virtual Insanity, Rock Dust Light Star, Too Young To Die, Space Cowboy, Canned Heat, Deeper Underground
23 Jul 10 (Fri) Switzerland, Paleo Festival Performed: Revolution, High Times, If I Like It I Do It, Virtual Insanity, Light Years, Little L, Alright, Hooked Up, When You Gonna Learn, Just Another Story, Space Cowboy, Cosmic Girl, Rock Dust Light Star, Love Foolosophy, Canned Heat, Deeper Underground
24 Jul 10 (Sat) Austria, Vienna, Nova Jazz Festival No Info
26 Jul 10 (Mon) Monaco, Monte Carlo, Sporting Club Performed: Blow Your Mind, High Times, If I Like It I Do It, Virtual Insanity, Light Years, Little L, Alright, Hooked Up, When You Gonna Learn, Black Capricorn Day, Space Cowboy, Cosmic Girl, Love Foolosophy, Canned Heat, Deeper Underground
27 Jul 10 (Tue) Monaco, Monte Carlo, Sporting Club Performed: You Give Me Something, High Times, If I Like It I Do It, Virtual Insanity, Light Years, Little L, Alright, Hooked Up/Just Another Story, When You Gonna Learn, Black Capricorn Day, Space Cowboy, Cosmic Girl, Rock Dust Light Star, Love Foolosophy, Canned Heat, Deeper Underground. This is the second of two gigs at the Monte Carlo Sporting Club.
29 Jul 10 (Thu) Belgium, Tienen, Suikerrock Festival Performed: Revolution, High Times, If I Like It I Do It, Virtual Insanity, Light Years, You Give Me Something, Little L, Alright, Black Capricorn Day, When You Gonna Learn, Space Cowboy, Cosmic Girl, Love Foolosophy, Canned Heat, Deeper Underground
06 Aug 10 (Fri) Portugal, Sudoeste Festival No Info
09 Sep 10 (Thu) UK, London (Knightsbridge), Mandarin Oriental Hotel Performed: Love Foolosophy, Smokin Mirrors, LifeLine, Hurtin, Rock Dust Light Star, Blue Skies, White Knuckle Ride. Exclusive press/record-company 'showcase' gig to promote the album Rock Dust Light Star.
28 Sep 10 (Tue) UK, London, BBC Television Studios, Later with Jools Holland (tv) (broadcast date) Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, Blue Skies, Deeper Underground
09 Oct 10 (Sat) Colombia, Bogota, Nem Catacoa Festival No Info
12 Oct 10 (Tue) Brazil, Programa do Jo (tv) (broadcast date) Performed: White Knuckle Ride, Love Foolosophy. Paul Turner did not perform with the band for this television appearance. His place was taken by Dale Davis.
16 Oct 10 (Sat) Brazil, Sao Paulo, Natura Nos Festival Performed: Revolution, High Times, If I Like It I Do It, Virtual Insanity, Rock Dust Light Star, Little L, Alright, White Knuckle Ride, Black Capricorn Day, When You Gonna Learn, Cosmic Girl, Blue Skies, Love Foolosophy, Rock Dust Light Star (second version), Canned Heat, Deeper Underground
20 Oct 10 (Wed) UK, London (Kentish Town), Forum Performed: Revolution, High Times, Rock Dust Light Star, Little L, Alright, Corner of the Earth, White Knuckle Ride, Black Capricorn Day, Cosmic Girl, Blue Skies, Love Foolosophy, Hurtin', Canned Heat, Deeper Underground. This concert is one of a series of concerts as part of the 'Q Awards 2010.'
22 Oct 10 (Fri) Switzerland, Basel, Festival Hall, AVO Session Basel Performed: Revolution, Rock Dust Light Star, Little L, Alright, Cosmic Girl, Black Capricorn Day, Blue Skies, Love Foolosophy, Canned Heat
28 Oct 10 (Thu) Netherlands, Amsterdam, De Wereld Draait Door (tv) Performed: Blue Skies (acoustic)
29 Oct 10 (Fri) Netherlands, Amsterdam, Paradiso Performed: Revolution, High Times, Little L, Alright (slow version), Hurting, Smoke and Mirrors, Black Capricorn Day, Rock Dust Light Star (acoustic), All Good In The Hood, Love Foolosophy, Cosmic Girl, Deeper Underground
31 Oct 10 (Sun) UK, London (Wembley), The Fountain Studios, The X Factor (tv) Performed: White Knuckle Ride. After performing Jay said he had 'reservations before appearing on the show' - and I'm sure the female judges did too after reading the 'quotes' that were printed from Jay in the Sun newspaper (UK) the previous day!
02 Nov 10 (Tue) Italy, The X Factor (tv) Performed: White Knuckle Ride
04 Nov 10 (Thu) UK, London, AIR Studios, BBC Radio 2 In Concert Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, High Times, Smoke & Mirrors, Little L, Alright, All Good In The Hood, Love Foolosophy, She's A Fast Persuader, Blue Skies, Deeper Underground. 100 pairs of free tickets to this concert were given away by BBC Radio Two (UK). Concert broadcast on BBC Radio Two.
05 Nov 10 (Fri) UK, London (Camden Town), Jazz Cafe Performed: Revolution, High Times, Smoke and Mirrors, Hurtin', All Good In The Hood, Little L, Alright, Love Foolosophy, She's A Fast Persuader, Rock Dust Light Star, Blue Skies, White Knuckle Ride, Cosmic Girl, Deeper Underground. This gig was for winners of a competition organised by HMV.
09 Nov 10 (Tue) Switzerland, Zurich, Kaufleuten Tickets can be won via the website. This is a small 'showcase' gig.
15 Nov 10 (Mon) France,Paris, L'Arc Performed: Rock Light Dust Star, Smoke & Mirrors, All Good In The Hood, Hurtin', She's A Fast Persuader, Alright, White Knuckle Ride, Love Foolosophy, Deeper Underground. This is a private album launch gig promoted by Virgin Radio in France.
15 Nov 10 (Mon) France, Paris, Grand Journal de Canal+ (tv) Performed: White Knuckle Ride, Love Foolosophy, Rock Dust Light Star
20 Nov 10 (Sat) Australia, Sydney (Point Piper), Take 40 Australia Party Performed: Hurtin', Cosmic Girl, All Good In The Hood, She's A Fast Persuader, Alright, Love Foolosophy, Deeper Underground. An exclusive mansion house was rented in Point Piper to host the Take 40 Australia/Singstar party. The band performed outside in the garden on a stage built on top of a swimming pool!
21 Nov 10 (Sun) Australia, Sydney, The X Factor (tv) Performed: Canned Heat. The band performed Canned Heat and Jay sung alongside X-Factor finalist Sally Chatfield.
22 Nov 10 (Mon) Australia, Sydney, The X Factor (tv) Performed: White Knuckle Ride
24 Nov 10 (Wed) Japan, Tokyo, Refreshing (tv) Performed: White Knuckle Ride
24 Nov 10 (Wed) Japan, Tokyo (Shinjuku) Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, White Knuckle Ride. The band performed a short set on a stage set up outside on the streets of Tokyo for the launch of the Azul by Moussy store in Shinjuku. This performance was not officially announced or confirmed, but word spread round and the streets were full of people. Shortly before the band came on stage guitarist Rob Harris tweeted 'About to perform I Shinjuku. Closing down a street, pandemonium.'
28 Nov 10 (Sun) Germany, Stuttgart, Zapata Performed: Cosmic Girl, Rock Dust Light Star, Smokin Mirrors, Alright, All Good In The Hood, Hurtin', Lifeline, She's A Fast Persuader, Blue Skies, White Knuckle Ride, Love Foolosophy, Deeper Underground
11 Dec 10 (Sat) Norway, Oslo, Spektrum Arena, Nobel Peace Prize Concert Performed: Canned Heat, Lifeline, Virtual Insanity. Following the concert the band performed an impromptu two hour gig at the hotel they were staying at!


Date Of Gig Country Concert & Additional Info
21 Jan 11 (Fri) UK, London, Alan Carr Show (tv) (recording date) Performed: Lifeline. The show was broadcast on UK television three days after filming.
28 Jan 11 (Fri) UK, The Sun Sessions (recording date) Recording of a live 'session' for The Sun newspaper website.
30 Jan 11 (Sun) UK, London, Comedy Rocks (recording date) Performed: Lifeline, All Good In The Hood, (and a few little snippets of songs to introduce acts and go in/out of commercial breaks). Jamiroquai are the 'house band' on this ITV comedy television show. The show was recorded on 30 January.
07 Feb 11 (Mon) France, Paris, Taratata (tv) (recording date) Performed: Deeper Underground, Rock Dust Light Star, California Soul (by Marlena Shaw), White Knuckle Ride
07 Mar 11 (Mon) France, Paris, L'Olympia The band performed a set lasting around 45 minutes at a private show as part of a 15 year celebration of fashion label Paul & Joe during Paris Fashion Week.
18 Mar 11 (Fri) Switzerland, Zurich, Hallenstadion Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, Main Vein, Cosmic Girl, All Good In The Hood, Use The Force, Hang It Over, When You Gonna Learn, Blue Skies, Virtual Insanity, Smoke n Mirrors, Little L, Canned Heat, Deeper Underground, Love Foolosophy, Travelling Without Moving, Scam, Hey Floyd, Alright, White Knuckle Ride, Feels Just Like It Should
21 Mar 11 (Mon) Germany, Hamburg, O2 World Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, Main Vain, Cosmic Girl, All Good In The Hood, Use The Force, Hang It Over, When You Gonna Learn, Angeline, Little L, Canned Heat, Deeper Underground, Love Foolosophy, Travelling Without Moving, Scam, Hey Floyd, Alright, White Knuckle Ride, Feels Just Like It Should
23 Mar 11 (Wed) France, Paris, Bercy Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, Main Vein, Cosmic Girl, Smoke & Mirrors, Use the Force, Hang it Over, You Give Me Something, She's a Fast Persuader, Little L, Canned Heat, Deeper Underground, Love Foolosophy, Travelling Without Moving, (Scam Break), All Good in the Hood, Alright, White Knuckle Ride, Feels Just Like It Should
24 Mar 11 (Thu) France, CANCELLED: Lyon, Halle Toni Garnier On the afternoon of the concert the following message was posted at the Jamiroquai facebook page: Due to a tragic accident at the Halle Toni Garnier Arena, the gig at Lyon on 24th March (tonight) is regrettably cancelled. The band were shocked and saddened when told the news, and out of respect immediately felt the right decision was to cancel the show. A police investigation is taking place which would also have prevented the show from happening. We know how disappointed fans will feel, but can only say at this point, the gig will be re-arranged and we will have news of the revised date as soon as possible.
26 Mar 11 (Sat) Germany, Munich, Olympiahalle Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, Main Vein, Cosmic Girl, All Good In The Hood, Use The Force, You Give Me Something, Hurtin', Little L, Canned Heat, Deeper Underground, Love Foolosophy, Travelling Without Moving, Hey Floyd, Feels Just Like It Should, Alright, White Knuckle Ride
28 Mar 11 (Mon) Austria, Vienna, Stadthalle No Info
30 Mar 11 (Wed) Italy, Milan, Forum Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, Main Vein, Cosmic Girl, Smoke and Mirrors, Use the Force, You Give Me Something, Hurtin, Little L, Canned Heat, Deeper Underground, Feels Just Like It Should, Love Foolosophy, Travelling Without Moving, All Good in the Hood, Alright, White Knuckle Ride, When You Gonna Learn
31 Mar 11 (Thu) Italy, Mantua, Palabam Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, Main Vein, Cosmic Girl, Smoke & Mirrors, Use the Force, ‎You Give Me Something, Hurtin', Little L, Canned Heat, Deeper Underground, Love Foolosophy, Use the Force, All Good in the Hood, Alright, White Knucle Ride
02 Apr 11 (Sat) Italy, Turin, Pala Olympico Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, Main Vein, Cosmic Girl, Smoke & Mirrors, Use The Force, You Give Me Something, Space Cowboy, Little L, Canned Heat, Deeper Underground, Love Foolosophy, Travelling Without Moving, All Good in the Hood, Alright, White Knuckle Ride
03 Apr 11 (Sun) Italy, Florence, Mandela Forum Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, Main Vein, Cosmic Girl, Smoke & Mirror, Use the Force, You Give Me Something, Hurtin', She's a Fast Persuader, Little L, Canned Heat, Deeper Underground, Love Foolosophy, ‎Travelling Without Moving, All Good in the Hood, Alright, White Knuckle Ride
05 Apr 11 (Tue) Luxembourg, Rockhal Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, Main Vein, Cosmic Girl, Smoke & Mirrors, You Give Me Something, Hurtin', Little L, Canned Heat, Deeper Underground, Love Foolosophy, Space cowboy, Travelling Without Moving, Scam, All Good In The Hood, Alright, White Knuckle Ride
06 Apr 11 (Wed) Germany, Stuttgart, Porsche Arena No Info
08 Apr 11 (Fri) Germany, Berlin, O2 World No Info
10 Apr 11 (Sun) Belgium, Brussels, Vorst Nationaal No Info
12 Apr 11 (Tue) Germany, CANCELLED: Oberhausen, Konig Pilsener Arena On the day of the concert posted the following message "Unfortunately owing to illness tonights Jamiroquai concert in Oberhausen has had to be cancelled. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and will advise of the rescheduled date for the concert as soon as we can."
13 Apr 11 (Wed) Netherlands, Rotterdam, Ahoy Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, Main Vein, Cosmic Girl, Smoke & Mirrors, You Give Me Something, Hurtin', Little L, Canned Heat, Deeper Underground, Space Cowboy, Love Foolosophy, Travelling Without Moving, All Good In The Hood, Alright, White Knuckle Ride
15 Apr 11 (Fri) UK, London (Greenwich), O2 Arena No Info
17 Apr 11 (Sun) UK, Birmingham, LG Arena No Info
19 Apr 11 (Tue) UK, Manchester, MEN Arena No Info
20 Apr 11 (Wed) UK, Glasgow, Glasgow SECC No Info
29 Apr 11 (Fri) Chile, Santiago, Movistar Arena No Info
18 May 11 (Wed) France, Cannes, Hotel Martinez Private gig during the Cannes Film Festival organised by clothing label Replay.
20 May 11 (Fri) Argentina, Buenos Aires, Quilmes Rock Festival Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, Main Vein, Cosmic Girl, You Give Me Something, Lifeline, Little L, Canned Heat, Space Cowboy, Feels Just Like It Should, Love Foolosophy, Corner Of The Earth, Travelling Without Moving, Alright, Deeper Underground, White Knuckle Ride
31 May 11 (Tue) France, Paris, Casino de Paris Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, Little L, Canned Heat, Love Foolosophy, Travelling Without Moving, Scam Intro, All Good In The Hood, Alright, Deeper Underground, White Knuckle Ride, Cosmic Girl. Private concert organised by Pression Live.
08 Jun 11 (Wed) Estonia, Tallin, Saku Arena No Info
10 Jun 11 (Fri) Russia, Saint Petersburg, Ice Palace No Info
12 Jun 11 (Sun) Russia, Moscow, Crokus City Hall No Info
14 Jun 11 (Tue) Ukraine, Kiev, Palace Of Sports No Info
18 Jun 11 (Sat) Poland, Warsaw, Orange Festival No Info
21 Jun 11 (Tue) Croatia, Zagreb, T-Mobile Festival No Info
24 Jun 11 (Fri) Bulgaria, CANCELLED: Razlog, Elevation Festival Jamiroquai cancelled their appearance at this festival because of an injury to Jay Kay's ankle.
26 Jun 11 (Sun) Turkey, CANCELLED: Istanbul, Kurucesme Arena Jamiroquai cancelled their appearance at this festival because of an injury to Jay Kay's ankle.
02 Jul 11 (Sat) Romania, Mamaia, Orange Summer Party No Info
03 Jul 11 (Sun) Former Yugoslavic Republic Of Macedonia, Skopje, Philip-II-Arena No Info
09 Jul 11 (Sat) Serbia, Novi Sad, Exit Festival No Info
13 Jul 11 (Wed) Germany, CANCELLED: Straubing, Jazz Donau The concert was unfortunately cancelled on 12 July.
14 Jul 11 (Thu) Germany, CANCELLED: Mainz, Zollhafen Nordmole The concert was unfortunately cancelled on 12 July.
16 Jul 11 (Sat) Switzerland, Bern, Gurten Festival No Info
17 Jul 11 (Sun) Germany, Ulm, Radio Festival No Info
19 Jul 11 (Tue) France, Arcachon, Velodrome No Info
21 Jul 11 (Thu) Italy, Padova, Piazzola Sul Brenta No Info
22 Jul 11 (Fri) Italy, Rome, Ippodromo Delle Capannelle No Info
24 Jul 11 (Sun) Italy, Lucca, Piazza Napoleone No Info
26 Jul 11 (Tue) France, CANCELLED: Bayonne, Arena This concert was cancelled at the very last minute and the following statement was made the following day. Jay Kay would like to apologise to disappointed fans for the cancellation of last night's show in France. Jay's on-going groin injury has been diagnosed as a hernia which will be need to be operated on later in the summer. Following an MRI scan last week specialists had advised rest but Jay has insisted he wants to try to finish the current run of dates. Doctors have said that provided he manages the pain sufficiently he can continue performing if he feels able. During the course of the past two days the pain flared up again and yesterday he reluctantly decided he did not feel he well enough to perform last night. After two days rest he is hopeful he will be able to complete the remaining 4 shows of the current run, including Toulon tomorrow night. Jay said "I would like to thank fans for their understanding, this is a very frustrating injury and some days the pain is just too extreme to perform to a standard I believe is acceptable. I promise I will do my best to come back out again soon when I'm fully fit and am optimistic I'll be able to pull off the remaining shows of the run."
28 Jul 11 (Thu) France, Nice, Palais Nikaia No Info
29 Jul 11 (Fri) France, Toulon, Six Four Festival Performed: Black Capricorn Day, Main Vein, Cosmic Girl, High Times, Morning Glory, Little L, Canned Heat, All Good In The Hood, Hey Floyd, Feels Just Like It Should, Love Foolosophy, Travelling Without Moving, Scam, Alright, Deeper Underground, White Knuckle Ride
31 Jul 11 (Sun) Spain, Barcelona, Poble Espanyol No Info
03 Aug 11 (Wed) Spain, Malaga (Auditorium Municipal) No Info
07 Aug 11 (Sun) Ibiza Privilege Club No Info
05 Sep 11 (Mon) Turkey, Istanbul, Kurucesme Arena Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, Main Vein, Cosmic Girl, High Times, Little L, Morning Glory (Intro), Canned Heat, All Good In The Hood, Hey Floyd, Feels Just Like It Should, Love Foolosophy, Use The Force (Interlude), Travelling Without Moving, Scam (Break), Alright, Deeper Underground, White Knuckle Ride
09 Sep 11 (Fri) Italy, Monza, Stadio Brianteo, F1 Rocks Event organised as part of the Italian F1 Grand Prix.
29 Sep 11 (Thu) Brazil, Rio de Janeiro (Barra da Tijuca), Olympic Park Rock City, Rock in Rio Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, Main Vein, Cosmic Girl, High Times, Little L, Morning Glory, Canned Heat, Love Foolosophy, Travelling Without Moving, Deeper Underground, White Knuckle Ride
20 Nov 11 (Sun) Germany, Oberhausen, Konig Pilsener Arena Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, Main Vein, Cosmic Girl, High Times, Little L, Canned Heat, All Good In The Hood, Hey Floyd, Feels Just Like It Should, Love Foolosophy, Travelling Without Moving, Scam (break), Alright, Deeper Underground. Due to heavy fog in London on the day of the concert the bandmembers arrived at the venue late with no time for a soundcheck. The concert started slightly later than planned and there were many complaints about the sound quality because of the lack of soundcheck. This is the rescheduled concert that was cancelled on 12 April.
22 Nov 11 (Tue) France, Paris, Bercy Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, Main Vein, Cosmic Girl, High Times, Little L, Canned Heat, All Good In The Hood, Hey Floyd, Dynamite, Feels Just Like It Should, Love Foolosophy, Travelling Without Moving, Alright, Deeper Underground, White Knuckle Ride
23 Nov 11 (Wed) France, Nantes, Zenith Nantes Metropole Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, Main Vein, Cosmic Girl, High Times, Little L, Canned Heat, All Good In The Hood, Hey Floyd, Use The Force, Love Foolosophy, Travelling Without Moving, Alright, Deeper Underground, White Knuckle Ride
25 Nov 11 (Fri) France, Strasbourg, Zenith Performed: Rock Dust Light Star, Main Vein, Cosmic Girl, High Times, Little L, Interlude, Canned Heat, All Good In The Hood, Hey Floyd, Use The force, Love Foolosophy, Travelling Without Moving, Alright, Hurtin', Deeper Underground, White Knuckle Ride
27 Nov 11 (Sun) France, Limoges, Zenith No Info
28 Nov 11 (Mon) France, Toulouse, Zenith No Info
30 Nov 11 (Wed) France, Lyon No Info
03 Dec 11 (Sat) Belgium, CANCELLED: Antwerp, Lotto Arena The Jamiroquai Facebook page wrote the following on 28 October - "We are sorry to announce the cancellation of the gig at Lotto Arena, Antwerp (Belgium), on 3rd December. This is due to unforeseen logistical problems, which have led to the difficult decision to cancel the gig. We hope to re-arrange the gig in 2012."
10 Dec 11 (Sat) UK, Silverstone, Red Bull F1 Racing Team Party No Info
31 Dec 11 (Sat) Australia, Sydney, Glebe Island No Info
submitted by JamiroFan2000 to jamiroquai [link] [comments]

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submitted by freespinsgaming to u/freespinsgaming [link] [comments]

[CuMC] Cull My Collection!
IHadANameOnce posted:
Hey everyone!
I'm running out of storage space and I've got a few games coming soon ( shakes fist at kickstarter ) so I need to start a cull. There are a few of my games that are in my pile of shame so I don't have all the data to make the most informed decision. Either way, I thought it'd be fun to involve the community and get some discussion going as to why some games should be replaced by others or aren't worth keeping anymore. I've only listed the base games but many of them have expansions as well.

I've added a note for those that I'm definitely keeping and those that I've already decided to cull. Other than that it's all fair game!

In Collection:
Title Notes
Brass: Birmingham
Twilight Imperium (Fourth Edition)
Star Wars: Rebellion
Arkham Horror: The Card Game
Star Wars: Imperial Assault
Android: Netrunner Keeping
Dominant Species
Five Tribes
Marvel Champions: The Card Game
Crokinole Keeping
The Quacks of Quedlinburg
Architects of the West Kingdom
The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murders & Other Cases
Champions of Midgard
Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated
Inis Keeping
Decrypto Keeping
The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game
Captain Sonar Keeping?
Xia: Legends of a Drift System
Ticket to Ride
Cartographers Keeping
The Quest for El Dorado
Deception: Murder in Hong Kong
Roll Player Keeping
Tiny Epic Galaxies
Love Letter Keeping
Tiny Towns
It's a Wonderful World
Undaunted: Normandy
Skull Keeping
Argent: The Consortium
A Game of Thrones: The Card Game (Second Edition)
Point Salad Keeping
Broom Service
Specter Ops
The Networks
Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn
Crusaders: Thy Will Be Done
Fantasy Realms
Star Wars: The Card Game Keeping
A Fake Artist Goes to New York
Not Alone
Dogs of War
Dale of Merchants
Mint Works
Wiz-War (eighth edition)
Shards of Infinity
Battle for Rokugan
Unmatched: Battle of Legends, Volume One
In the Hall of the Mountain King
The Shipwreck Arcana
Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game Culling
Two Rooms and a Boom
Whistle Stop
Letter Jam Keeping
The Captain Is Dead
Guillotine Culling
Omen: A Reign of War
Dale of Merchants 2
Bargain Quest
Sol: Last Days of a Star Keeping
Impulse (English first edition)
The Expanse Board Game
Path of Light and Shadow
Unmatched: Robin Hood vs. Bigfoot
Tussie Mussie
Clockwork Wars
A Handful of Stars
Unmatched: Cobble & Fog
A War of Whispers
Empyreal: Spells & Steam
Tiny Epic Dinosaurs
Dale of Merchants Collection
Getaway Driver
Undaunted: North Africa
Lost Legacy
Codex: Card-Time Strategy – Core Set
Hand of Fate: Ordeals
Unmatched: Jurassic Park – InGen vs Raptors
We're Doomed!
Infinity Gauntlet: A Love Letter Game
Monikers: Serious Nonsense
Omen: Edge of the Aegean
Eternal: Chronicles of the Throne
The Silver River
Exceed: Street Fighter – M. Bison Box
Exceed: Street Fighter – Chun-Li Box
The North
Zipang Portable
Omen: Fires in the East
The Badger Deck
Sovereign Skies
Guild Master
Omen: Heir to the Dunes
Bag of Dungeon: A Fantasy Adventure Game
Legends of Novus Culling
Murder on the Cosmic Express Culling
The Everdeck
Schrödinger's Cat
Kingswood: Royal Edition


Title Notes
Pax Pamir (Second Edition)
Rurik: Dawn of Kiev
Ultra-Tiny Epic Galaxies
Squire for Hire
Oath: Chronicles of Empire and Exile
Exceed: Street Fighter – Ryu Box
Dwellings of Eldervale
Planet Unknown
Rurik: Dawn of Kiev – Kickstarter Edition
Kemet: Blood and Sand Culled
The Age of Atlantis
Merchants Cove Cull?
Tortuga 2199
Dead Reckoning
Imperium: The Contention
Burgle Bros 2: The Casino Capers
Capital Lux 2: Generations
Winter Kingdom
Dale of Merchants 3
Squire for Hire: Mystic Runes
Hexpionage Keeping
Food Chain Island
Lawyer Up
Mint Control
Spire's End
Reigns: The Council
Mantis Falls
Valor & Villainy: Minions of Mordak
Deck of Wonders
Long Live the King: A Game of Secrecy and Subterfuge
Shadow Tactics: The Board Game
submitted by BoardgamesArchivist to deletedboardgames [link] [comments]

[CuMC] Cull My Collection!
IHadANameOnce posted:
Hey everyone!
I'm running out of storage space and I've got a few games coming soon ( shakes fist at kickstarter ) so I need to start a cull. There are a few of my games that are in my pile of shame so I don't have all the data to make the most informed decision. Either way, I thought it'd be fun to involve the community and get some discussion going as to why some games should be replaced by others or aren't worth keeping anymore. I've only listed the base games but many of them have expansions as well.

I've added a note for those that I'm definitely keeping and those that I've already decided to cull. Other than that it's all fair game!

In Collection:
Title Notes
Brass: Birmingham
Twilight Imperium (Fourth Edition)
Star Wars: Rebellion
Arkham Horror: The Card Game
Star Wars: Imperial Assault
Android: Netrunner Keeping
Dominant Species
Five Tribes
Marvel Champions: The Card Game
Crokinole Keeping
The Quacks of Quedlinburg
Architects of the West Kingdom
The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murders & Other Cases
Champions of Midgard
Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated
Inis Keeping
Decrypto Keeping
The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game
Captain Sonar Keeping?
Xia: Legends of a Drift System
Ticket to Ride
Cartographers Keeping
The Quest for El Dorado
Deception: Murder in Hong Kong
Roll Player Keeping
Tiny Epic Galaxies
Love Letter Keeping
Tiny Towns
It's a Wonderful World
Undaunted: Normandy
Skull Keeping
Argent: The Consortium
A Game of Thrones: The Card Game (Second Edition)
Point Salad Keeping
Broom Service
Specter Ops
The Networks
Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn
Crusaders: Thy Will Be Done
Fantasy Realms
Star Wars: The Card Game Keeping
A Fake Artist Goes to New York
Not Alone
Dogs of War
Dale of Merchants
Mint Works
Wiz-War (eighth edition)
Shards of Infinity
Battle for Rokugan
Unmatched: Battle of Legends, Volume One
In the Hall of the Mountain King
The Shipwreck Arcana
Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game Culling
Two Rooms and a Boom
Whistle Stop
Letter Jam Keeping
The Captain Is Dead
Guillotine Culling
Omen: A Reign of War
Dale of Merchants 2
Bargain Quest
Sol: Last Days of a Star Keeping
Impulse (English first edition)
The Expanse Board Game
Path of Light and Shadow
Unmatched: Robin Hood vs. Bigfoot
Tussie Mussie
Clockwork Wars
A Handful of Stars
Unmatched: Cobble & Fog
A War of Whispers
Empyreal: Spells & Steam
Tiny Epic Dinosaurs
Dale of Merchants Collection
Getaway Driver
Undaunted: North Africa
Lost Legacy
Codex: Card-Time Strategy – Core Set
Hand of Fate: Ordeals
Unmatched: Jurassic Park – InGen vs Raptors
We're Doomed!
Infinity Gauntlet: A Love Letter Game
Monikers: Serious Nonsense
Omen: Edge of the Aegean
Eternal: Chronicles of the Throne
The Silver River
Exceed: Street Fighter – M. Bison Box
Exceed: Street Fighter – Chun-Li Box
The North
Zipang Portable
Omen: Fires in the East
The Badger Deck
Sovereign Skies
Guild Master
Omen: Heir to the Dunes
Bag of Dungeon: A Fantasy Adventure Game
Legends of Novus Culling
Murder on the Cosmic Express Culling
The Everdeck
Schrödinger's Cat
Kingswood: Royal Edition


Title Notes
Pax Pamir (Second Edition)
Rurik: Dawn of Kiev
Ultra-Tiny Epic Galaxies
Squire for Hire
Oath: Chronicles of Empire and Exile
Exceed: Street Fighter – Ryu Box
Dwellings of Eldervale
Planet Unknown
Rurik: Dawn of Kiev – Kickstarter Edition
Kemet: Blood and Sand Culled
The Age of Atlantis
Merchants Cove Cull?
Tortuga 2199
Dead Reckoning
Imperium: The Contention
Burgle Bros 2: The Casino Capers
Capital Lux 2: Generations
Winter Kingdom
Dale of Merchants 3
Squire for Hire: Mystic Runes
Hexpionage Keeping
Food Chain Island
Lawyer Up
Mint Control
Spire's End
Reigns: The Council
Mantis Falls
Valor & Villainy: Minions of Mordak
Deck of Wonders
Long Live the King: A Game of Secrecy and Subterfuge
Shadow Tactics: The Board Game
submitted by BoardgamesArchivist to deletedboardgames [link] [comments]

[COMC] My cozy personal board game cafe after culling about 90 games, and terribly brief reasons why.

So I've been into boardgaming for a bit over 2 years now. BGstats says I have 748 logged plays with a time estimate of 552hrs which is probably a bit low. At max my collection was 65 games at once. Over the years I've gotten rid of nearly 90 games(a couple of which I don't remember and haven't tracked). My goal was to eventually get to about 30 or so games and be able to repurpose the shelf, that was once full to the brim with only board games, to hold my espresso setup and some cookbooks.
Here's the main shelf:
And the side one:
The big clear container is all the Small World stuff. I also have a crokinole board hanging around that has well over 100 games on it already since july.
I primarily play 1v1 with maybe 8 or so people regularly. Then I have semi regular groups of 3 and 4 players with different combos of those people. We all like very competitive games that we can play over and over and get gud at.
My top game is undoubtedly Catacombs. My friends always have a blast when they play and they're constantly bringing in new friends to try it out because it's so fun. Easy to teach and filled with unique situations and laughter, we play every week. Too many Bones is probably next up then it's a wild free for all among the competitive games.
The games that aren't locked in yet are:
Ecos(which is gone now).
OP Arena
Dale of Merchants
I don't think any of those last 3 are going to get cut, maybe OP Arena depending on how it goes over at 3 players.
My biggest surprise has been Enchanters. It's probably my game of the year. I'm really just adoring it. So easy to teach and it rewards skill and knowledge of the game. You have to watch every purchase your opponent makes, and the drafting is about twice as cutthroat as Azul. Playing through the entire deck every game makes it very strategic and the Overlords/Towns give a tremendous amount of meaningful variation. It's a highly competitive puzzle box. Plays well at 3 also so that's a big plus.
Newest game is Quarriors which I got thursday and we played 10 games of last night. Very surprising, an almost guaranteed lock in, tons of fun.
Oldest game is Trickerion which unfortunately doesn't get too much play. Hoping that'll change now that the big box stuff is in. We got it back maybe a month into t h e h o b b y.
So yea, we play lots of games with a very competitive mindset and we like playing them over and over. If you have specific questions about what's in my collection or want me to go more in depth about why something got cut(in the context of my personal group/opinions), leave a comment!
Here are some too brief impressions on each culled game along with play count and bgg rating(I use their rating scale definitions). If you want a more in depth opinion, please ask!
  1. AEGIS Combining Robots: 2, 4/10: Unexciting, obtuse, slow, unfun drafting, clunky gameplay
  2. Adrenaline: 2, 5/10: Boring, cool damage as area majority thing bogged down by slow and tedious gameplay.
  3. Aeon's End: 20, 7/10: Fun, cool legacy campaign. Good decisions. Lots of content. Only got played by 1 friend who's not around often.
  4. Apocrypha: 5, 6/10: Each of the 5 friends I played this with on separate occasions. "Why aren't we playing Too Many Bones?". Cool "living box" system though. Good Supernatural-esque theme. Wish they liked it more.
  5. Athlas: Duel for Divinity: 3, 6/10: Very very cool ideas on this one. MTG-like chess. Bogged down by terrain rules, large rules overhead in general, and "deck" construction time investment for not enough payoff.
  6. Azul: 10, 6/10: Fun, fast, only 1 person ever wanted to play. Took up too much space for a 6/10
  7. Battle for Rokugan: 4, 6/10: Needs fast, iterative play to be good. Nobody wanted to play it more than once.
  8. Battlecon(all of it): 35, 6(prev 9)/10: One of the first games I got. All the little niggles grew over the past 2 years. Fiancee hates it. Takes too long to play. Got Yomi in. Played that 40 times in a week, fiancee loves it. Battlecon takes too long to get to the depth of a character. Matchups are unique but feel boring after a few games where a single matchup in yomi has like, idk, 30+ games of life in it or more for us so far.
  9. Beasts of Balance(all of it): 10, 8/10: Pure stacking joy. Giving it to my fiancee's nephews.
  10. Bemused: 10, 7/10: Neat social game nobody wants to play.
  11. Bios: Genesis: 1, 4/10: No
  12. Bios: Megafauna 2nd: 1, 3/10: Save me
  13. Brew Crafters: 2, 5/10: Too dry. Beer buds don't want to play euros.
  14. Cerebria: 4, 7/10: Good ideas, good gameplay. Too many obtuse systems layered on top.
  15. The Climbers: 4, 5/10: Nobody liked this. Kills the party atmosphere. Don't want to play it in a non party atmosphere.
  16. Clockwork Wars: 2, 7/10: Too much rules/game knowledge burden to get anyone to play.
  17. Cosmic Encounter(All of it): 8, 7/10: Everyone wants to play Chaosmos more.
  18. Crystal Clans: 6, 6/10: Snappy, fun, didn't do enough to justify space on the shelf
  19. Cutthroat Caverns: 0, ?/10: Pulled this out on 2 occasions with separate groups. "Wait that's the art? I'll pass." New edition looks promising though.
  20. Darkest Night 2nd Ed: 6, 6/10: Only good solo. I don't do solo anymore.
  21. Dice Forge: 4, 4/10: No fun for anyone involved.
  22. Dominant Species: 0, ?/10: Could never get this one played. Too daunting to my friends.
  23. Dungeon Degenerates: 4, 7/10: "Why aren't we playing Too Many Bones again?"
  24. Ecos: 6, 7/10: Nobody wants to put in the plays for the drafting meta to take off and the game needs that to happen to be compelling. Good systems, good gameplay.
  25. Empires(wizkids): 2, 5/10: Needs a big group and is ultimately still boring.
  26. Epic PVP(Fantasy/magic): 15, 7/10: Good concepts and fun gameplay. Kinda overshadowed by Yomi, Puzzle Strike, etc and those game have more interesting matchups. Boxes take up lots of space for a game that will rarely get played.
  27. Epic Spell Wars: 2, 4/10: Needs to humor to hit to be compelling. The humor didn't hit.
  28. Evolution: Climate: 11, 6/10: App came out
  29. Exiled Legends: 2, 7/10: No good at 2p. At3p nobody wants to play over other games.
  30. A Feast for Odin: 4, 6/10: Slow, fiddly, not interactive enough. Compelling solo but I don''t solo no mo.
  31. Flamme Rouge: 1, 4/10: My group of friends after game 1 "well that was a waste of time."
  32. Fog of Love: 4, 5/10: More experience than game. We want competitive, iterative games with meta. We'll watch movies or read books for experiences.
  33. Founders of Gloomhaven: 2, 4/10: Concordia/Zimbabwe mutant gloomhaven baby. Very cool ideas, slow slow slow gameplay and obtuse rules. Nobody will touch this again
  34. The Fox in the Forest: 6, 5/10: "Hey wanna play cribbage instead?"
  35. Gloom: 0, ?/10: Got this as a freebie in a trade, never played
  36. Grimslingers: 2, 4/10: "This RPS mechanic is even dumber and more obtuse than battlecon's" -my fiancee and #1 gaming buddy, who thinks battlecon's rps system is "really dumb and stupid obtuse."
  37. Hardback: 7, 6/10: "Let's play scrabble instead".
  38. Heroes Wanted: 2, 6/10: Too complex for what it is. Humor falls flat. Long setup and tedious gameplay.
  39. Historia: 1(solo), 5/10: Everyone thinks it looks like a spreadsheet. Nobody wants to play a spreadsheet.
  40. Hyperborea: 4, 6/10: Very cool game marred by balance issues and a good bit of setup for what it is.
  41. Illimat: 12, 7/10: Cool game but we play regular Casino much more often and enjoy it more than illimat.
  42. Import/Export: 10, 7/10: Sold to get new version coming next year.
  43. Impulse 2nd Ed: 1, 4/10: waaaaay too opaque and needlessly complex.
  44. Innovation Deluxe: 12, 6/10: Used to be a 8 but cooled off after more plays and got overlooked in a wall of 65 games. Half-heartedly looking to get it again if it comes up for swap.
  45. Istanbul: 1, 5/10: App's out.
  46. John Company: 1, 6/10: Experience that needs lots of people who all would rather play an actual game.
  47. Karmaka: 2, 4/10: Forgettable card game with neat art.
  48. Keyper: 3, 5/10: Too much hassle to get to deeper play. Not interactive enough.
  49. King's Chamption: 1, 3/10: A mess of a small box game. Fiddly, annoying, overlong.
  50. Legend of Korra Pro Bending Deluxe: 4, 6/10: Only 1 friend wanted to learn this one. Needs commitment to be good. Lots of depth and customization to the system but not worth keeping around for 1 friend who's still only meh on it.
  51. March of the Ants: 4, 7/10: I love this game and want to champion it but nobody wants to play a game about ants that looks like it came out of an 80s bio textbook.
  52. Mistfall(all of it): 0, ?/10: Got this to boost a trade value. No intention of playing because, you guessed it "Why wouldn't we just play too many bones?"
  53. Mysthea: 3, 3/10: I think I actually wished for death on my second 3.5 hour game in a row of this. And then I still played it one more time to be sure. Cool ideas, waaaay too long. Make this a 1 hr game and I'm so down.
  54. Mystic Vale(All of it): 14, 7/10: App's out.
  55. Nations: 5, 6/10: Cooled off on this one quick. Buying icons to buy more icons to buy better icons to buy more icons to buy victory points.
  56. The Networks: 1, 3/10: 1st grade math was never fun.
  57. Neuroshima Hex 3.0: 5, 7/10: Cool concepts, a bit too long, overshadowed by other 1v1 games.
  58. Ortus Regni: 20, 8/10: Can't get anyone to play with me anymore.
  59. Patchistory: 1, 6/10: Very neat, good looking game. Too involved, game is too long. Weird scoring interludes. Needs 3 players and I have better 3p games.
  60. Petrichor: 10, 7/10: Beautiful game that we're all collectively over now.
  61. Pixel Tactics(all of it): 8, 7/10: Only 1 friend wanted to play this.
  62. Roll for the Galaxy(All of it): 16, 7/10: Really good game but we wanted more heads up interactive stuff. Newest expansion is cool but some modules make the game way too long for what it is.
  63. Roll Player(all of it): 7, 6/10: Felt too much like doing my own puzzle next to everyone else. The drafting didn't feel good,. The monster thing was clunky. Overlong.
  64. Santorini: 21, 7/10: Gave to my buddy, waiting for deluxe edition to release eventually.
  65. Fate of Fantos: 0, ?/10: Could never convince anyone to play.
  66. Seasons: 7, 7/10: The most fun part is the draft then you still have 30 mins of sitting there waiting to see if your plans worked. Not enough interaction.
  67. Smash Up(All of it): 20 recorded(~50 actual) 6/10: One of my first games. Slow decline in interest over 2 years. Small World is better.
  68. Sol: Last Days of a Star: 6, 7/10: Good, beautiful game that could see a ton of play with the right group. We lost interest at 2 players and would very rarely actually play with 3 or more.
  69. Sorcerer(all of it): 2, 5/10: Just really middling. Nothing felt cool or explosively fun.
  70. Spirit Island + Expansion: 2, 3/10: Bought, solo play, traded, rebought, played with fiancee, stricken from the record of my life.
  71. Theomachy(all of it): 3, 3/10: About 1000 very cool ideas with absolutely 0 streamlining or focus. Could've been a very cool game but is just a nasty mishmash of mechanisms.
  72. This War of Mine: 4, 6/10: Better as a video game.
  73. Tragedy Looper: 0, ?/10: I guess "It's an anime logic puzzle" never got anyone's juices flowing.
  74. Troyes: 4, 7/10: I'm the only one who wanted to play this over and over. Not good for the once-a-month play it would get.
  75. Tsukuyumi: Full Moon Down(all of it): 3, 7/10: Very cool, didn't like the direction the game was going with minis and all that.
  76. Untold: Adventures Await: 4, 7/10: I have more fun storytelling games that get played more often. Like Powerplay.
  77. Vinhos Deluxe: 6, 7/10: Cool game, too much setup/teardown. Needs more regular play than once a month but nobody wants to play it that much.
  78. Viticulture(all of it): 16, 8/10: Kinda just got over it. Traded while we still had some love for the game instead of letting it putter out and die a middling death like it was looking to do. Not enough interesting interaction or cardplay. Very pleasant and easy to teach though. A cozy vibes game.
  79. VivaJava: 2, 7/10: I can never get the 6 other people it takes for this game to be good. But it's VERY good if you can get that group together.
  80. War Chest: 7, 7/10: Have better 1v1 abstracts. Why waste time playing this when I can get better at those.
  81. Warhammer Diskwars(all of it...3x): 2, 6/10: This was a big get for a good price between my fiancee and I that never actually got played.
  82. Wingspan: 6, 4/10: This one just didn't work with my group. It was okay but it felt like busywork. Not interactive enough. Looks good though, maybe the expansion fixes some things.
submitted by Kazekeil to boardgames [link] [comments]

[CuMC] Cull My Collection!
IHadANameOnce posted:
Hey everyone!
I'm running out of storage space and I've got a few games coming soon ( shakes fist at kickstarter ) so I need to start a cull. There are a few of my games that are in my pile of shame so I don't have all the data to make the most informed decision. Either way, I thought it'd be fun to involve the community and get some discussion going as to why some games should be replaced by others or aren't worth keeping anymore. I've only listed the base games but many of them have expansions as well.

I've added a note for those that I'm definitely keeping and those that I've already decided to cull. Other than that it's all fair game!

In Collection:
Title Notes
Brass: Birmingham
Twilight Imperium (Fourth Edition)
Star Wars: Rebellion
Arkham Horror: The Card Game
Star Wars: Imperial Assault
Android: Netrunner Keeping
Dominant Species
Five Tribes
Marvel Champions: The Card Game
Crokinole Keeping
The Quacks of Quedlinburg
Architects of the West Kingdom
The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murders & Other Cases
Champions of Midgard
Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated
Inis Keeping
Decrypto Keeping
The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game
Captain Sonar Keeping?
Xia: Legends of a Drift System
Ticket to Ride
Cartographers Keeping
The Quest for El Dorado
Deception: Murder in Hong Kong
Roll Player Keeping
Tiny Epic Galaxies
Love Letter Keeping
Tiny Towns
It's a Wonderful World
Undaunted: Normandy
Skull Keeping
Argent: The Consortium
A Game of Thrones: The Card Game (Second Edition)
Point Salad Keeping
Broom Service
Specter Ops
The Networks
Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn
Crusaders: Thy Will Be Done
Fantasy Realms
Star Wars: The Card Game Keeping
A Fake Artist Goes to New York
Not Alone
Dogs of War
Dale of Merchants
Mint Works
Wiz-War (eighth edition)
Shards of Infinity
Battle for Rokugan
Unmatched: Battle of Legends, Volume One
In the Hall of the Mountain King
The Shipwreck Arcana
Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game Culling
Two Rooms and a Boom
Whistle Stop
Letter Jam Keeping
The Captain Is Dead
Guillotine Culling
Omen: A Reign of War
Dale of Merchants 2
Bargain Quest
Sol: Last Days of a Star Keeping
Impulse (English first edition)
The Expanse Board Game
Path of Light and Shadow
Unmatched: Robin Hood vs. Bigfoot
Tussie Mussie
Clockwork Wars
A Handful of Stars
Unmatched: Cobble & Fog
A War of Whispers
Empyreal: Spells & Steam
Tiny Epic Dinosaurs
Dale of Merchants Collection
Getaway Driver
Undaunted: North Africa
Lost Legacy
Codex: Card-Time Strategy – Core Set
Hand of Fate: Ordeals
Unmatched: Jurassic Park – InGen vs Raptors
We're Doomed!
Infinity Gauntlet: A Love Letter Game
Monikers: Serious Nonsense
Omen: Edge of the Aegean
Eternal: Chronicles of the Throne
The Silver River
Exceed: Street Fighter – M. Bison Box
Exceed: Street Fighter – Chun-Li Box
The North
Zipang Portable
Omen: Fires in the East
The Badger Deck
Sovereign Skies
Guild Master
Omen: Heir to the Dunes
Bag of Dungeon: A Fantasy Adventure Game
Legends of Novus Culling
Murder on the Cosmic Express Culling
The Everdeck
Schrödinger's Cat
Kingswood: Royal Edition


Title Notes
Pax Pamir (Second Edition)
Rurik: Dawn of Kiev
Ultra-Tiny Epic Galaxies
Squire for Hire
Oath: Chronicles of Empire and Exile
Exceed: Street Fighter – Ryu Box
Dwellings of Eldervale
Planet Unknown
Rurik: Dawn of Kiev – Kickstarter Edition
Kemet: Blood and Sand Culled
The Age of Atlantis
Merchants Cove Cull?
Tortuga 2199
Dead Reckoning
Imperium: The Contention
Burgle Bros 2: The Casino Capers
Capital Lux 2: Generations
Winter Kingdom
Dale of Merchants 3
Squire for Hire: Mystic Runes
Hexpionage Keeping
Food Chain Island
Lawyer Up
Mint Control
Spire's End
Reigns: The Council
Mantis Falls
Valor & Villainy: Minions of Mordak
Deck of Wonders
Long Live the King: A Game of Secrecy and Subterfuge
Shadow Tactics: The Board Game
submitted by BoardgamesArchivist to deletedboardgames [link] [comments]

[CuMC] Cull My Collection!
IHadANameOnce posted:
Hey everyone!
I'm running out of storage space and I've got a few games coming soon ( shakes fist at kickstarter ) so I need to start a cull. There are a few of my games that are in my pile of shame so I don't have all the data to make the most informed decision. Either way, I thought it'd be fun to involve the community and get some discussion going as to why some games should be replaced by others or aren't worth keeping anymore. I've only listed the base games but many of them have expansions as well.

I've added a note for those that I'm definitely keeping and those that I've already decided to cull. Other than that it's all fair game!

In Collection:
Title Notes
Brass: Birmingham
Twilight Imperium (Fourth Edition)
Star Wars: Rebellion
Arkham Horror: The Card Game
Star Wars: Imperial Assault
Android: Netrunner Keeping
Dominant Species
Five Tribes
Marvel Champions: The Card Game
Crokinole Keeping
The Quacks of Quedlinburg
Architects of the West Kingdom
The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Thames Murders & Other Cases
Champions of Midgard
Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated
Inis Keeping
Decrypto Keeping
The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game
Captain Sonar Keeping?
Xia: Legends of a Drift System
Ticket to Ride
Cartographers Keeping
The Quest for El Dorado
Deception: Murder in Hong Kong
Roll Player Keeping
Tiny Epic Galaxies
Love Letter Keeping
Tiny Towns
It's a Wonderful World
Undaunted: Normandy
Skull Keeping
Argent: The Consortium
A Game of Thrones: The Card Game (Second Edition)
Point Salad Keeping
Broom Service
Specter Ops
The Networks
Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn
Crusaders: Thy Will Be Done
Fantasy Realms
Star Wars: The Card Game Keeping
A Fake Artist Goes to New York
Not Alone
Dogs of War
Dale of Merchants
Mint Works
Wiz-War (eighth edition)
Shards of Infinity
Battle for Rokugan
Unmatched: Battle of Legends, Volume One
In the Hall of the Mountain King
The Shipwreck Arcana
Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game Culling
Two Rooms and a Boom
Whistle Stop
Letter Jam Keeping
The Captain Is Dead
Guillotine Culling
Omen: A Reign of War
Dale of Merchants 2
Bargain Quest
Sol: Last Days of a Star Keeping
Impulse (English first edition)
The Expanse Board Game
Path of Light and Shadow
Unmatched: Robin Hood vs. Bigfoot
Tussie Mussie
Clockwork Wars
A Handful of Stars
Unmatched: Cobble & Fog
A War of Whispers
Empyreal: Spells & Steam
Tiny Epic Dinosaurs
Dale of Merchants Collection
Getaway Driver
Undaunted: North Africa
Lost Legacy
Codex: Card-Time Strategy – Core Set
Hand of Fate: Ordeals
Unmatched: Jurassic Park – InGen vs Raptors
We're Doomed!
Infinity Gauntlet: A Love Letter Game
Monikers: Serious Nonsense
Omen: Edge of the Aegean
Eternal: Chronicles of the Throne
The Silver River
Exceed: Street Fighter – M. Bison Box
Exceed: Street Fighter – Chun-Li Box
The North
Zipang Portable
Omen: Fires in the East
The Badger Deck
Sovereign Skies
Guild Master
Omen: Heir to the Dunes
Bag of Dungeon: A Fantasy Adventure Game
Legends of Novus Culling
Murder on the Cosmic Express Culling
The Everdeck
Schrödinger's Cat
Kingswood: Royal Edition


Title Notes
Pax Pamir (Second Edition)
Rurik: Dawn of Kiev
Ultra-Tiny Epic Galaxies
Squire for Hire
Oath: Chronicles of Empire and Exile
Exceed: Street Fighter – Ryu Box
Dwellings of Eldervale
Planet Unknown
Rurik: Dawn of Kiev – Kickstarter Edition
Kemet: Blood and Sand Culled
The Age of Atlantis
Merchants Cove Cull?
Tortuga 2199
Dead Reckoning
Imperium: The Contention
Burgle Bros 2: The Casino Capers
Capital Lux 2: Generations
Winter Kingdom
Dale of Merchants 3
Squire for Hire: Mystic Runes
Hexpionage Keeping
Food Chain Island
Lawyer Up
Mint Control
Spire's End
Reigns: The Council
Mantis Falls
Valor & Villainy: Minions of Mordak
Deck of Wonders
Long Live the King: A Game of Secrecy and Subterfuge
Shadow Tactics: The Board Game
submitted by BoardgamesArchivist to deletedboardgames [link] [comments]

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