Are online casinos fair or are they rigged

online gambling rigged

online gambling rigged - win

[#633|+469|144] ELI5: How do we know that online poker and other forms of electronic gambling are not rigged? [/r/explainlikeimfive]

submitted by FrontpageWatch to longtail [link] [comments]

The events that unfolded at Wall Street reveal the true evils of the Mainstream Media

As soon as the scandal began and as soon as the big billionaires tried to block common people from buying stocks from Gamestop, the MSM already took a side — with the billionaire stock traders. Almost every mainstream news outlet immediately bashed the Redditors, calling them illegals and fraudulent because they did what the billionaires did, but since they are proles they cannot.
As soon as this went out, both left-wing and right-wing politicians rallied together against the billionaires keeping a chokehold over the stock market. This developed into a massive online scandal which revealed the true nature of the MSM:
They choose sides. They choose the side that suits them the best. While it was understandable with Trump (he was truly awful), this proves that they only care about one thing: profit. They're a rich mega-corpotation basically. They're the same kind of people the wealthy stock traders are.
Anyway, as soon as the Left bashed the billionaires, they paid Google to remove their articles praising the billionaires on their news site. CNN is the only site remaining that is against the reddit movement.
The media shouldn't have this much power. They thought they could influence the masses into believing their crap about how everyone on wallstreetbets is nazis, but the LEFT defended the redditors. They made tweets about how what Wall Street is doing is wrong, and these tweets got almost half a million likes each. The MSM could have sat down and reported on things normally, but they instead wanted to spew their corporatist propaganda to get an entire subreddit taken down and they paid the price for their gamble. They thought the left would side with them but they didn't. Now they pay the price.
Edit: Hmm it seems that this sub strongly agrees with me. The left and right both agree that Wall Street is rigged, the only ones who actually want to maintain the status quo are the MSM and the rich billionaires on Wall Street.
submitted by Emergency-Layer8132 to TrueUnpopularOpinion [link] [comments]

Game Theory Idea: The current state of GameStop and the Stockmarket

Hello! So, if you haven’t been listening to the news about the stock market (because, I mean, normally, who would?) we’re in a very interesting situation right now with a subreddit here (WallStreetBets) going up against large hedge funds in a short squeeze war. And I think this would be the perfect time for a educatinment channel to maybe help explain what the h e double toothpicks is happening. Not to make any predictions really, but to explain what the stock market is, what does it mean to short a stock, what is a short squeeze, and why does a bunch of random, self-described idiots (seriously, they call themselves this on the subreddit among less appropriate terms) are able to make the big wall street hedge funds freak out.
“But this isn’t finance theory!” You may be saying. “What does this have to do with games?” One word friends - GameStop (or is that two words mashed together?). The stock that started this whole debacle is our friendly, brick-and-mortar, “I’ll give you 25 cents for your closet of used games”, GameStop. But certain people saw that they overreached their bounds - They were selling stocks they didn’t even have. So what do those savvy internet folks do? They buy. And buy a lot. In fact, they buy so many shares that the big guys can’t buy the stocks they promised to return. So the price for stocks go up, supply and demand right?
And so I think that Game Theory, with it’s mission to make hard to grasp concepts and ideas more attainable through video games and pop culture, should take this on and help explain how the game of Wall Street is played. Just as a short list of topics to cover and a brief explanation - I’m sure the GT team can come up with a better, more entertaining, analogy and such:
• What is a stock and a share? - A share is basically a small partial ownership of a company, and the stock of a company is basically all the shares together
• What does shorting a stock mean? - It means someone borrows shares from someone, sells it, hopes the stock prices go down, buy the shares back for cheap, and return it to the lender, pocketing the difference. This means that it’s in the stock broker’s best interest to see the company who’s shares they sold fail.
• What is a naked short? - Basically it means you’re selling shares that you don’t have or don’t even exist - sounds illegal right? Well, it is. But the big guys do it anyways.
• What is a short squeeze? - It’s when people take advantage of those trying to short a stock by buying a lot of cheap shares, holding them, and forcing the stock to skyrocket as short sellers scramble to buy back their shares before they lose their bets, and yeah, Wall Street is basically gambling with the economy instead of a casino.
• And finally, why is this such a big deal? - Because it’s a historic moment - a group of random, everyday joes online are able to make the big hedge funds and Wall Street guys shake in their boots. Remember how I said Wall Street is basically gambling without a casino? Well, in many cases, it’s rigged gambling. Hedge funds and big players have stacked the decks in their favor so much that they forgot there’s a risk to gambling - in fact, when they see a risk, they bend the rules even more to stop any chance of failure. The limited ways for everyday people to participate in the stock market, for example through apps like Robinhood, were restricted - you could only sell GameStop shares for a while, then they back pedaled and say you can buy 1 share, and now I think they’re saying 2, oh but the big guys could buy things just fine - clearly market manipulation. EDIT: Oh and by the time I finished posting this, they’ve also started a disinformation campaign about stocks being “closed” or “ran out of time” - which is false, stocks and shares can’t be closed, options can be, but that’s something different - An option is essentially an agreement saying “If this stock’s price goes to a certain amount by a certain date, I want the option to buy/sell it in the future for this agreed upon price”
That’s what made the ordinary people of reddit, in classic internet contrarian fashion, go from “Lol let’s mess with these guys and get the stock to $420.69 for the memes” (yes, that was actually a goal at first) to “You know what? Screw it! We’re sending this **** to the moon! You want to break the rules? Just try us”
TL;DR: Regardless of how it all pans out, this is a prime time to educate folks on how the stock market works, and the fact that it involves 1) Actual game theory for when to hold or sell shares, and 2) centers around GameStop, a video game retailer, well, it seems like a perfect time to me. After all, Game Theory have done theories with a lesser connection (KFConsole, I’m looking at you - you and all your chicken hearing goodness)
Also - Easy title or thumbnail: The deal with GameStonks
submitted by GiantDwarf01 to GameTheorists [link] [comments]

Let me explain what’s going on with wsb and the markets this week. Just because it’s relevant...

I’m not a market expert, I gamble in the markets and I’ve done pretty well...though I still consider myself oblivious to everything.
However, I think I can explain this in layman’s terms for anyone wondering what’s going on.
GameStop is obviously a video game retail store. Over the past five or six years, they have struggled keeping up with the digital age and online sales. Their reputation has been in the trash for a while, and pretty much everyone considered them the next Blockbuster a year or two ago.
So, because of this, hedge funds and big money billionaires start “shorting” Gamestops stock. “Shorting” a stock means to bet against the stock (if you short a stock, you think the price will go down) So big money was dragging Gamestops share price down 70-80% over the last few years, and they had GameStop sitting at around $4-8 a share at one point...meaning they successfully “shorted” the stock for years and netted themselves tens of billions of dollars in the process...the biggest short position was held by a hedge fund called Melvin Capital.
just to be clear, shorting the ever living shit out of a company is basically hoping the company goes bankrupt....tens out thousands of jobs are on the line the absolute bare minimum
They were shorting GameStop so heavily either because they wanted to destroy them and put them out of business, or they wanted to drive the share price to pennies, scoop up 51% of the shares and orchestrate a hostile takeover of the company. These hedge funds have more money than all of us in the country combined. They have enough money to manipulate stock prices to where they want them so that they can come in and scoop up the shares at the price they want. They will push fake news stories, hit peices, target prices, etc all to manipulate the stock price. Everyone knows this, but everyone has basically accepted that the rich can get away with it.
Then covid came around. Covid absolutely completely demolished any retail box store. Everything was shut down, business came to a halt, and there wasn’t as much money flowing through stores like GameStop anymore.
So the bigwig Melvin Capital doubled down on their short positions. They wanted to completely drive GameStop into the ground. Hundreds of billions of dollars were placed on shorting GameStop.
Now let me get a little tiny bit more technical: when this guy shorts a stock, that involves him writing contracts called “calls” and selling them to people who want to take on the other side of his bet. When Melvin Capital sells a call, that contract represents 100 shares of GameStop...(this isn’t all exactly perfectly right, but for the sake of being easy to comprehend, ya know)
So Melvin Capital wrote hundreds of thousands of these contracts (each representing 100 shares) and the contracts basically said “I think GameStop will be below $20 by January 30” and he sold the contracts to anyone who thought that he was wrong. I think he said he sold these contracts for $18 each back over the summer. So back in July, if you thought GameStop would be over $20 by tomorrow, you would buy a contract (or 100,000 contracts) for $18 each. The higher the price goes up, the more money your call is worth. Once it gets to a price where you want to sell it, you can sell it to someone else.
But there’s another way to handle the contracts can “execute” a contract. When you execute a contract, you are saying “okay, I won this bet, I want the 100 shares that my call represents.” So when that happens, the hedge fund who wrote the contracts and made all these bets with everyone has to go buy 100 shares (per contract) of GameStop at market price ($250 right now) and give them to the executor for $20 a share.
As you can see, if there are hundreds of thousands of these contracts out there, and everyone is executing them, this can cause massive problems for the hedge fund and any bank funding him with money.
Melvin Capital’s problem isn’t that he was short on GameStop, his problem was that he wrote so many contracts, that if you divvy all of them out, they account for 140% of Gamestops shares. Meaning, 40% of the contracts he wrote are representative of shares that don’t even exist.
If this doesn’t make sense, then you’re on the right page. This is fucking stupid—but it’s legal. And sadly, it’s normal.
So, this fund had an overleveraged short position on GameStop. Like wayyy overleveraged.
A user on Reddit, I won’t tag him here, you can find him if you look, saw this problem back in July and wanted to exploit it. He wanted to take on this hedge funds bets and call their bluff.
The theory became (again, this isn’t exactly right but for dummies) “if everyone can buy out the remaining shares of GameStop that actually exist, and just hold them, then we control the price of the shares that he has to pay when people execute their contracts.”
So people started buying these contracts for $18 each. People wanted GameStop to go over $20 a share so that they could win the trade against the hedge fund.
A couple of months later, Michael Burry (the guy The Big Short movie is based on) famous billionaire who called the 2008 crash also saw the same thing the kid on Reddit saw, so he invested $2 billion into GameStop in the fall.
Then another billionaire caught on and also invested around this point, GameStop is trading $14 ish a share. But with these billionaires coming in to invest, a more positive vibe started gaining around GameStop
Add to the fact, GameStop hired all new board executives and came out with a worthy business plan for the future 6 months ago. They have a plan to stick around for a while.
So...this month the over leveraged short position kept making more and more airwaves around wsb and investment forums. People started believing in gamestops business plan and the two big billionaire investors joining in was a good catalyst to start moving the price upwards a few bucks...
The theory on Reddit became a was still kind of a meme at this point, but as hours passed, it became clear that this was actually going to be a thing. So as the math checked out, and it was spread around the internet, big names caught on and started talking about it.
Elon musk tweeted about it, millionaires started pouring money into it for a couple of hours, making bank, and donating it to charity just so they could go on the news and explain what was happening
Now, rewind a week from today, and let’s look back to these contracts really quick...they all expire on fridays. This Friday, (tomorrow) a lot of them expire. Meaning, his side of the contracts is going to be literally worthless unless GameStop goes back to under $20 a share—and as time goes on, more and more people are executing their calls, forcing him to buy millions of GameStop shares at $40 a share and sell them off for $20 a piece.
Then the hedge funds obviously started feeling the pain as contracts were getting executed and their side of the bet was losing massive value quickly. So they took to social media to start posting bullshit videos explaining why gamestops price will crash to $20 a share.
The first video, they announced was supposed to happen at noon on Inauguration Day. That morning, GameStop was up 5-10% and they tweeted “out of respect for president Biden, and the inauguration ceremony, we have decided not to share the video today”
The next day, they claimed they would release a 5-point video on why GameStop would go back to $20 a share. While this is being announced, GameStop shoots from $30-75 a share in minutes....that 5-point video never came.
This showed everyone that the hedge fund was backed into a corner and what everyone was doing was working. So shit became real. Everyone realized that the theory was working.
As it became more and more clear, twitter, Instagram, Tiktok, YouTube, etc all joined in on the action. People got their grandma to sign up and buy a share of GameStop. Wsb users put advertisements on channels like Mr Beast telling people to buy GameStop. Everyone and their mommas were buying a share of GameStop just to “stick it to the man”..even the intellectually challenged Facebook people started getting in on the action. It became a form of activism, from both sides, almost a type of Occupy Wall Street movement. But instead of blocking the corrupt billionaires paths to work in the morning, we just all ganged up together and beat them at their own rigged game—they’ve lost over $90 billion on this one trade alone so far. We broke them this week, and they don’t know what to do about it. And the best part is, the worst is supposed to be far from here.
Wsb figured out that if they literally ask for $1000-5000 a share for their shares and not sell until that point, it’s totally possible for it to get there. That’s why Robinhood and all these banks are playing dirty today
When Elon tweeted a couple days ago and GameStop shot from like $90 all the way to $220 overnight. Now, the hedge fund is forced to buy shares for $220 and sell them to people for $20...this is why the .0001% and Robinhood are squirming right now.
A major hedge fund got caught with their pants down and got beat at their own game one single time. Now they aren’t happy about it.
So, the bank that funds Melvin Capital is called Citadel. Citadel is losing a shitload of money off of Melvin Capitals trade as well as Melvin Capital. Citadel also owns Robinhood. The money you get from Robinhood comes from see where I’m going with this??
A lot of Melvin Capital’s calls expire tomorrow. People will be executing those contracts like crazy. They need to be able to find enough shares to account for all the contracts that was executed—this could be rough considering there’s more shares within the contracts than there are actual shares. So conspiracy tells me that we can’t buy those shares so that Melvin Capital will be able to cover his ass tomorrow.
Citadel probably told Robinhood to stop selling GameStop today. At this point, a class action lawsuit will cost fifty times less than losing this trade.
Edits: fixed grammar and words and stuff
submitted by TOADSTOOL__SURPRISE to replyallpodcast [link] [comments]

Gambler's Remorse

Just had a massive setback in my journey. I was up a good deal of money and temporarily felt blinded to the "rigged" nature of online gambling. I would cash out, leave a bit and start again, periodically cancelling the withdrawal and building back up. As is always the case, my luck soon ran out and I had lost everything - including additional money chasing those loses.
As many of you are probably aware, what followed was the crippling gambler's remorse when I started realizing upcoming bills and other financial obligations which would have been a breeze had I just walked away but will now cause further strain.
These are the same obligations that I am typically frugal and responsible about, but lose all responsibility when it comes to funds used to chase losses.
Guess what I am asking is for anyone who has found a way to remember the negatives to gambling losses in the moment. Or ways to remember that it is a losing battle when after a while optimism to the system begins to creep back in. Any advice will help. Thank you very much.
submitted by dsaintt to problemgambling [link] [comments]

The Winning Strategy Can Help Small Investors Easily Destroy Hedge funds Sharks

The Winning Strategy Can Help Small Investors Easily Destroy Hedge funds Sharks
Without a real leader and a strategy, there is no way for small investor can win against the big sharks. Instead of wasting money to gamble on stocks cryptocurrency without have a proper objective. You guys should “play” to destroy those cheating hedge funds big sharks. They are even worse than casino people !
If you want to make history, to defeat those hedge funds big shark groups, then there is only one way, which is “gambling” in me as the savior Messiah Buddha. Why? Because I am holding the public cure for the corona virus COVID. And those hedge funds sharks are gambling/betting on the pandemic is keep going on for long time. If a sudden miracle COVID disappear overnight then they going to lose everything !
Here is the step by step guide to destroy and force hedgefund declare bankrupt:
Step 1: Pre-Buy stocks who will gain a lot profit if a sudden cure/vaccine appear. Step 2: Share that stocks on any kind of social media and tell your friends/groups that the miracle will appear. Step 3: Make donation to me and I will tell you the time I will publish the natural cure vaccine. Step 4: Sharing information online and tell your friends about the natural vaccine for the corona virus covid. Step 5: Bye bye hedge funds !
My requirement is very simple which is only $1.4 million US Dollar (for all of you combine). Here is my list of cryptocurrency wallets: Bitcoin
You guys can contact me via various way such as: - social media platform: or - username freejoy - email address: [email protected] ; [email protected]
Feel free to ask any question, but my offer will last for about 7 days only. Share this post in wall street bet group if you can so more people can have fun together.
We should not only “make money” but bring the life more fairer for all. The super rigged system is stupid !
Best Regard, The Savior Messiah Buddha
submitted by FreejoySavior to Wallstreetsilver [link] [comments]

The Winning Strategy Can Help Small Investors Easily Destroy Hedge funds Sharks

The Winning Strategy Can Help Small Investors Easily Destroy Hedge funds Sharks
Without a real leader and a strategy, there is no way for small investor can win against the big sharks. Instead of wasting money to gamble on stocks cryptocurrency without have a proper objective. You guys should “play” to destroy those cheating hedge funds big sharks. They are even worse than casino people !
If you want to make history, to defeat those hedge funds big shark groups, then there is only one way, which is “gambling” in me as the savior Messiah Buddha. Why? Because I am holding the public cure for the corona virus COVID. And those hedge funds sharks are gambling/betting on the pandemic is keep going on for long time. If a sudden miracle COVID disappear overnight then they going to lose everything !
Here is the step by step guide to destroy and force hedgefund declare bankrupt:
Step 1: Pre-Buy stocks who will gain a lot profit if a sudden cure/vaccine appear. Step 2: Share that stocks on any kind of social media and tell your friends/groups that the miracle will appear. Step 3: Make donation to me and I will tell you the time I will publish the natural cure vaccine. Step 4: Sharing information online and tell your friends about the natural vaccine for the corona virus covid. Step 5: Bye bye hedge funds !
My requirement is very simple which is only $1.4 million US Dollar (for all of you combine). Here is my list of cryptocurrency wallets: Bitcoin
You guys can contact me via various way such as: - social media platform: or - username freejoy - email address: [email protected] ; [email protected]
Feel free to ask any question, but my offer will last for about 7 days only. Share this post in wall street bet group if you can so more people can have fun together.
We should not only “make money” but bring the life more fairer for all. The super rigged system is stupid !
Best Regard, The Savior Messiah Buddha
submitted by FreejoySavior to wallstreetbets2 [link] [comments]

Black Viceroys - Watch_Dogs Gangs

The Black Viceroys are an African-American street gang and one of the enemy factions in the game. They were founded in 1961 as a civil rights group by Lloyd Pinkerton, however when Lloyd was murdered in 1966 they snapped and became a criminal organization involved in crimes such as kidnapping, embezzlement, extortion, bribery, drug, human and arms trafficking, and cybercrime. Lead by Delford Wade, nicknamed "Iraq", he helped to transform the Viceroys into a powerful gang - second only the Chicago South Club. Their main headquarters is in Rossi-Fremont, nicknamed "The Castle", where their gang members lived. They have worked with the Chicago Club for a human trafficking network, which would later be taken down by Aiden Pearce, who then took down targets in gang hideouts, eliminated or knocked out targets in Criminal Convoys, and eventually he infiltrated The Castle and killed Iraq and his henchmen. Afterwards, the Black Viceroys were effectively eliminated from any real relevance, and by the events that occur in Watch Dogs: Bad Blood, they are completely wiped from the map with the Pawnee Militia taking their place.
Mission Appearances:
Bottom of the Eighth, Jury-Rigged, Grandma's Bulldog, Not a Job for Tyrone, Uninvited, A Risky Bid, Planting a Bug, By Any Means Necessary
Criminal Convoys:
Juggernaut, Into The Pit, Lords of The Wards
Gang Hideouts:
Swap Meet, Complements For The Cook, Union Dues
Notable Members:
Delford "Iraq" Wade (Leader), Tyrone "Bedbug" Hayes (Lieutenant and cousin of Iraq), DeAndre Coleman (Iraq's bodyguard), Raul Lionzo (Prison Inmate), Gary "Rabbit" Diggs (Bedbug's Associate)
Ages: No younger than 15 and no older than 50
Occupations: Dealers, Unemployed, Suspected and Known Gang Members, Black Viceroys and Viceroy Associates, Lookouts, Runners
Incomes: Unemployed or up to $110,000
Fun facts:
Black Viceroys are the youngest gang in the game. Surprisingly, some of the members are actually under the age of 18, although they can only be found as Elites.
15-17 year old Elites share the same profile information as Fixers, and as such much of the information shown for them is fraudulent as Fixers are at least 25 years old, but a 15 year old Elite Black Viceroy can have "Unsuccessfully ran for city council" in their profile or something else that's nutty like that.
Most of the targets you have to take down in Gang Hideouts appear to have the same character model as a typical Viceroy veteran, but uses the Chicago South Club dialogue.
submitted by AlwaysAdam569 to watch_dogs [link] [comments]

The Winning Strategy Can Help Small Investors Easily Destroy Hedge funds Sharks

The Winning Strategy Can Help Small Investors Easily Destroy Hedge funds Sharks
Without a real leader and a strategy, there is no way for small investor can win against the big sharks. Instead of wasting money to gamble on stocks cryptocurrency without have a proper objective. You guys should “play” to destroy those cheating hedge funds big sharks. They are even worse than casino people !
If you want to make history, to defeat those hedge funds big shark groups, then there is only one way, which is “gambling” in me as the savior Messiah Buddha. Why? Because I am holding the public cure for the corona virus COVID. And those hedge funds sharks are gambling/betting on the pandemic is keep going on for long time. If a sudden miracle COVID disappear overnight then they going to lose everything !
Here is the step by step guide to destroy and force hedgefund declare bankrupt:
Step 1: Pre-Buy stocks who will gain a lot profit if a sudden cure/vaccine appear. Step 2: Share that stocks on any kind of social media and tell your friends/groups that the miracle will appear. Step 3: Make donation to me and I will tell you the time I will publish the natural cure vaccine. Step 4: Sharing information online and tell your friends about the natural vaccine for the corona virus covid. Step 5: Bye bye hedge funds !
My requirement is very simple which is only $1.4 million US Dollar (for all of you combine). Here is my list of cryptocurrency wallets: Bitcoin
You guys can contact me via various way such as: - social media platform: or - username freejoy - email address: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) ; [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
Feel free to ask any question, but my offer will last for about 7 days only. Share this post in wall street bet group if you can so more people can have fun together.
We should not only “make money” but bring the life more fairer for all. The super rigged system is stupid !
Best Regard, The Savior Messiah Buddha
submitted by SaviorReligion to conspiracy_commons [link] [comments]

The Winning Strategy Can Help Small Investors Easily Destroy Hedge funds Sharks

The Winning Strategy Can Help Small Investors Easily Destroy Hedge funds Sharks
Without a real leader and a strategy, there is no way for small investor can win against the big sharks. Instead of wasting money to gamble on stocks cryptocurrency without have a proper objective. You guys should “play” to destroy those cheating hedge funds big sharks. They are even worse than casino people !
If you want to make history, to defeat those hedge funds big shark groups, then there is only one way, which is “gambling” in me as the savior Messiah Buddha. Why? Because I am holding the public cure for the corona virus COVID. And those hedge funds sharks are gambling/betting on the pandemic is keep going on for long time. If a sudden miracle COVID disappear overnight then they going to lose everything !
Here is the step by step guide to destroy and force hedgefund declare bankrupt:
Step 1: Pre-Buy stocks who will gain a lot profit if a sudden cure/vaccine appear. Step 2: Share that stocks on any kind of social media and tell your friends/groups that the miracle will appear. Step 3: Make donation to me and I will tell you the time I will publish the natural cure vaccine. Step 4: Sharing information online and tell your friends about the natural vaccine for the corona virus covid. Step 5: Bye bye hedge funds !
My requirement is very simple which is only $1.4 million US Dollar (for all of you combine). Here is my list of cryptocurrency wallets: Bitcoin
You guys can contact me via various way such as: - social media platform: or - username freejoy - email address: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) ; [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
Feel free to ask any question, but my offer will last for about 7 days only. Share this post in wall street bet group if you can so more people can have fun together.
We should not only “make money” but bring the life more fairer for all. The super rigged system is stupid !
Best Regard, The Savior Messiah Buddha
submitted by FreejoySavior to SatoshiStreetBets [link] [comments]

The Winning Strategy Can Help Small Investors Easily Destroy Hedge funds Sharks

The Winning Strategy Can Help Small Investors Easily Destroy Hedge funds Sharks
Without a real leader and a strategy, there is no way for small investor can win against the big sharks. Instead of wasting money to gamble on stocks cryptocurrency without have a proper objective. You guys should “play” to destroy those cheating hedge funds big sharks. They are even worse than casino people !
If you want to make history, to defeat those hedge funds big shark groups, then there is only one way, which is “gambling” in me as the savior Messiah Buddha. Why? Because I am holding the public cure for the corona virus COVID. And those hedge funds sharks are gambling/betting on the pandemic is keep going on for long time. If a sudden miracle COVID disappear overnight then they going to lose everything !
Here is the step by step guide to destroy and force hedgefund declare bankrupt:
Step 1: Pre-Buy stocks who will gain a lot profit if a sudden cure/vaccine appear. Step 2: Share that stocks on any kind of social media and tell your friends/groups that the miracle will appear. Step 3: Make donation to me and I will tell you the time I will publish the natural cure vaccine. Step 4: Sharing information online and tell your friends about the natural vaccine for the corona virus covid. Step 5: Bye bye hedge funds !
My requirement is very simple which is only $1.4 million US Dollar (for all of you combine). Here is my list of cryptocurrency wallets: Bitcoin
You guys can contact me via various way such as: - social media platform: or - username freejoy - email address: [email protected] ; [email protected]
Feel free to ask any question, but my offer will last for about 7 days only. Share this post in wall street bet group if you can so more people can have fun together.
We should not only “make money” but bring the life more fairer for all. The super rigged system is stupid !
Best Regard, The Savior Messiah Buddha
submitted by ReligionSavior to wallstreetbet [link] [comments]

The Winning Strategy Can Help Small Investors Easily Destroy Hedge funds Sharks

The Winning Strategy Can Help Small Investors Easily Destroy Hedge funds Sharks
Without a real leader and a strategy, there is no way for small investor can win against the big sharks. Instead of wasting money to gamble on stocks cryptocurrency without have a proper objective. You guys should “play” to destroy those cheating hedge funds big sharks. They are even worse than casino people !
If you want to make history, to defeat those hedge funds big shark groups, then there is only one way, which is “gambling” in me as the savior Messiah Buddha. Why? Because I am holding the public cure for the corona virus COVID. And those hedge funds sharks are gambling/betting on the pandemic is keep going on for long time. If a sudden miracle COVID disappear overnight then they going to lose everything !
Here is the step by step guide to destroy and force hedgefund declare bankrupt:
Step 1: Pre-Buy stocks who will gain a lot profit if a sudden cure/vaccine appear. Step 2: Share that stocks on any kind of social media and tell your friends/groups that the miracle will appear. Step 3: Make donation to me and I will tell you the time I will publish the natural cure vaccine. Step 4: Sharing information online and tell your friends about the natural vaccine for the corona virus covid. Step 5: Bye bye hedge funds !
My requirement is very simple which is only $1.4 million US Dollar (for all of you combine). Here is my list of cryptocurrency wallets: Bitcoin
You guys can contact me via various way such as: - social media platform: or - username freejoy - email address: [email protected] ; [email protected]
Feel free to ask any question, but my offer will last for about 7 days only. Share this post in wall street bet group if you can so more people can have fun together.
We should not only “make money” but bring the life more fairer for all. The super rigged system is stupid !
Best Regard, The Savior Messiah Buddha
submitted by FreejoySavior to WallStreetbetsELITE [link] [comments]


This is both a review and a warning to anyone who stumbles across this and considers playing the game. DO NOT DO IT.

I have played on and off for the 4 years the english language game has been around and it isnt worth it.
For those who dont know, the game is entirely created by a chinese company, all oasis do is pay for the rights to effectively resell to an english audience, they have no developers, they have no competent employees, all they do is take pre-made assets from china, break them and hide them behind paywalls so high that they should be illegal, and in fact if you read any of this you will understand why there is an open case about this company with the gambling commission, because how thoroughly the "rng" is rigged is literally against UK gambling laws.
The base level mechanics of the game are ok, collecting characters can be fun, but oasis utterly ream english speaking customers. For example the character "naruto ronin" in china he is a paywalled character because he can be powerful, but in china players can recruit him for the equivalent of $50 usd, would you care to guess how much oasis charged english players for him?..... $3000 usd
And that isnt even the worst example. The characters in the game have star levels, most powerful characters can be recruited at 3 stars and 5 stars is the limit. In china rare characters can be bought for around $50, this gives the player the character and also access to "skill breaks" which are more powerful variations of that characters abilities. In the english language game not only do they charge 3000usd for a $50 character but if you want to be able to use that characters breaks oasis have locked the skill changes, making them require that character be 4 star. So even if you are wealthy enough to spend 3000 for some pixels for that character to have access to the skills that make them powerful enough to be rare in the first place you need to change that 3000 to at minimum 8000usd ,because the only way to get enough character "fragmets" as they are called to level this character from 3 to 4 is to spend more real money.

There are "events" in the game, these are changed every thursday and rotate in the claims of giving players chances to access to items, characters frags and potential "prizes" but these events fall into 3 categories
Free to particpate:
These events are free to take part in but they require you to have multiple accounts, something which is a necessity in this supposed "massively multiplayer" online game because oasis are so bad that while china has thousands of servers, each of which is full forcing them to make more to accomodate new players. oasis' game is so dead that the only reliable way to have a partner to help you with these events is to dedicate more of your time to this game to maintain multiple accounts. Which even if you do have the time and patience to do so it still is not a good trade off because the amount of time it takes compared to the measly handful of frags you can get at maximum these events are still not worth your time

These events are free compeltely, by which I mean they do not require any money/in game currency or having other accounts, these include things like "firework fesitval" "myoboku trail" these can give you some fragments for characters for free, which in a game entirely revolving around collecting you would think that would be nice, but you would be wrong. In 4 years oasis have given just 1 decent character in these events every single other event over the years the frags on offer have been long outdated, redundant characters that not even people in brand new servers can realistically use without losing 9 times out of 10

Money Money Money
The linchpin of oasis "business strategy". These events require real money or coupons ( the in game currency) to take part in and these fall into 2 further categories

1} events that offer set prizes for reaching checkpoints, i.e spend x amount of coupons get y for reward. These are the best events in the game and they are still terrible, to be able to complete one of these events without spending literally hundreds of dollars you need to play the game on a daily basis for better part of a full year, that is a lot of work for 1 singular reward especially when there is no guarantee that said reward wont be instantly made redundant by the addition of a new character

2} events that claim to be "rng" but are factually rigged. These events are supposed to be gambling events, you dont have to to them but you can spend money to get "spins" and potentially get good prizes. The problem with this is that it has proven to be rigged. ONLY accounts that are rarely active and who dont pay are even given a chance to win these prizes, if you have ever given oasis money or if your account is a frequently active one your account will be locked off, so there will be people who log in maybe once every 3 months getting these powerful characters for free whereas people who are active enough to contribute to the community you could spend literally 15,000 usd and get nothing to show for it.

Now I will talk a bit about the characters. By now it is clear the game exists for the purpose of collecting, like a pokemon game to put it simply, but the thing is collecting is made completely pointless in this game because there is literally nowhere at all to use your characters.
PVP events are rigged, do not as me why because I can offer no explanation for this, but over the 4 years the only interaction oasis has ever had with the players is when they have hired players to be "mods" or "game liasons". These players get free in game characters, free in game power items and free in game currency on the basis that they moderate the forums and that they listen to the opinions of players in their servers and relay that information to oasis to give oasis ideas on how to improve, ho to keep people playing and spending. But this does not happen, you do not need to take my word for it, you can create a character in any one of the 1600+ servers and ask any single player about the mods and gl's and you will get the same response, go and ask any player about the names kagari,annie,aika,qv,ajin,danzo and I can guarantee you the replies would support all of this mess I am typing here, that is how blatantly these guys cheat, how frequently they bully and the fact they need to cheat even with company power shows how bad they are at the game. They are the worst players in the game and they are actively ruining the game, they do not talk to anyone, the only things they tell oasis are changes that they personally want for their own benefit. They do not "moderate" the forums because they do not respect the rules of the forums they treat it like their own echo chamber, either people agree with their personal views or that personal will get deleted. On top of that they are the most hated players in the game because as I said, they have admin accounts, they have unfair advantages of being given enough poweitems/currency that unless you are a literal millionaire it is not physically possible for real players to compete with them but that isnt enough for them. They are still so bad at the game that they cheat, they have company accounts, each of them runs multiple company funded accounts and they use their combined free power to bully and camp anyone who isnt an employee and put themselves at the top of leader boards, and get themselves the best rewards without having fought a single genuine match. Which is against the rules, the mods constantly remind people in the forums that multiple accounts is accepted, but using multiple accounts for the sole reason of gaining advantages for your main account is against the terms of service and people have been banned for this, but not the mods who continue to bully people this way to this very day
The one area of the game that should be a haven for people who want to collect characters and make fun teams should be "training arena" but nope. The game has the laziest, dumbest, most boring community that any piece of multimedia has ever had. Training arena is a place where you can test out team ideas on an even footing and without risk of losing anything and yet that is not what happens, the only opponents you will ever face in there are players using the same 4 characters that they use in every single event because it allows them to set the game to auto........that says it all really just how bad the players and the english language game is. It is an MMO that cant keep any servers alive, that has driven away over 90% of the people who have ever registered and it is such a bad game that instead of playing it as a hobby people actively take measure to spend less time playing the game. You know a game is bad when people go out of their way to not play it

By all means, dont take the words of a stranger at face value, you can try the game for yourself and form your own opinions, but at the very least pay attention to what ive said about things being rigged. It will explain a lot of the crap you see happening, like players in new servers reaching a level on day 1 that isnt possible with the amount of stamina your account has on that day or a player in your server who is always the first to have new clothes/characters/items but are mysteriously quiet, it isnt because they are quiet people, it is because those are plant accounts being controlled by oasis to try and force a competitive atmosphere to encourage people to spend money thinking they too can have all that stuff because oasis know they are so bad at what they do that even with an extraordinarily popular anime driven mmo which sells itself the only way they can get people to stick around long enough to part with money is to manipulate newcomers naivety .
Naruto offline
That is a video and a manifesto of a plant and a mod respectively. Both were not nice players to begin with, so naturally oasis decided they are the perfect people to grant tons of free stuff and power to and to elevate to positions of power, but even these guys who took abuse from players for shilling out to oasis and not contributing anything to either the company or the community in exchange for cheat level power grew so tired of how bad oasis are for rigging events and price gouging aswell as about how the "mods" are the ones controlling the game not oasis and the text messages exchanged between mods talking about "destroying" people if they wont be in a relationship shows you just how childish and pathetic the mods pulling the strings truely are, point being that these guys who got paid to play even they got tired of what a shamble this game is and they left, confirming the shady practices that everyone already knew but couldnt prove on their way out.

Events are rigged by oasis
PVP is rigged by the mods
Characters cost over 160 times the prices that the original chinese company charge for them
It is a collecting based game where you cant collect unless you can spend upwards of 8000USD for a single character.
- Even if you can do so, collecting serves no purpose since you face the same 4 characters every single day and dont have a single outlet to be creative with your team.
Company and the players they hire are so bad that the original chinese game has more individual players in a single server than oasis has in 1600 servers
It is supposed to be a "massively multiplayer" game but oasis have ground it into dust so thoroughly the only way to take part in numerous events is if you sacrifice your time to run multiple accounts on your own.
Good luck to you
submitted by Ajin__ to naruto_online [link] [comments]

Hypothetical way to earn money on Roulette?

I'm clearly not going to be the first person to think of this, but I was just wondering how viable it would be...
Roulette, putting bets on every number...
So, take a Euro wheel (without a 00). Place a bet on every number except 0 and one other number, let it spin. Chances are, you're going to win, albeit a small amount based on your initial bet.
I tested this online with a quick roulette game with free money, however, I went fairly big. I place $100 on each number, except 0 and 32 Red, which are next to each other. I won 11 on the bounce, giving me $1100 profit.
So how viable is it to do this? I mean, it's all about quitting, right? lets say you do this just once a day. The chances of winning $100 is 1/35 isn't it? That $100 win per day is $700 a week which is $2800 a month. And that's only one spin a day. If you did the 11 spins like I did (obviously increasing the risk), you'd have broke even in 3 days of this, and as such, if on the 4th day on your first spin, 32 Red comes up and you lose, you're still breaking even.
That being said, I think the most viable way is dump $3500 per day on it and claim the $100 daily. Obviously there's a huge kick in the balls if you get really unlucky and in your month of doing this it lands on 0 or 32 but I suppose that's the art of the gamble.
I believe Roulette punishes greed or those chasing 'lady luck' bets, but isn't it fairly safe if you jsut slowly turtle your way to success with one bet a day?
I'm really tempted to try this. I'd do it in an online casino, but one with a real life dealewheel so you know there's no software behind the scenes to screw you up.
Just for a laugh, I continued my experiment on the game continually until I lost. First time around, I lost on spin number 14 (which I appreciate blows my theory out of the water somewhat). Second time around, it took me to 27 spins to 'lose'.
Now, I appreciate these are both below the magic break even number of 35 spins, but firstly, it was a flash game so Idk how rigged it might be, and secondly even with 27 spins, that's a healthy $2700 profit for 20 minutes work.
I know the maths mean 27 spins at once or 27 spins spread across 27 days is exactly the same, but it just feels to me as though one spin daily would be viable. You could even increase the risk by missing a couple of numbers off and for one spin, bet on 33 numbers instead of 35, to boost things on a one off.
Would there be any benefit in waiting for 0 or 32 to come up, then placing your single bet of the day, on the chances that the exact same number won't come up twice in a row?
I know you cant "Win" per se, the house always wins, but i'm just curious if this is one of the safer ways to give yourself a bit of an edge. It certainly beats red/black right?
submitted by electricp0ww0w to gambling [link] [comments]

The Longest Combat Turn Ever (How to kill a player's interest in a new game)

Hello! First time post here. I've read all the other stories so I'm inspired to tell my own. No, it's not as dramatic as table-flipping players or as interesting as DMs inserting their particular romantic tastes onto the group, but it's nonetheless a cautionary tale for players and DMs.

Setting: This game was conducted years ago around 2014 on Roll20. I was just a college kid and I didn't know anyone IRL that was interested in a more serious game. (I'm all for tomfoolery and murderhobo shenanigans, but my friend group made purely meme characters, such as a Cyborg Rocky Balboa and a runaway slave barbarian from the Pizza Pits.) I was on the hunt for something Warhammer 40,000 related, as I've tried Dark Heresy and I enjoyed DMing that. But I just wanted to play. Eventually, after many applications, I did find a group for Only War, a more 'military grunt' style of playing where you're one of millions in the Imperial Guard Army in space (for those unfamiliar)! Introductions were made, character sheets made and approved, and I was eagerly looking forward to it. There were 5 people total in this group and we spoke over voice chat.
DM, a player who I'll refer to as Commando as he played as the weapon specialist, and two players who both were "Operators" (pilots or drivers for the many vehicles in the game). As they worked in tandem within the same vehicle I'll call them Operator Gunner and Operator Driver. Finally there was myself. Hearing that the others were a weapon specialist and the other two were vehicle operators, I wanted to be the Techpriest (because 40,000 years in the future you need a priest to say a prayer to the spirits in the light switch to activate the blessed bulb). I was hyped to play.
Heads up: There were no arguments, and my expectations were not HIGH, mind you. I know that it's a gamble what you'll get with a random group online, but I couldn't help but be excited to play, and all the players seemed mature and knew their stuff!

Finally, let's get to the story.
The DM introduces Commando and Myself to the local officer in a camp on a far off jungle world filled with old ruins from human settlers thousands of years before. The camp is bustling with activity as the Imperial Guard rush about preparing to deal with the planetary threat; Orkz. (For the unaware, Orkz are big bulky green gorillas that talk in cockney accents and chop you with their big 'Choppaz!' and outnumber you 100:1)
The officer calls for the Operators to join us in his tent, wherein he states we'll be assigned to work with them as a squad and head the attack on a nearby Ork stronghold. Turns out that while the Commando and Myself are just joining, DM and Operators have been playing these sessions up to six times now. Which may explain the next few things.
We're told that the attack will be in a week and the DM states that if we'd like to roleplay or do anything in that week then we may. Roleplay! Awesome, that's my jam. Though, being new, I waited for my party to say something first. Insert one actual, literal solid minute of awkward silence. I stated that I'd like to take a look at the Operators' vehicle, to see if I can tune it up, and also to know what I would be working with (clarification; Operators in this universe know how to drive the machines, but not how to actually repair it or how it runs in detail, that's my job as a Techpriest). Operator Driver is still awkwardly silent, but he's not afk as we can still hear him doing things at his desk over the mic. Operator Gunner eventually gives me the go ahead, and the DM pulls up the document about the vehicle for me to look at.
Redflags inbound. And to make it clear; I'm not a Lore-Nazi. If it makes the game fun, I'm up for a little lorebending. But I'd also like to be told ahead of time if something is practically lore breaking.
I read the document. "Vehicle: War Walker". I hesitated a moment. I haven't heard of that vehicle before OOCly so I asked the party what a War Walker was? Was it like the common Sentinels? (Humanity's own two legged tanks). The DM replied no, it was a completely new machine. This was a major issue already as in the setting 'new machines' are anathema. Techpriests are heavily NOT for inventing new machines and just keeping the current ones repaired, and it's actually heresy (the kind you get executed for) to go about making new machines, especially without permission. The only thing worse than inventing new machines would be to use ALIEN machines. BUT... Like I said, lorebending for fun? That's alright. So I just keep quiet about it and try to get more details since this is an entirely new vehicle to me. I ask for what weapons it has, if it has had any issues before, if there's anything they'd like me to tune up, and for a visual of it.
They send me a picture of a War Walker. Turns out it wasn't an invented, new machine. It is the other War Walker in lore. An ALIEN war walker. EXTREME heresy. Internally I'm thinking 'oh okay they're just using a picture it's not actually an Eldar vehicle, right?'. To allay my fears I half-jokingly speak up , stating "Woo! Looks like an Eldar walker. I can still work with that." To which Operator Driver finally replied "Yeah, we took the War Walker from the Eldar and we jurry rigged it ourselves to work."
And there goes hope of the theme's setting having any impact. STILL, I stay quiet, and I 'tune it up'. The DM is lacking in telling me what I accomplish other than "you gave it a +1 to accuracy against flying targets".
The next HOUR OF GAMEPLAY is awkward silence. I try sparking conversation, offering to talk to others or to fiddle with their guns and add attachments or tune up. They all pass. During this very awkward hour it seems like some were watching youtube, and two players were (noisily) eating chips or something crunchy in the background.

Then the DM finally moves the scene along. "It's been a week, and it's time to assault the Ork Fort!" Now to be fair this next part was entertaining, as we all got together, looked a map of the area, and planned out our assault. This was the kind of thing I wanted. Roleplaying as a tactical unit, having to think out our attack, and then preforming it!
Operators would storm the front of the Ork Fort with their War Walker followed by two squads of guardsmen. I, as the Techpriest, would stick close to them and keep an eye on their machine and give firing support with my gun-arms sprouting from my back. Commando would take another squad down south along up a hill and start laying fire from his suped up sniper rifle. The objective was simple; kill all the Orkz. Easy peasy.
Turns out it was too easy, but only for one part of our group.
We begin the assault, initiative goes Commando, Operators (since they were BOTH in the machine they counted as one turn), Myself, Guardsmen, then the hundreds of orkz inside.
The commando moves and gets 1/3 of the way to the hill. Ends his turn.
The Operators move... and manages to not only reach the Fort with EXTREME speed in a single turn but still have the chance to unleash a salvo of missiles that went about destroying the Orkz guarding the two towers by the gate, and the gate itself. The guardsmen squads and myself are way in the back and it would take us three whole turns to catch up. The DM proceeds to roll for each individual ork, and the Operators roll for each individual damage. 23 orkz, in total, dies. The whole process takes 20 mintues.
My turn. Already seeing that this will not go so great I tell the guardsmen to hurry ahead while I try to go around the side of the fort and deal with any escaping greenskins. I make it 1/3 of the way.
Guardsmen's turn. They move.
Orkz' turn. Proceed with another 20 minutes of Every Single Ork in the Fort mobilizing and charging at the lone War Walker. And not a single attack made against the machine actually damages it.
Commando's turn. He keeps moving. He's 2/3 of the way to the hill now.
Operators' turn. They now are in the MIDDLE of the Fort. Their turn started (and I still remember this clearly) at 4:30pm on my clock. The driver makes evasive moves and rams into structures or other Ork vehicles like Wartrukz. The gunner uses FIVE WHOLE DIFFERENT WEAPONS on the Orkz. Missile salvo. Laser cannons. Bolter cannons. Plasma Cannon. And an Autostubber (basic machinegun). I don't even know how any walker can carry that much. Once again, dice rolls everywhere. The sound of so many virtual dice being rolled over and over again prompted me to lower my volume. Eventually the DM describes that almost half of the Orkz are dead or dying. I looked at the clock.
A single turn took almost an hour, and no one else has even participated. I remained quiet, as did Commando, and we took our turns. Commando reached the hill due to crits on his acrobatics skills and managed to kill two orkz on a turret. I managed to get to the door. The Guardsmen are still trying to catch up, and the Orkz are still firing on the War Walker. One does manage to get a lucky shot on it with a rocket launcher, but it hardly hurt the Operators.
It was the Operators turn again. A repeat of their last turn occurred, this time only lasting THIRTY minutes, and the fighting was over. When it was my turn again I opened the side gate to see everything on fire and green bodies everywhere. Internally sighing, I took it onto myself to RP again and call HQ to let them know the mission was a resounding success.
The debrief was lackluster as Commando and myself were pretty tired, and the Operators didn't seem into it since they returned their silence like earlier, so the DM called it a night.
There were no future games with them, as it seemed that the DM just up and vanished from Roll20 and no one reached out. This really shot my interest in playing any Only War games, or even any games on Roll20 again, for a while. Thankfully a few months later I gave Only War another shot and actually found an AMAZING game that lasted a few sessions.
So there you go. Not all bad games are dramatic. Some are just really, really, reeaallllyy drawn out and more powerfantasy in the not-so-fun way.
submitted by ColonelJebediah to CritCrab [link] [comments]

A guide to buying used gear with confidence. (Short checklist in the comments)

Chances are if you clicked on this post, you’re looking to buy either your first or second bass and you’re not really sure what to look for. There are a lot of options out there, and every bass is a little different, and if you’re buying used, there are plenty of people who will try to take advantage of you. But fret not! See what I did there. Basses have frets...Anyway, I am here to arm you with the information you need! This is AMP’s Guide to Buying a Bass With Confidence. In this guide, I’ll explain everything you should inspect and consider before you pull the trigger on a purchase so that you know that the bass you buy is a good one. These points will apply to new and used, cheap or expensive so it doesn’t matter what your budget or preferences are. This brings me to my first point:
1. Avoid buying online.
The only way to really know if a bass is any good is get your hands on it. Just really get in there and explore every nook and cranny.
Buying online is like playing the lottery. You might win, but odds are you’ll lose. The only bass I bought online came from a guy on TalkBass. My thinking was that if I bought from someone who was the type to be on TalkBass, that it was probably a decent bass and my gamble paid off. Unlike what happened with my uncle. But that’s not the sort of thing I would count on. If at all possible, get your hands on the bass. Be aware that even if two basses are the exact same model, they will be different from each other so it’s important you buy the bass you play and not just one of the same model. If that’s not possible, you might as well stop reading this post right now because you probably won’t be able to do any of the other things I’m gonna talk about. That's how important trying a bass before you buy is.
2. Play through a familiar amp
Whenever you go to a music store, it’s tempting to plug your bass into the biggest baddest amp they have, but that’s going to make your bass sound very different from how it will sound on your own rig. If possible, bring your own amp so you can get the most accurate impression of how the bass sounds. If I don’t bring an amp, I will usually try to play through an Ampeg or a Fender combo amp at a shop because I’m familiar with how those sound. I know that if I like the way the bass sounds on those amps, I’ll like it when I get home. Also make sure that you set the controls flat on the amp, meaning that you have the EQ set with everything at noon. What this means is that you neither boosting nor cutting any frequencies. That will give you the best and most honest representation of what the bass sounds like with the least amount of influence from the amp. It will also help you understand what the basses on-board controls do.
3. Thoroughly check all the controls
Depending on what kind of a bass you have, the controls can either be very simple or very complicated. Regardless, you’ll want to make sure you know what each knob does and make sure that they do what they’re supposed to. P basses are easy because it’s just volume, which is obvious, and tone, which is a high frequency cut. Other basses will have full on 3 band EQ, pickup selectors, active and passive modes to switch between, power windows, cruise control, all wheel drive...But anyway, if you’re not sure what the knobs do and you can’t tell what they do by fiddling around with them, look up your bass’s model number online. For example, this Ibanez bass has, if I’m counting correctly, 3000 knobs. But if you look it up on the Ibanez website, they have this handy diagram that tells you exactly what they all do. Make sure they all work and don’t crackle and pop as you move them around. They should feel secure and smooth as well. If the controls wiggle or are loose, that can be problematic to your electronics. They're not really controls, but you should also make sure the tuning keys feel good. They also should be smooth, but solid, and stay put once the bass is tuned.
4. Check the neck
The neck of a bass is at least 50% of the bass, and the part you’re actually touching the most. Making sure that it’s straight and properly set up is critical. One of the first things I do when I start playing a bass is run my hand up and down both sides of the neck to make sure the fret edges aren’t sharp. If they cut up your hand, you’ll probably need first aid and a tetanus shot. You should also check how straight the neck is. If you hold the bass kinda like a violin, you can look down the bass from the bridge and compare the curve of the neck to the strings. You’ll be able to tell how much curvature is in the neck. The strings will be 100% straight from the bridge to the nut so any anomalies in the neck should be easy to see from this angle. There should be only a very slight curve upward and it should be very consistent the whole way up. If it’s more curved on one side that it is on the other, then the neck is warped and that is not easy to fix with just a set up. Speaking of which, if the set up is bad, meaning that the strings are really far away from the neck, or really anything else that makes the bass feel bad or hard to play then you can always ask the shop if they’ll work on it. They might say no, but it doesn’t hurt to ask. I’ve pointed out poor fret dressing on basses and they’ve taken the bass to their tech to fix so that’s definitely something a shop can, and frankly should, do. A small part of buying a bass is knowing how much you can correct with a bit of tweaking the adjustments, but frankly, if it doesn’t feel great before you buy it, then it’s probably not the bass for you.
5. Take your time
I absolutely do not advocate for impulse purchases. Do your research online to make sure you know what kind of bass you’re looking for, what kinds of tones you enjoy, and what your budget is. If possible, you should take a few days between trying out a bass and actually pulling the trigger on it. A second pass on a bass might reveal flaws you may have overlooked the first time. Giving yourself time to digest things and not feeling the pressure to buy will make sure that you don’t regret your purchase. A bass guitar is a deeply personal thing and you want to be excited and happy with your instrument so that you’ll be motivated to play it.
If you follow all these tips to the letter, I can guarantee that you’ll go home with a good bass. But also, don’t be afraid to flip a bass if you find that it doesn’t do it for you anymore. People buy and sell instruments all the time and used instruments don’t easily lose their value. A used bass you buy for $500 will likely be worth about the same a year later if you find you don’t like it as much as when you first bought it. You’re not married to your gear. Unless you are. In that case, you’re really weird. Anyway, thanks for reading!
If you'd like to ask me more specific questions, I will be live tonight on my YouTube channel so come hang out!
submitted by droo46 to Bass [link] [comments]

Dear Melmsie Dauntless needs your help.

Dear Melmsie Dauntless needs your help.
If you have already read this on discord than the petition link is here
Dear Melmsie,
My name is Thehulk13#7098 My friend and one of your best bot mods is in desperate need of help his name is Dauntless or Dauntless#0711.
We have been friends for a long time, but this all started when dank memer community opened and dauntless was doing 4,982,393 heists because he didn’t have a 5 mil bank. And after 4 or 5 I gave him some fish to sell and he refused
So i helped him out and gave him banks to get to 5 mil.
I randomly pls level’d him saw he was only prestige 1 br0000 learn 2 grind WHEN? Like was his hiring process oh ur pres 1 totally loyal to memer lemme bot mod u ? sry random thought but i checked his commands and he agreed that he would prestige.

Br000 32,000 mod commands w/e the f0k that means
It could not stop there daunt is my br0 i have Me and a few IRL friends have caught at least 1000 alts / scammers / auto typers and i either ppcreate or i call the Brolice to catch these d00ds and he is always there even finds the other 5 alts must use mod command or some shit idk.
To be even more of a bro we even more We did 3 mil in dmc no req gaws with this embed in a #helpabro channel

I raged one day and he laughed at me for getting 304 bank space before prices of banks went Stonkz but not so funny now huh br0….. I PAID 105k for ur 82 coin expanded bank

It didn’t stop there I held a raffle for 10m dmc prize in entry fee was 1 note inThe titans server.
I’m pretty sure pls use bank gives 0xp so i have managed to get him to grind but 0 xp bro so add xp to pls use bank wen? And pls mod wen? Our goal is to…. Allow him to prestige… His wallet alone has 224 mil like who is going to hold 4 him when he prestige? Also…. His inventory daunt posted 1 meme randomly and got a free laptop .. rigged ik…
I’ve also bought a pepe trophy i think think gonna raffle off this week to help get daunt more bank space
I love dank memer and this community but like is almost impossible to have someone hold for him.
This is why I am asking Melmsie to pls help daunt prestige. Maybe let him give to memer? Or idk use owner hax bc daunt has done so much for the community and support now with covid and staying home he might have time for some gambling or grinding. Like….. Look at this..
Wtf…. even is this. this profile. I have enlisted a few grinders one you might know Aiphey#0711 to teach him new commands like hunt fish pm sell fish use items and slots and gamble if mel can somehow save our daunt from forever stuck as prestige 1 youtuber
Huge shout out to aiphey for being a true grinder and dmo staff ass well… look at a true grinders profile that profile just says TRUST written all over it. I think daunt would enjoy gambling and playing here and there with some of the dmo staff and friends. But cant gamble kuz balance and babi bank.
All in all, I may type like a 7 year old but i’m a b00mer and i do advertising online for a living. Maybe when i replace the PSU to my gaming PC we can ride around in in our sparrows or own some nubs on destiny ya?
I appreciate all the hard work you and the DMO staff do TY for some fun times.
A few recommended updates from me… Increase min amount a bank can give .If increase how much they give price will just go way too stonks
Give xp for mod or just ban him from using mod for 2 weeks so can grind.
Let memer hold daunts inv / bal ? or maybe you? Ill give u pepe ccoin
And a few actual serious ones don’t want to say publicly and i’m not an email kinda guy so ii took the risk of sending you a friend request knowing i might just get that quick bannerino m9 might ping 3x in General idk yet.
Might start a petition to get Mel to help daunt to be able to prestige.
THANK YOU to ALL DMO staff in support and in community you guys are the best. Thank you so much for your hard work.
submitted by thehulk133 to dankmemer [link] [comments]

Investing in Online and VR poker

I’ve been playing Poker Stars VR on my oculus. Guys, it’s the future of gambling especially in a post Covid 19 world. These Las Vegas Casinos are gonna need some help.
I’ve been wanting to invest in online gambling for a while. Looked into DRFT KINGS but also looking at PDYPY (they own Poker Stars and Full tilt among others)
Anything else you guys are looking at for this?
submitted by frontcock to StockMarket [link] [comments]

“A fortune in fabulous prizes may go to these people today....

“A fortune in fabulous prizes may go to these people today, if they know when The Price Is Right!”
Dah-dah-dah-dah. Dah-dah-dah-dah… I catch myself humming the theme song. I’m such a grandma knitting along to late night gameshow re-runs. But Bob Barker’s good company when you're in the middle of nowhere babysitting. The silence out here is disturbing.
“Rachel Donaldson, come on dowwwn! Yooou’re the next contestant on The Price Is Right!”
I glance up at the TV. Rachel’s jumping and squealing and throwing her hands in the air. I bet she’ll win a new car. God, it’s taking me forever to save for mine. I can hear my mom’s voice in my head: “You need to learn the true value of a dollar.” The only handout that woman gives is unwanted advice.
I set down my knitting needles to stretch my fingers. I have to finish one cat fedora, three dog bandanas and a guinea pig sweater by next Friday. My Etsy shoppers seem to love this stuff (not sure about their pets). But even still, I’d have to sell a million Chihuahua beanies to afford a car.
On screen, Rachel Donaldson’s bidding $1 on a 6-person hot tub. Hmm, seems risky to me. But as mom likes to say, “You have to take risks to get ahead.”
“Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!”
And once again mom’s right (boo). Rachel’s gamble paid off. She's through to the next round. Her family goes ballistic in the audience, screaming so loud it’s going to blow out the Richardson’s fancy surround sound.
Shit, I should turn the TV down. If I wake up the kids now, I’ll never get them back to sleep. And cranky kids means cranky parents. I need to keep this gig. Turns out babysitting pays way more than my animal couture line. And Tatiana and Julian are pretty easy to watch . Though tonight they seemed in a funk. Barely spoke. Maybe they decided they don't like me.
I stare down at five remotes sitting next to a fat ‘Entertainment Center’ instruction packet. Seriously? I try the volume button and nothing happens. I hit ‘power’. Still no go. Maybe the 'mute' button? It oddly does the trick. Rachel Donaldson is now noiselessly celebrating, her mouth opening and closing like a goldfish, as a plastic Plinko disc lands on a $5,000 payout.
Ahoooga! Ahoooga!
The noise makes me jump. For a split second I think it's coming from the TV. But, no, the volume’s still muted.
Ahoooga! Ahoooga!
It’s outside. Some kind of… honking? I picture a tiny car full of murderous clowns flashing chainsaws and uzis (too many B horror movies with my brother). The Richardson’s neighbors are at least a quarter-mile away, so if I screamed for help, no one would hear. I creep toward the window, a little freaked out. But let’s be real, what blood-thirsty murderer would announce themself with a cartoon horn?
I peer through a crack in the blinds, not wanting whoever it is to see me. It’s dark out, but I spot an old, boxy RV parked on the single-lane country road at the end of the Richardson’s drive. Its brights are on, giving the vehicle a visible aura, as if having landed from outer space. The passenger door is thrown open. I squint and make out a hunched over figure in the driver’s seat hitting the horn.
The side door of the RV is open too. Framed inside is the teapot silhouette of a women with big hair piled on top of her head. Hands on her hips, she yells at the figure in the front seat. Probably her husband. He hits the horn again. This is annoying. They're gonna wake the kids. I should go out there and tell them to stop.
Out on the porch I stop a sec. I hate confrontation. But they seem harmless… Definitely not murderous clowns. Just some old timers who probably lost their way on these crazy ass backroads. There are at least three streets with “Pine” in the name around here. Even confuses me.
I decide to be a Good Samaritan and take a few steps down the drive, not wanting to shout too close to the house. “Everything okay?” I holler out to the couple.
Startled, the woman puts her hand to her heart. “Oh, honey. Didn’t see ya there.”
“Sorry,” I apologize. “Didn’t mean to scare you.”
“Oh it’s okay. I’m an old fraidy cat.” The woman remains in silhouette. Just a voice in the dark. “Hate to interrupt your evening. But you see, we’re in a bit of a pickle. I was having Dennis here… wave, Dennis, to the little girl…”
The man in the front seat nods at me. I wince at her use of the word “little.” I may be small for my age, but I’m not a little girl.
The woman rambles on, “I was having him honk the horn to see if anyone was home. Didn’t want to trespass on this fine property. You never know who’s locked and loaded these days. I’m scared of dogs, too, if I’m honest. Been bit more than once and let me tell you, the bite is worse than the bark.” The woman laughs, and I join her. I’m used to laughing at adults’ dumb jokes.
“Are you lost?” I ask. “I can point you to the highway.”
The woman flips on a bug light rigged to the RV and steps down into the neon blue glow. I can see her face now. Makeup caked on. The shadows from her fake lashes like spiders on her cheeks. She’s older. Maybe gram’s age. With dangling turquoise earrings.
“Damn mosquitoes. Nearly sucking me dry.” The woman swats at her neck and checks her palm. “Ooh, got ‘em!” She wipes the guts on her pants. “I’m Marianne by the way. And no, hon, we’re not lost. Not in the literal sense anyway. We’d pulled off a few hours ago to catch a little shuteye, get a little beauty sleep. Dennis set an alarm on his phone, but the bugger ran out of juice. Turns out we no longer have a charger because my hubby here,” Marianne slams her palm on the RV, “let a pretty girl at the last RV park borrow it and never asked for it back! Worse yet, because we overslept, we’re now in danger of losing our spot at tonight’s park.”
Now I’m wishing I’d stayed inside.
“So you see, I desperately need to call ahead to let them know we’re only a couple hours away but have no working phone. You get where I’m going with this, darling?”
I do. But no way am I letting a stranger use my phone.
“I know what you’re thinking,” she says, wagging her finger. “You don’t want a stranger fiddling with your phone. So what if I sweeten the deal? Would five dollars help? It’s one measly phone call. Dennis!” she shouts, without letting me answer. “Bring me the can!”
I watch Dennis reach between the front seats and grab a red Folgers coffee can. He holds it out the passenger window, giving the can a shake. I can hear coins jangling. And it reminds me of my gram hiding “emergency money” in an old ice cream carton in the freezer.
Marianne huffs and shuffles over to her husband. “Thanks for the effort, dear. Always making me come to you,” she barks. “I’ll remember this when someone wants their back scratched tonight.” She snatches the can and pops the top. Crumpled cash falling out as she digs around inside. She chooses a bill and holds it out to me, like offering a treat to a feral cat.
I think on it. Five bucks could buy me a couple skeins of yarn. That’s about three dog sweaters at fifteen dollars a pop. So forty bucks profit, all from a harmless phone call which costs me nothing. “Sure,” I finally reply, handing her my phone… and hope I don't regret it.
“I didn’t catch your name honey,” Marianne says, while slipping me the wrinkly five-dollar bill.
“Delphine,” I answer, then realize I could’ve said any name. Jessica or Sasha or Princess Buttercup. But what’s it matter? They’ll be gone soon.
Marianne disappears with my phone into the RV. They better not take off with it. I listen close and can hear bits and pieces of her conversation with the RV park. It doesn’t sound good. Antsy, I check out Dennis still in the driver’s seat. He’s wearing a fishing vest over his t-shirt, its zillion pockets bulging with who knows what. He dips into one and pulls out a small black comb, running it through his patchy grey hair.
“Where you guys from?” I ask, trying to fill the awkward silence.
Instead of answering, he leans forward and pulls a Red Vine out of a giant plastic container on the dash, offering it to me. I shake my head ‘no’. Never take candy from a stranger.
“Here and there,” he finally replies, before taking a bite of his Red Vine. Smacking as he chews.
“Don’t tease the girl, Dennis,” Marianne scolds, stepping out with my phone. “We’re from a one-horse town in Arizona. Retired this last year after working our fingers to the bone our whole lives. Then set out to travel this great country in old Shitbird here… if you’ll excuse my French. But she’s a real piece of work. Prone to flat tires and flattening squirrels.”
I scan the RV. ‘Shitbird’ sums it up. The outside’s caked in bugs and dust. The passenger mirror is duct taped together. And there’s a dent in the bumper suspiciously shaped like a deer.
Marianne catches me staring. “I know, I know. She's a little worse for wear. You know the saying, some things are like a fine wine, they get better over time? Well that ain’t her.” She laughs, and this time I don’t laugh with her. I’m ready for them to be gone. “Anyway, we’re doing the festival circuit and have come here for your famous Apple Jubilee. I’m sure you know it well.”
I nod, the mention making me cringe. An apple-eating duck nearly took my finger off one year at that kiddie fest. I refuse to go back, even for the deep-fried apple turnovers. Marianne hands me my phone. The cover is smudged from oily fingers and smells of cheap rose perfume. Grrrrross. “Well I better head back inside,” I tell her. “Good luck with the rest of your trip.” I turn to go.
“We could use a pinch of luck, that’s for darn tootin’,” Marianne sighs. “Looks like they gave away our spot.”
I hold my breath, waiting for the next favor.
“You don’t suppose we could stay parked here for a short while? Just until we figure out what to do.” Marianne fusses with her hair, as the blue bug light zaps its first victim. “Would hate to waste gas driving around in circles.”
I’m not sure what to do. It’s not my dream to have them parked here. But can I force them to leave? They’re on a public road. “Yeah. I guess that's fine.” Before Marianne can say anymore, I hurry inside and lock the door. Peeking through the blinds, I watch Dennis shove an armful of stuffed plastic grocery bags into the Richardson’s garbage bin. He makes three of these trips, struggling to pound the last few bags in. Finally, he slams the lid shut, giving the can a good kick, having won the battle.
If I was braver, I’d tell them this wasn’t the county dump. Instead, I check on the kids. Their rooms are quiet and dark. Good, still comatose. It took forever to get Julian to sleep. He kept crying and saying his parents weren’t coming back. Poor little dude. As I leave Tatiana's room, I notice a new pair of ice skates hanging on the back of her door. These kids want something, they get it.
“Watch out!” a voice echoes through the house.
I freeze. My heart pounding.
“… You’re close to losing it all, if you can’t guess the price of this gold-plated Timex wristwatch!”
Duh, idiot. It’s only Bob Barker… But didn't I mute that guy? I hurry into the living room, half expecting to find Marianne there, eating Red Vines on the couch and swatting mosquitos.
“Put your thinking cap on, Tony. You’re playing for a new car,” Bob continues.
Of course the living room’s empty. I mute the TV again, still unable to figure out how to turn it off. I grab my knitting – and the hairs on my neck stand up. My Spidey sense tells me I’m being watched. And sure enough, I spin around to find Mr. Richardson’s face glaring over me.
I stare back at him, only a picture on the wall. Mrs. Richardson stands by her husband in the photo holding a picnic basket. Her hair in a smooth, shiny bob. Julian and Tatiana hold hands amongst a carpet of yellow and red autumn leaves. The kids are grinning ear to ear, but you can tell they’re uncomfortable in the old timey clothes they’ve been forced to wear. I laugh (the kids’ holiday elf costumes were even worse), but notice something odd about the picture. Mr. R’s gone grey. I thought his hair was dark brown but dude must dye it. Even stranger, his eyes are two different colors, one blue, one brown. Which I know isn’t right…
I drop the remote. Del – stop being so jumpy. I walk to the front door and peer through the peephole. It's Marianne and her red beehive hair. If I ignore her, maybe she’ll go away. I hold statue-still, trying not to make any noise.
“I can hear you breathing behind there, Delphine,” she says in a singsong voice, bringing goosebumps to my arms. “Don’t be frightened. It’s me. Marianne.”
Ugh, there’s no avoiding this woman. I crack open the door knowing the screen’s latched, creating a barrier between us.
“There you go. Better to talk face-to-face. I promise not to bite.” She lets out a dry, crackly laugh. “I do hate to bother you again, but Dennis has outdone himself this time. Spilled my last bottle of cooking oil all over the Shitbird’s carpet right before I was about to cook him up a plate of Salisbury steak.”
I give a blank stare, wondering if she’s for real right now. They’re cooking dinner?! They should be cooking up a plan of where to sleep tonight. I picture a greasy stovetop and the smell of burning meat and gravy filling the RV.
Marianne inches close to the screen, the tip of her nose grazing it. The heat of her breath assaults me. I take a step back, as she goes on, “I wouldn’t ask to borrow from a complete stranger unless I was desperate. Dennis is lousy with diabetes, god bless him, from all that pop he drank to stay awake on nightshifts. If I don’t feed the man in the next few minutes, he’s bound to slip into a capital ‘C’ coma.”
I flash to the Richardson’s coming home to an ambulance in their driveway. They’d have a heart attack no doubt, afraid one of the kids was hurt. I’d never be asked back to babysit. Maybe they'd tell the whole town, and my other families would ban me too. “I want to help…" I start. “But it’s not my house. It doesn’t seem right to take without asking.”
Marianne nods. “I understand. One-hundred percent. But trust me, no one’s gonna miss a tablespoon of olive oil.” Marianne studies my face. I think she can sense my hesitation. “What about this? I’ll give you ten dollars for it. The oil’s only worth a handful of cents. It’s a heck of a deal. And I bet a young girl like you is saving up for something special. A new dress, perhaps, or a nice pair of earrings…”
I glance down at my ripped jeans and baggy hoodie. Is she throwing shade?
“Well… whad’ya say?” She holds out her hand to shake on it. Her fingers are full of rings. Costume jewelry, I bet.
“Okay,” I answer, leaving her hand hanging. If mom was here she’d say “never trust free money”. But what harm’s a little extra cash?
I keep the screen door locked and head into the Richardson’s kitchen. The pantry is as organized as a supermarket shelf. Tidy rows of healthy kids snacks, protein bars and canisters of dried beans arranged by color. Totally OCD. On the back shelf I spy a row of oils – avocado, sesame, vegetable, walnut and a green one called grapeseed. No olive oil anywhere. Maybe I should give this nutter the cheap stuff and call it a day.
“You alright, darlin’?” Marianne hollers through the screen. She rattles the door, trying to open it. “Unlatch this darn thingamajig, and I can come help ya.”
I ignore her and grab the vegetable oil, since its plastic bottle looks the least expensive. I pour a large spoonful in a Dixie cup, doubting she’ll even know the difference. Back at the door, Marianne takes the oil and sniffs it. For a second, I worry I’ve been caught. But she smiles, lifts her shirt (umm, is she gonna flash me?) and unzips a nude colored, sweat-stained money belt. I try not to make a face as she hands me a limp ten dollar bill. The money’s warm and moist.
But hey, money’s money.
“Pleasure doing business with you, Ms. Delphine,” Marianne says, zipping the money belt closed and tucking in her purple bedazzled blouse. “Could I interest you in a plate? My kids used to say my Salisbury steak is the best on the block. Course, they’re all grown now. Don’t need me… Except when they need help paying their rent, that is.” She’s silent for a moment. Sad maybe. “Would make me mighty happy to feed you,” she adds, eager.
“No thanks, ma’am. I already ate.” Not trying to hurt her feelings, but no way am I eating a plate of her Salisbury steak.
Marianne frowns. “Your loss then,” she huffs, turning on her heels and strutting back to the RV. I swear I see her toss the oil into a bush. But it’s hard to make out much in the dark.
I curl up on the couch and get back to my Chihuahua beanie. The Price Is Right cuts to an ad for our local car dealership. The TV’s still on mute, but I can hear the jingle in my head: “Don’t waste your time going online. Come see Gervis for customer service…” The owner, Gervis McNally, rides a horse past the small electric car I’m saving for. I picture no longer taking the bus to school in the mornings or relying on my parents for rides everywhere. I could grab a peppermint mocha with double whip whenever I want. Purrrre freedom.
Bob Barker’s back now greeting a new contestant on stage. I dig into my backpack for a skein of yellow yarn, when the damn TV unmutes again. Did I sit on the remote? I reach under me to check, when Bob turns to camera.
“Check the kid’s bedroom, Delphine.”
My heart stops. Bob Barker’s talking to me.
“Because you’re about to win a 4-piece children’s bedroom set,” Bob exclaims, as the show’s snappy music fires up.
I laugh, relieved. Hello, I’m not the only Delphine in the world. I find the remote tucked between the couch cushions and mute the set again. It sounds nuts, but I can’t shake the idea Bob was talking to me. Maybe I should go check on the kids. Doesn’t hurt.
I peek in on Tatiana first. Even though she’s seven-going-on-thirty and mouthy as my cousin Sheila, she’s sleeping like a baby with her thumb in her mouth. I sneak into Julian’s room next and am hit with a gust of chilly air. His race car curtains rise and fall, as though breathing. I swear the window wasn’t open when I tucked him in. Right? I creep across the wood floor, trying not to step on the ruins of a Lego castle. I reach to close the window, and then I see it. A large shadow moving along the grass in the backyard.
Something's out there.
It feels like I'm sinking into the carpet. Totally spooked. I hear Julian stir and know I’ve got to check it out. I’m in charge of these kids after all. One step at a time, Del. Go to the kitchen. Flip on the back porch light. And have a look.
I make my way there and peer through the sliding glass door. The backyard is empty. Thank god. Maybe it was a deer. Or a coyote. Or a freakin' tree blowing in the wind… I should make a cup of cocoa and chill the hell out.
I grab the kettle from the stove, then freeze. There’s a noise behind me. On the back porch. I don’t want to turn around. Because the sliding doors are shaking. As if a burglar’s trying to break in. A scream rises in my throat.
“Delphiiiinnneee.” Marianne’s voice is both welcome and disturbing. “I tried the front door, but you must have cotton stuck in your ears.” She taps on the slider like a woodpecker, over and over. “Delphine? Delphine! I’m lookin’ right at you. Turn around.”
My body tenses, and I spin around to face her. Through the glass, I see the expression on Marianne’s face. She’s almost… angry. Or at least irritated. Her smile stretched too wide, reminding me of a patient in a dentist’s chair with their mouth clamped open.
I try to be civil. “I don’t know if you should be back there,” I tell her. “The kids’ parents will be home any minute.”
“The Richardsons?” Marianne asks, as if they’re old friends. “You don’t gotta worry your pretty little head about them.”
It creeps me out she knows their name. But then I remember the red hand-painted “Richardson Family” on the mailbox. Even then, my gut’s telling me something’s not right with these two. I’d call the sheriff, but I’m the one who said they could stay. It’s like with vampires – let them in, and you’re gonna get bitten. “I think you should go,” I say, my tone more forceful.
Marianne puts her hands on her hips. “Trust me, hon. We want to get out of your hair. In fact, we were about to take off when Shitbird overheated somethin’ awful. Like a case of herpes, this keeps cropping up at the most inopportune times. All we need is a splash of water to cool the engine off.” I can tell she’s gearing for another ridiculous ask. “I peeped a hose out front. Mind if we use it? I’ve already slipped fifteen dollars under the front door for your troubles. To help pad that nest egg of yours.”
She winks at me through the glass, and I feel I’m making a deal with the devil. But again, I do need the cash. The couple’s a bit strange, but I'm probably overreacting. Babysitting paranoia. “Go ahead,” I tell them.
“Eureka.” Marianne claps her hands together. “You’re an absolute doll. But there is one other thing…”
Of course there is.
“Your hose, what is it? A 25-footer? That ain’t gonna reach our engine. I’m sure you won’t mind if we pull into the driveway?”
Actually I do mind. “Well--”
“We’ll be done in a jiffy,” she interrupts before I can protest. “Scouts honor.” And she’s gone. Moving faster than seems possible for a lady her age. Although, maybe she’s one of those Zumba enthusiasts you see at the community center, like my great Aunt Bertie.
Through the living room blinds, I watch the RV roll up the Richardson’s gravel driveway, its flabby wheels kicking up rocks. The brakes squeal to a stop. And soon I hear the low rumble of water moving through the pipes in the walls with each turn of the garden spigot.
As my eyes follow the water’s path through the house, I glance again at the Richardson’s silly family portrait. Huh. Were Mrs. R’s fingers always covered in all those rings? Doesn’t really seem her style. My mind goes to Marianne’s costume jewelry crusted fingers. The resemblance gives me the chills. I notice, too, for the first time the way Mr. R clutches his kids’ shoulders. His grip too tight.
“Jesus H, Dennis, watch where you’re pointing that snake! You’re gonna get me all wet,” I hear Marianne yell from outside, followed by her crackly laugh.
Through the blinds, I see the Shitbird with its hood propped open. Dennis cools off the RV’s engine with the Richardson’s green garden hose. I can’t spot Marianne and wonder if she's snooping around the backyard again. But then there she is, exiting the RV with a large cardboard box. She drops the box with a thud and clutches her back. I swear I can hear the cracking of her spine from here. I try to make out what’s written on the box. R-I-C-H… But I can’t read the rest. Did they steal a package from the Richardsons?
I have a sudden terrible itch on my back but can’t seem to reach it. I think of using my knitting needles. That would do it. But I don't dare walk away from the window.
“Pretty yourself while you’re at it, old man,” Marianne orders Dennis. “You smell of liver and onions. We gotta look presentable. Make a good impression.” She throws him a rag, and I watch him bend over, spraying the hose into his limp greying hair. He straightens, shakes his head and slicks his wet hair back with his pocket comb.
I turn my focus to Marianne. She's checking herself out in the RV’s duct taped side mirror, picking Salisbury gristle from her teeth with a utility knife. Like some sort of thug. She applies a good five coats of fuchsia lipstick and puckers her lips.
It's as if they're getting ready for something. Maybe it's Bingo night at the RV park.
The blue bug zapper flickers. The itch on my back is screaming now. I’m about to go grab those needles, when Marianne plucks her red beehive hairdo right off her head. I’m shocked to see her bald underneath. The skin loose and blue in the light. Dennis hands her a new wig. She carefully puts on the shiny brown bob and smiles at her reflection in the side mirror, “Well aren't you a sight to see.” She tucks a stray hair behind her ear. “Come on, Dennis, it's time."
I clutch at my back. My skin is burning. As though being bitten by a million red fire ants. I grab the blinds, ripping a hole in them, as my knees nearly give out. And all at once, two heads snap toward me in eerie unison, like a pair of junkyard dogs. Marianne and Dennis are watching me.
I have a very bad feeling.
I run from the window to call mom. She’ll know what to do. And then I see it. Under recent calls. The last person dialed was dad - not a random RV park. Marianne lied to me. Her whole conversation was fake. Holy crap. What are they going to do to us? Panicking, I hit the emergency button, but nothing happens. Instead, a text pops up from an unknown number: “DON’T BE SCARED HONEY. WE’VE GOT MORE MONEY.”
They’re at the door. I go stiff. “Let us in, darling,” Marianne coos. “We ain’t gonna hurt you. We’re here to relieve you.” Her voice through the door sounds different. Not just muffled. But higher pitched. Almost breaking.
“Come on down!” the TV blares out. “You’re the next contestant on The Price Is Right!”
The volume’s so loud it’s as if I’m right there in the gameshow. I turn to face the screen. And there they are on the TV set. Dennis, gaunt and expressionless, sitting in the studio audience, while Marianne jumps for joy in her brunette bob and fuchsia lipstick. She takes off at a sprint through the audience, racing to the podium. In it to win it.
This can’t be...
I hear keys jingling in the front door and snap back to reality. Thank god. The Richardsons are home. I don’t even care if they’re mad about the RV. I just want them here. They’ll know what to do. The knob turns. The door creaks open.
And Marianne and Dennis walk in. Their clothes neat and tidy and stylish. Totally different than before – and yet off. Like a costume that doesn’t fit. I scream and grab my knitting needles, holding them out in front of me like spears. “Stop, or I’m calling the cops,” I shout, trying to sound grown up, when inside I’m still a kid who wants to crawl under the covers and hide.
Marianne ignores me, pointing to the TV. “Jeepers, Dennis, Delphine’s watching our old episode. Remember, dear? We were on one helluva winning streak. Celebrated that night with lobster and dirty martinis at the hotel bar. Took home enough furniture and bric-a-brac to redecorate the entire house.” She sighs, nostalgic. Then sets her sights on me. “Now, now, put the needles down, Delphine. Violence isn’t the answer. This will be easier if you give in.”
I swallow my fear and try to think, not loosening my grip on my weapons, pathetic as they are. I yell, “The Richardson’s will be home any minute! Get out, and I won’t tell them you trespassed!”
Marianne and Dennis exchange a look and laugh. Her fuchsia lipstick smeared on her teeth, she replies in a motherly tone, “Oh honey… we’re the Richardsons now. Don’t I look good in her dress? It’s a smidge tight, if I’m honest. But thankfully Dennis enjoys a bosom buster.” She leans into Dennis, kissing him. He lets out a low moan and grabs her hand. One by one he inserts her fingers into his mouth, sucking off her costume jewelry rings and swallowing them.
Tears roll down my face. “What have you done with the Richardsons?” Marianne stares at me with pity. “You freaks, tell me what you’ve done!” I yell louder.
“Mom? Dad?” Julian appears from the darkened hallway in his solar system pajamas.
I race to stand between him and the deranged couple. “Don’t come in here,” I order him. “Go back to your room.” But it’s too late. Julian runs to Marianne, wrapping his arms around her. I lurch forward, ripping him away. He struggles in my arms, crying, and breaks free, hiding himself behind Marianne.
“It’s okay, bubba. Mommy’s home,” Marianne soothes. “Delphine’s tired is all. She didn’t mean to hurt you.” Marianne pats the boy on the head, flashing me a Cheshire grin. And for the first time, I glimpse three or four gold teeth in the back of her mouth. As sharp as a wolf’s.
Tatiana steps into the room, rubbing sleep from her eyes. No, no, no, get out of here kid. Run! “Mom, what’s going on? Why are you guys being so loud?” she asks, annoyed we woke her. Her gaze moves from the couple to the threat of the knitting needles in my hands. Her expression changes. Tatiana’s scared. Not of them, though. Of me.
Dennis bends his lanky frame to make himself the height of the children. “Daddy will tuck you back in,” he tells them, his voice surprisingly warm. “Momma needs to pay the babysitter.” He grabs the kids by the hand and leads them down the hall toward their rooms. I want to chase after them, but my feet won’t budge. These lunatics are not your parents!
I need proof. I glance over at the family portrait. But the Richardsons I know are gone from the picture. In their place are Marianne and Dennis, posing with the kids in the same red and yellow carpet of leaves. Just another happy family.
“Does forty cover tonight,” Marianne asks, handing me two crisp twenty dollar bills. As if this were the most normal exchange in the world. “I know we’re back early. I do hope the kids weren’t too much trouble. I’ll have Dennis pull the car around to give you a ride home.”
I don’t answer. I can’t even process what she’s saying. Instead, I watch the Marianne on TV scream in delight. She’s won the final Showcase. Next to her on stage stand her unlucky competitors. The Richardsons. The REAL Richardsons. They’ve lost it all. And Marianne is going home with a new-
“Fully equipped recreational vehicle for an all-expenses paid tour of the great USofA!” Bob Barker gestures to a rising curtain. Revealing a shiny new Shitbird.
Marianne walks over to me. Her breath hot on my skin again, she whispers, “Don’t worry. You won’t remember any of this tomorrow. Of course, we’ll still need a good babysitter, too.” She winks. “And we do pay well.”
If I could escape, I would. But this all seems inevitable.
Marianne sets a hand tenderly on my shoulder. “You’ll have that new car in no time, dear. The one you’ve been saving so hard for.”
I’m still glued to the TV set. A new episode of the gameshow has started. The theme song along with it. Dah-dah-dah-dah. Dah-dah-dah-dah. Bob Barker stands on stage. Skinny mic in hand. He looks into the camera… right at me… opening his mouth to deliver the good news.
“Delphine McDonald, come on dowwwn!”
I smile.
“A fortune in fabulous prizes awaits… as you’re the next contestant on The Price Is Right!”
I have a very good feeling.
submitted by drkmode6 to nosleep [link] [comments]

Let's take some of the work off Jmods shoulders and clean up the spambots and scammers ourselves. Here is how we do it:

Let's take some of the work off Jmods shoulders and clean up the spambots and scammers ourselves. Here is how we do it:
Runelite has a feature that can already filter out anything. It is called Chat Filter and everyone has it. Just write whatever message you don’t want to see clog up your screen and chat. Even better, code it to make it specific for whatever that gash darn bot in the corner keep spamming, and do it in a way that doesn’t accidentally filter out your friend, just because he mentioned something that bot has been hammering away. ‘But if that is possible, others might have already done it’, you ask? And you’d be right. You could just copy someone else’s code into your Chat Filter, and you should go ahead and do that right away. I’d recommend this one. I started writing this before the recent post about the GE bots, it's not as fancy and might have some wrongful filtering, but you should add them both for now, as this is as much up to date as you can find.

1. Idea:

The problem is, you will never find a watertight piece of code, however fancy it might seem. Next month they will be spamming something different. To truly combat all the spambots, we, the community, need to make THE code. A public crowdsourced piece of Regex code that anyone who wants would be able to submit changes to without being able to grief it. Make it easy for people to report new leaks to the people who are dedicated to updating it. This is way more than enough, but we can do even better. Once that is done it would be implemented into the client itself, making room for various options without the need to ever take your eyes from your client from the beginning, making it more accessible and therefore more widespread. Spambots and various scams will be a thing of the past and the few who use the official client and mobile. This sounds pretty straight forward in my head once we get some traction. You might have some better idea of how we get to the end goal or see some solution to a problem I haven't thought of, and we'd love to hear about it in the comments.

2. Getting Coders Together:

The bots are evolving their spam with what is working for the moment and Regex filters get outdated all the time, so we just need a way for the people who want to do something about it to be able to contribute. Not just update our own filters, like a very few of us do. Every Regex code uploaded online is outdated ages ago and leaks even after I’ve updated it with my shit storm of a so-called code. Even worse, people don't even know Runelite has that feature, so there isn't any demand for updated ones. My suggestion is a dedicated Discord server that works as a solid base for learning how to code basic Regex and collect and process all new leaked spam that doesn't get filtered.

3. Coding Structure:

It isn’t really necessary if there are just a select few who have permission to apply the suggested changes. It would just make it easier for people to get into it, and make it easier for future third party clients to implement it too. My lazy daydreaming imagines a platform for numerous seemingly random anonymous beginner coders to be able to help make suggestions of changes to the code with various footnotes, explanations, change dates, previous code, and reasoning, that isn't going to follow into the final copypasta code that you manually copy into Runelite. Categorizing code under scams, gambling, beggers, advertisement, and whatever. While still making it hard for those botters and scammers to grief without admin permission. That will make it easy to find things and update the code continually. All of this can be done in a Discord Server with a few programmable addons, roles, and rule sets. That way people will join the Discord to get the latest code and the interested will stay and help make suggestions on code in one channel and send in new spam leaks in another channel. I’d rather have someone actually who knows what they are doing set it up than learning from the beginning myself.

4. Runelite Plugin:

Somewhere along the line, one of y’all will be the hero to build a Plugin for reporting leaks to some cashe for the anti-spam community in the Discord to get easy access, reported directly from the Runelite client. Imagine being able to just right-click report spam or wrongful filtering as an option with a plugin. We can already copy messages to clipboard and there is a plugin that crowdsources data to the Wiki. The code is already there and Runelite is open source. We just need someone with someone navigational skills to find those specific pieces of code and the work is halfway done. Maybe have a Discord bot paste the cashe in a separate channel if the player who reported it has the latest version of the anti-spam code, and have the plugin warn him if he’s not. The Discord bot could also paste wrongful filtering in yet another channel. The same plugin might even work as a beta for the automatic implementation of the latest Regex Filter code. Best case scenario, the plugin automatically reports the bots and scammers to Jagex, depending on what was filtered, but that would be asking for too much. As you would need a bot client for that kind of programming to my knowledge. We are here to shut them up, not join them.

5. End Goal:

Once we get a good, regulated, and ever-growing Regex Filter code that gets some traction. The Runelite team will find it odd not to include the latest Regex Chat Filter code into every Runelite update. Keep all the spam away for every Runelite user just by turning Chat Filters on, with some options for strictness and what kind of spam to filter. While still being able to edit and add your own. A good filter will take away the temptation for people who find it hard not to try their luck at rigged dice gamble bots or get drunk enough to think they can anti-scam the “anti” scammers. Keeping the game clean from the advertisement for gold-selling websites and rule-breaking services. We could cover everything in real-time, cutting their profits by order of magnitudes. They will lose some interest in making these bots and even players without Runelite will get less spam.

Before you do anything else, copy u/Leddence beautiful piece of Regex code from last year into your Chat Filters as a start. Then add the code in the comments from yesterday's big topic. We need people like them to help structure the anti-spam Discord community and work together with Runelite plugin programmers as server moderators. But first of all, we need someone rigorous and chivalrous to all, who can set up such a server and knows how to run and administrate it. If you think you can do it, keep us updated, or if you think you know the hero personally, let ‘em know about it.

> bot goes brrrrrrrr
> no.
> scammer goes uh
> no.
submitted by David_Potatis to 2007scape [link] [comments]

People on this sub who are voting for Biden because he is the “lesser of two options”...why?

As a disclaimer I don’t advocate voting for Trump either. In fact I think any self respecting person on this sub should not vote in this election. But I’m addressing the Biden issue here.
What I don’t understand is how ppl who claim to call themselves left wing or independent can resign themselves o voting for a guy who does not give a shit about them, will do absolutely nothing for them, and will just prolong the awful situation we’re in. Yes there are some things he could do slightly (and that’s being generous) better than Trump, but that’s a bit of a gamble. And if you voted for him and that gamble didn’t pan out, you’ve essentially cucked yourself.
Even after all the scummy behavior of the democrats: the constant vote shaming, contempt for M4A, online vitriol, Tara Reade scandal, rigging elections, and kicking the Green Party off the ballot... why? Is that not enough to deter a person from casting a vote for them.
For me it ultimately boils down to a self respect issue. I see a lot of ppl who claim to be left wing (even call themselves socialist) who are now caving to this “settle for Biden” mentality. If you claim to follow a certain set of beliefs/values but decide to compromise them, wouldn’t you no longer be a follower of that set of values? I can understand the necessity for compromise in some extreme situations but this is such a simple case of not going to the polls.
At the end of the day it’s your decision. I apologize if I come off as condescending but I’m just trying to figure out why.
Edit: *lesser of two evils (didn’t see the typo)
submitted by Kubrick379 to stupidpol [link] [comments]

A Thank You to my Fellow Pilots--and a Gentle Reminder

Hello everyone.
I'd like to start this off with saying thank you for making this subreddit GREAT. We are over 11K members and have an awesome bunch of people here.
One of the main reasons I play War Robots is because of the community and my clan mates--they keep me playing and keep me motivated to contribute in every way possible.
Gamers are passionate about their game! I know I am. Gaming is an escape from our sometimes boring and monotonous lives. I can get into a game and momentarily forget about everything around me. I also like challenges and a sense of accomplishment. Gaming can also be a stress reliever and a lot of fun. I also think video games are a unique form of art and creativity. I like the people / online personas I've met through the gaming communities.
That's why I like this subreddit. It is dedicated to the fans of the game of War Robots, with the main intent of discussing tactics and strategy in a civil manner. We Moderators strive to make this subreddit toxic free, and to focus on the positive aspects of the game. I've been part of many internet blogs for many years, and there are toxic comments in virtually all of them. When left unchecked it creates a culture that spreads like a cancer. Many people say and do things in cyberspace they wouldn't ordinarily say or do in person. They feel uninhibited and express themselves more openly. It's called the "disinhibition effect." Some are benign, while others are extremely offensive.
Many gaming communities I am part of have lots of rude language and harsh criticisms, anger, hatred, and even threats to the developers, moderators, and fellow bloggers. There are other War Robots forums that encourage and welcome that behavior. I still get troubled by how awful people can be in the forums. I've seen lots of harsh and cruel comments to random people on the internet. I've seen a ridiculous sense of entitlement, expecting the game to give us everything we desire for free and complain when we don't get it. And I've witnessed toxic people harass those who try to be cordial and defend the game, enforce the rules, or have an opposing view.
Here, we made a very concerted effort NOT to allow walkingwarrobots to become one of those negative forums.
I don't like micro transactions, gambling / randomness (loot boxes), and the pay to win model, but it's the most prevalent one out there. I'm very concerned and troubled by the direction the game is going, and I don't like it when the game doesn't deliver what it promises to on time with high quality. But I don't think the developers are evil, nor do I want to see the game fail, which are two of the most toxic themes you'll find in gaming communities.
We Moderators try to weed out those comments or individuals who have quit the game or do nothing but trash everyone who likes the game or gets enjoyment out of the suffering of others. Venting can be cathartic, but we do not want people here who are overly negative and try to ruin things for other people. So we purposely limit the number of "I'm quitting" posts, rants, raves, and complaints, instead trying to condense them into one thread on a weekly or periodic basis. Please also keep in mind that the Pixonic Community Managers are guests here who maintain communication mostly through the Moderators. It allows us to hold giveaways and get direct connections with Pixonic to assist in account issues or get a better understanding of the direction the game is going. So insulting anyone, including Pixonic, is not welcome here.
This subreddit is not endured by Pixonic Producers reading the rants--they are endured by us, and shouldn't they be enjoyed and not endured?
I am not arrogant enough to think this thread will change all behavior or your views on me, censorship, or the Moderators being "employees of Pixonic" (and actually called much, much worse). Hopefully this reminder will promote civil discussion, perhaps change the view of 1 or 2 posters who typically go with negative comments, or who like to make accusations against the moderators and create drama with snide comments. This provides some context as to why we Moderators take action on certain threads /comments.
Personally I don't like to be surrounded by negativity, both online and in real life. It's just exhausting and a horrible choice to make on a daily basis. I truly believe the manner in which you say something makes all the difference.
[EXO] JFSoul

Here are the rules:

General Guidance
This is a friendly subreddit for fans of the game of all ages, so most of all BE CIVIL, courteous, and respectful at all times, and do not use extreme language or act with hostility. The main purpose of this sub is to discuss the game and strategy within War Robots, so all submissions must relate to War Robots. WalkingWarRobots is not run by Pixonic; it's moderated by people who are fans and enjoy the game, just like you.

Posts, Comments, and Behavior
Don't advertise / advocate other games. Constructive criticism posts are encouraged, but threads will be removed if they harass or insult users, groups (i.e. F2P, P2W, Whale), orgs (i.e. Pixonic) or derail a thread to air grievances and carry out a toxic / negative agenda. Play the game how you want, but don't judge other players or bad mouth Pixonic business practices. Do not submit NSFW content. Profanity is not allowed in post titles.

Low Effort Content & Reposts
Low effort content is content typically created quickly and does not contribute to a discussion. This content often copies current trends and restates information rather than adding to the discussion. Use the subreddit search function before posting to make sure your post is an original. In some situations, posting about a topic again can be appropriate if a significant amount of time has passed. For memes please use WarRobotsMemes. Do not post more than one joke once every 24h per user.

Tanking, Cheating & Unethical Behavior
Any posts advocating or discussing how to tank, cheat, or promote unethical behavior will be removed. Rants / complaints about tankers will likely be removed as well--we Moderators hate tankers as much as everyone else, but if we allowed all complaints about tankers to go through it would flood the sub. Please report the suspected tanker to Pixonic via in-game support. We know it's annoying but this is the best way to deal with them.

Accusations, Witch Hunting
Accusations against a person or org are allowed only if the accuser has sufficient evidence to support the accusation (i.e. rigged in-game mechanics, hackers, etc.). These submissions must have moderator approval before being posted. Do not encourage others to target or take action towards an individual or org (i.e. boycott, downvoting, negative ratings of the game).

Naming and Shaming
Naming and shaming of individuals along with submitting personal information (i.e. in-game name) is not allowed. Note: we take protecting personal identifiable information seriously, so to prevent phishing or other scams, submitting your own personal information is discouraged

Media / Transactions / Excessive Self-Promotion
Do not use /WalkingWarRobots exclusively to promote your own media content. Users should follow the 9:1 rule, which states that for every submission of one's own content, a user should strive to make 9 submissions which are not self-promotional. Do not use WalkingWarRobots as a platform for any sort of transaction for money or other exchange of value. Links to a page offering a product or service are allowed, as long as the transaction is external from the WalkingWarRobots platform.

Banning Process
Violating the rules could lead to a permanent ban from participating in walkingwarrobots.
In the case of multiple infractions, a permanent ban will be applied immediately. This includes but is not limited to attacking, insulting, and harassing moderators.
Typical ban procedures are:
1) Warning
2) 1-4 week ban
3) Permanent ban
All appeals to the ban, and any questions or concerns about the rules should be sent via mod mail.
submitted by JFSoul to walkingwarrobots [link] [comments]

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When frequenting online slots, it’s easy to call crooked reels and rigged games when things aren’t going your way. You might argue your side and if you’re in a heated discussion with friends, you might even persuade one or two that the games have some form of a fix. Many people that complain about online casinos being rigged do so when they have been losing for an extended period of time. While some losses don’t always mean that the casino games have been rigged. Some investigation should be conducted to make sure. How to Avoid Rigged Casinos A rigged game is one where the result is deliberately manipulated to benefit someone. In roulette, that someone is the house. A genuine roulette wheel should be 100% random, and anything less means it is either rigged or broken. Note that a wheel can retain an element of randomness and still be rigged. As an avid online gambler, you have probably heard many people say that online gambling is rigged. Although many of these people are unable to substantiate their claims, they believe that online casino operators are deliberately manipulating the odds. Unfortunately, these accusations often come from an emotional bias after a significant loss instead of from research and reasoning. After all, online gambling sites are businesses that aim to make a profit while providing their customers with Is Online Gaming Rigged? Online gaming sites are businesses. Their ultimate goal is to make a profit while engaging their customers so they come back and invest more time and money in the game.... This article covers everything you need to know about rigged gambling sites, how to avoid them, and where you can play safely. Can Online Casinos Be Rigged? It’s hard to answer this question definitely, but depending on the gambling site you play at, they could be, yes. That’s why it’s crucial that you do diligent research and sign up at Home » Blog » Are Land-Based Machines or Online Slots Rigged? Are Land-Based Machines or Online Slots Rigged? By Oliver Hughes in Slots on February 29, 2020 . 4 Minute Read Today, I’m going to answer another reader question which I received recently by email. It comes from Sarah in Scotland who wants to know “Are slot machines rigged?” I’ve copied the email directly below with her pe Are online casinos rigged? While you might be in it with the aim of winning some money, online casinos’ main goal is to make a neat profit from customers who love to gamble online. Laws and regulations are in place with the aim of making sure that online casinos operate in a fair and legal manner. Every now and again, a gambler suspects that casino games or the casino itself is rigged. There

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