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[Guide] Early to MidGame Player Guide V.5

The New to Mid Game Player Guide

Originally i posted this for a friend. As he asked questions, i added to it. As guild members asked questions, i added to it. Now its full of info. This is all the info i have figured out about the game to date. Yes its long, and no, its not perfect. There are several ways to play this game. Though maybe not the most fun way to play at ALL times, I believe that most of what I share in this will save time and resources getting you into the later parts of the game much faster. In the end tho, i want you to take this info and make your own decisions.
Tracked some stuff here. Alot are out of date, and i will probably update it some and remove outdated info. Link Here

Account Progression

  • I'm going to be breaking some of my advice up into progression points. At certain points in the game, the optimal action is not the same as another point. Here is how i define them.
    • Early Game: You either have a team of 5★s, or a mix of 5★ and 6★s. Its hard to make a plan for heroes at this point in the game, and your resources are very limited.
    • Mid Game: You have an E5 and working towards more, maybe a 10★ support healer or Heartwatcher. You should have a decent grasp on the game, and a plan on heroes you want to level and how.
    • End Game: A team composed entirely of E3-5. Your PvP and PvE teams aren't the same. You are crushing it.

General Info

  • Daily Quest Skipping:
    • There was an old strategy where you only complete the daily quests when you had the free Heroic Summon. When this wasn't up, you completed all but Heroic Summon and 2x Casino spins.
    • After a little debating, discussing, and mathing with msmith78037 i re-evaluated my stance on this. If you look at the Google Sheet i linked above, on the tab for Daily Quests, it shows that the difference between the 2 is pretty small. And if the advantage goes anywhere, its probably on the side of completing every day. So for now on, i will be completing it. For sure EVERYONE should complete it during a HS Event.

  • Gem Spending Priority and Gem Hoarding Strategy:
    • Gem Events:
      • Gem Boxes (~10k)
      • Grey Dwarf (up to 8k)
      • Holiday Events (Easter, CNY, Anniversary, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Xmas, New Years)
    • Gem Spending Priority(outside of card users)
      • Early Game: Spend gems on Event Raid Hero Challenge and the Tavern. Save the rest for events, specifically the Gem Box Event. You probably want a minimum of 10k. At some point you should also pick up a class set for your first E3 or E5 from the blacksmith event. When the months start getting close to a Holiday, save for those as well. Good chance for special Holiday event to require gems.
      • Mid Game: You income will be higher than before. Still make sure you have enough for any Gem Box event, and save for the Holiday events. At this point if you have spare gems i recommend buying the 5x POs for 2250 Gems.
      • Late Game: You be cranking out gems pretty decently between everything. Still save for all events like you did in the Early game, but any excess pick up the Daily 8x HSs for 1k Gems from the Marketplace. We are trying to get 2k before Xmas and Chinese New YeaAnniversary. The benefits of obtaining the new hotness are worth it. Also these are the only events that will ever give F2P players the chance at P2W artifacts, and will likely require 2k+ HSs.
    • Gem Hording
      • I tend to horde gems up to 20k and try not to dip below unless i'm dropping gems on an event like Gem boxes. Anything over that amount i spend. This way you will never get taken unawares by the devious Devs that drop random events on us at the worst times. 20k is purely arbitrary and you can decide on your own value if you want. The idea behind mine is to have enough for Gem Boxes plus like 5-8k in reserve.

  • Game Advice:
    • There are so many people with so many different ideas on how to play. Some people know their stuff, others don't. Some people are nice and trying to help but have no clue how the game actually works. Some people make opinions sound like facts. I find myself doing the last alot. Some people even do some crazy math on things that help all of us out, but not everything can always be mathed out and quantified. Because a large portion of this game is basically gambling (RNG), there are too many hypothetical scenarios and results that could play out. I play and advise a certain way, and some disagree. Really it breaks down into 2 main ideas. Spending for "efficiency" and progress, or saving for big event gains and possible higher rate of progress. Is either wrong? Nah. What i'm saying is be careful who you listen to and play like u want.
    • The game CHANGES. From start to now, this game has changed alot. Events, player growth rates, heroes, PvE Meta, PvP Meta, it all changes. If you don't adapt, you will lose. Valk is a stellar example of this. She changed the PvP meta hardcore. It was a great change from speed CC rules all. Yet people rant about her constantly. She is very powerful (a touch too much), but she has to be for 1 unit to change a meta. So build her, build her counters, or lose and complain. Adapt or die. I'm pointing this out because there are quite a few that haven't adapted well that still give advice, so keep this in mind.
    • In conclusion, be skeptical, do your own research before buying in fully to any idea, and then use your brain to decide. In the end, you are in charge of you. There are quite a few times a little self research or even just THOUGHT about a topic could resolve peoples problems and more places a little patience would have helped. Use your brain if you want to do well, its all on you.

  • Early Game
    • I see questions in the line-up thread all the time. Am i doing it right? Who should i focus on? With a full team of 5★s, this is not a question that is needed. At 5★, all your heroes are poop. Should you replace poop in your line-up for slightly better poop? Sure, but its still poop. At this point in the game, the gear, artifact, and Treasure gem is more important than your hero. Of the heroes you have currently, you have no way of knowing which ones you will obtain more copies of. So here is the blanket advice.
      • Build every hero to 6★ you can. It doesn't matter. If you have 2 copies of it, build it. Put it on your team. 2 Faceless, is she good? Nope, build her anyways. This will not hurt you in the least. What you are building is fodder. Fodder is needed in the THOUSANDS (NOT exaggerating anymore) in this game. So build without worry. If you find a top tier hero and have 2 copies, then its time to focus in and see if you can make things happen. DO NOT LEVEL PAST 6 WITHOUT PLANNING TO TAKE IT TO 9.
      • The only thing (hero wise) you can do wrong is sacrifice a top tier hero to ★ up another one. How do you avoid this? WELL, i'm glad you asked. You jump to the top of the screen, type in "Tier List" and read. I personally like MKxJump's list. You can also check out my other Guide Here Check the top.
    • I'm not saying to never post in the Line-up thread with questions either. Just that posting with a team of 5★s is a waste of time. Most people don't know how to respond so they don't. Most of the time i tell them "You have these 3 good heroes, rest are fodder, don't sacrifice the good ones, build 6 stars, cheers." All of which with a little research they could probably have figured out. If you have a varied line-up of 6★-10★ heroes and you want to know treasure stone builds, artifacts, if its worth proceeding with a hero in your comp, if you should sacrifice a mid-tier hero for a top tier, those are good questions. Keep in mind that just because they answered you doesn't always mean they are right either Haha.

​ ## Importance of Gold:
- Guild Tech Pets Treasure Stone Heroes Grey Dwarf
Gold 75m Per Tree 800m Per Pet 170m Per Stone 270m Per Hero 200m Per Event
  • Can't stress this enough. DO NOT waste your gold. You will need it. Gold is used in high quantity for all of the above. In massive numbers. A full team of E5, Max Tech, Celestial Stones, and Pet are easily in the BILLIONS of Gold. Best to start saving now. That blacksmith event is killer early on, but still worth... sometime for only partial completes.
  • So be careful spending gold on:
    • Blacksmith Upgrades
    • Leveling heroes (YOU DON'T NEED TO LEVEL THEM ALL and fodder heroes only to 100)
    • Treasure stones for non-Tier 1 heroes.
  • There are thankfully alot of places to earn gold as well.
    • The Guild mill is a great early place
    • Celestial Island is another good place. Clearing Gold mines and the Islands can net like 6m a day.
    • Making sure to stay on top of the Campaign 10 hour timer
    • Broken Spaces monthly event
    • Aspen Smashes
    • Fusion Event

Account Progression

  • Account progression is impacted by 2 main things, fodder, and Hero Copies.
    • Neither is more or less important than the other. Without Good hero copies, all the fodder in the world won't help you. If you have the hero copies and no fodder, same. You need both. As i see it Events are mostly important for Hero Copies, and 4★ Shards will be your solution to fodder issues.
    • I have a guide on the best way i have found to progress. Its to focus 1 Great hero, and ignore all else. The guide is Here. I recommend reading that thread more than this one. While this is still useful, it just doesn't have an big an impact as the one i linked.

Importance of 4★ Heroes:

  • 4★ Heroes shards will make up a large portion of your consistent acnt growth. You build their numbers daily, in small amounts. By the end of the month, they add up. On top of that, with the monthly Fusion quest, the first 20 5★ you make reward you gold, which you will need. They should be picked up at every chance.
    • Marketplace: 30x Shard for 1.5m Gold
    • Seal Land: Smash daily for the most you can.
    • Event Raid Hero Challenge: Spend gems for extra completes here. All that you can EVERYDAY.
    • Tavern Quests
    • Aspen Dungeon: The Lady Dude sells 30x for 1.5m
  • Done right, you should be able to pick up 3000-10000 Shards a month depending on your status.


Obtaining hero copies in this game is all about events. Generally, there are 2-3 events each week starting on Thurs. The events themselves reward a player for doing what they were already going to be doing, just saved up and done all at once. The best way to get hero copies is to save for Events. The best way to do events is to properly prepare and pool resources ahead of time. Scrambling and using random resources is bad. You also shouldn't be using any resources outside its associated event to maximize your results with no extra effort beyond BEING PATIENT. I have put little notes in each section on how i feel this is best accomplished. The following are things i see people doing WRONG:
  • Spend Heroic Scrolls, Prophet Orbs, Casino Coins, 4★ or 5★ Hero Tokens at any point outside their specific events.
  • Use resources on odd events to accomplish them at a crazy cost (using 20 Prophet Orbs for Miracle).
  • Use hard earned resources on an event that does not give them anything they need. (Example: 80 POs for King Barton Reward)

Opportunity Costs

  • A big argument with saving for events is this "Opportunity Cost" of not spending your resources. What they mean is that for not spending your resources, you obtain less fodder to ★ up your heroes, for a time. Without leveling your heroes, you accomplish less than someone who does. Alot of the debate is wrapped up in this hypothetical... for both sides. So if you hold your 80 POs and don't spend them for 2 months because you didn't find the rewards useful, and another person spends 80 each month. By the end of the 3rd month, you will have 240 orbs to spend on an event that can provide more useful hero copies (hopefully), whereas the other person that spent 80 each month earn progression TIME with stronger heroes that you won't have till the end of the 3rd month. So all things being equal (which they aren't, which is why its super hypothetical) the idea is to weight the advantage of that 3 months of slightly stronger heroes vs the cost of saving the POs and getting useful heroes. There are probably times both are useful.
    • Early Game: Yes spend 80 Orbs each time you have them. Don't worry as much about the reward Heroes. You are just focusing on getting copies from the orbs and your branches. Plus you need all the fodder at this point. You don't have massive 4★ Farm going yet.
    • Mid Game: I think its worth waiting for a hero you might need. Don't hold your breath for any Top Tier Light/Dark to be the PO reward, but there are still good ones offered. Horus, Valk, Oberon, Cthuga have all been up there. A few times for Special events they throw up a Light/Dark. Don't hold back if you already have 320+ Orbs.
      • For the best heroes in the game, you are gated by hero copies. DH helped us a ton with the Feather Shop. Make sure you focus obtaining feathers as much as you can. They are so valuable for so many things.
      • One of the things that is rarely mentioned in talks about opportunity costs is the special events. Anniversary, Thanksgiving, CNY, and X-mas (sometimes others like Easter or Halloween) will have special events. Its always random, but usually pretty good. Generally its these events that the P2W artifacts are available without money, and no other time. The catch is they require a decent surplus of Resources. Thanksgiving event is a great example. 240 POs and 60 SCC, and you got Xia, Amvour +Skin, Runes Power, and Kiss of Ghost. Is it worth delaying your progression to obtain such things? Hell yes. Without a doubt. <-- My Opinion. How much are the P2W Artifacts worth? Most take $200-$300 to obtain. What is it worth to you to have a chance to obtain them without money. That is my answer to opportunity costs. The downside is the randomness, unpredictability, and inconsistency of the events. The upside is obviously having a chance at obtaining an item that at the higher ends of the game is a difference maker between you and the next person.

Monthly Events:

  • With the release of monthly events a few things have changed... for the better. We have more time to complete events, AND they released the feather Shop.
    • Golden Feather shop: This shop is so amazing for progression. If you focus most of your effort into obtaining feathers over all else, you can get any hero you want. Heroes unobtainable by normal players like the new Light/Dark hotness can actually be built. I recently saved up and used 560 Feathers to get all the rest of the copies i needed of Aida to E5 her. Game changer here if used properly. ​ *** ​

Fusion Event: (Monthly Event)

  • A large portion of your account growth will come from this event. Each day you will do each of the things that provides 4★ shards. We will use those to make our 5★s as discussed above. The gold and pet materials provided by this should not be miss, as well as the feathers.
  • Because this is now a monthly event, you can now double dip with Heroic Miracle if you wish. I do it, but some don't like to wait. Just make sure you do have enough for the Heroic Miracle event. You never want to miss out on it because you fused all you had right before it drops.

Militant: (Monthly Event)

  • You just have to fight a lot. Keep in mind you get less points for losses, SO DON'T LOSE. Some of the event is based in the crystal crown league, and the other will be in the Trial of the Champion. Both require 150 points, and reward Golden Feathers for a full completion.
Crystal Crown 150 Points 1 Ticket Entry 2 Points for Win 90 Free Entries 0 Tickets to Complete
Trial of the Champion 150 Points 3 Ticket Entry 2 Points for Win 0 Free Entries 225 Tickets to Complete
  • Buy the Marketplace 5x Tickets for 300k every day. That is 150 Tickets a Month. Rest you will have to get from Aspen, or buy with gems from Aspen. Technically you get 5000 Gems from Trial as reward. Its obviously best if you don't have to reinvest those to complete it, but it can be done EVERY month, and SHOULD be.

Tavern Event: (Monthly event)

  • This is the EASIEST event besides Heroic Miracle. I use my Tavern Re-roll strat, and its a non-issue to complete this. For being so easy, it has some killer rewards. 25 Prophet Orbs! While re-rolling tavern quests, save two 7★ quests, and five 6★ quests. Saving the quests means you put heroes in them to complete them. Let the timer run, but instead of clicking the "Complete" button, you just leave them floating.

Broken Spaces: (Monthly event)

  • This event has a set of bosses to kill for rewards. Pretty basic. The first tier is pretty doable by almost anyone. The 2nd and 3rd take a bit more. Beyond that starts to take a specific PvE setup team, or hundreds of tokens.
  • Good PvE teams generally consist of Pheonix Pet, Sigmund, and Heart Watcher. Then the last 4 spots filled with either 4 Damage dealer heroes, or 3 damage dealers and a healer. Just depends on if your heroes are dying or not.

Heroic Summon Event:

  • 500 HS are needed to complete the event. Can be completed 4 times. The summon event is THE hardest event to complete.
500 HS Completion 16x 5★s 100x 4★s ~28x fodder God Tier Reward 15 Feathers
100 HS x5 16x 5★s 100x 4★s ~28x fodder None 30 POs & 100 HS
  • Due to the restructuring of the 3 big events and the ability to repeat 4 times, i have changed my approach to this event.
    • Early Game: Spend 100 or 500 as you can. I prefer the 500, as i focus on the Feathers all i can. If you can't wait for 500, then do the 100 summon. The 100 summons is near to being the most efficient event per rewards the game has. Missing those 15 feathers is not a good idea IMO. Soul stones should also probably be picked up at least once, so you have them if you ever need them to regress or soulswap bad heroes.
    • Mid Game: Complete the 500 summon for a top tier Hero and Feathers or start saving 2k for a Holiday event. Mid game is long, so it kinda depends where you are, and how much patience you have. Saving 2k is not for everyone i'm told. The earlier you start, the more likely you will be to have top tier heroes and artifacts for your End Game team.
    • End Game: Save 2k. The. New. Hotness.
  • Reasons for 2k saving:
    • Most special events seem to be taking into acnt that it is possible to complete 4 times, thus to obtain some of the best rewards you will NEED to complete it 4 times.
    • The release of a new OP hero. Most new heroes are OP with the ever scaling hero powers. 2000 scrolls gives 4 copies (almost 5 with feathers) of that hero and a good likelihood of 3-5 more, thus handing you a new OP E3-E5.
    • Chance at P2W artifacts. So far, they are still behind a $100 paywall for the last few events even with 2000 HS used. If P2W artifacts are going to be had, this is how it will probably happen though. A few have been obtainable tho. Antlers Cane for Xmas, Kiss of Ghost for Thanksgiving, and a few like Augustus Ball prior to the event changes.
  • The odds are 1.58% to summon a 5★ normally. 3.16% in a summoning event. Never summon outside the event except for daily quest.
  • This event is very hard on Hero room. Be careful what you are sacrificing on the Altar, and remember that keeping as many heroes in token form as you can helps a lot.

Prophet Orb Event:

  • 80 orbs are needed to complete this event. It can be completed 4 times. All rewards from the Prophet Orbs are awarded in Token form.
  • Keeping rewards in Token form helps:
    • Hero space, its fairly limited. Token space is limitless.
    • With how random Shelter events are, keep even 4★ heroes (x120)
  • Ways to obtain Prophet Orbs:
    • Completing Events (25 from Monthly)
    • Aspen Old Dude 5x POs for 2250 gems
    • Super Casino
    • PvP Vendor
  • Early Game: Save up 80 Orbs and spend on the next event. Don't worry about event skipping because of the hero reward at this point.
  • Mid Game: If the Hero reward is not one you plan to build, skipping is a good idea. Because it can be completed up to 4 times, each time you skip adds one potential hero copy of the same hero. Going very far over 240 should be pretty rare though. I also buy the 5x POs from Aspen, eventually stopping once i start to focus on HSs.
  • Saving opens up your options and affords the power of choice. There are "opportunity costs" associated with this choice as well. You have to weigh the delay of progress against good hero copies and special events.

Heroic Miracle:

  • For this event you need to summon or craft 5★s, 2 each of Light and Dark, and 3 each of Abyss, Shadow, Forest, and Fortress. This rewards a good 5★ hero, some nice HS or POs, and some nice orange gear.
    • With the Release of the Monthly Events, you can save all Creation Circle 5★ fuses for this event. For those early on in progression, its something you should probably take advantage of.
Heart Summons to supplement Creation Circle Crafts Then Specific Hero Tokens

Shelter Event:

  • Shelter Events are a set of trades that can be done for a reward. Its had some varied 4★ requirements, and a 5★. Since it is random, be careful how you scramble to obtain the heroes.
  • Stash:
    • 120x 4★ of each Heroes Token
    • 5★ Fodders of each faction (2x L/D)
  • My last advice is to think twice before getting any Light/Darks from this event. Trading 2 L/D fodder in for 1 hero is costly. With the other factions, wouldn't be AS big a deal. Since its rarely a top tier light/dark, its usually not worth it.

Grey Dwarf Event:

Gear Gold Gems
4★ 5★ 40m 1500
5★ 6★ 60m 2500
6★ Class Set 100m 4000
Total 200m 8000
  • All of these upgrades are worth it, but this event is very expensive to continually complete. Armor is more important that most realize especially early game. Save BEFORE it arrives.

Casino Event:

  • Casino event, to me, my least valued event as i feel the fodder rate is low. At the same time, is has the highest comparative value on my spreadsheet. You can pick up many Casino Chips from:
    • Marketplace 8x Chips for 240 Gems
    • Aspen Deals for Gold and Gems. (Buy all Casino Coins for gold AND the 20x for 500 Gems)
    • Tavern
  • I don't like spending gems on Casino Coins because i can get so many for gold from Aspen, BUT for new players this is a pretty damn good event, and even for older players, those POs it rewards for the low cost are a pretty good deal.
    • Early Game: While i value it the lowest, the event has definite value especially in the early game. It has some pretty good benefits for low level players. Namely Gold, 4★ Shards, and Sacrificial Artifacts. Because it does have a decent use early on, i will leave it up to you if u want to spend gems on this.
    • Mid Game: Buy your Aspen deals for Gold, and complete when you can. The POs for completing the event are nice and generally so is the gold, but its not worth our gems at this point except the 20 for 500 Aspen deal.
  • Most of the value here comes from the 4★ shards. Refresh for Light/Darks all you can each day. If you don't get them, roll until you get whatever shards are on the wheel and stop for the day. This way you can focus on 4★ shards while still doing the daily quest 2 spins for free.

Treasure Chest:

  • This event is sometimes really AWESUM and other times....bleh. This event is a big sale of Boxes for Gems. This formula seems to be changing from week to week, and so the gem prices on the boxes are varied. 4k hero boxes, 6k Guild Coin boxes. The box that makes or breaks this event is the box with the guild coins. This is a huge boost to guild coins, but the randomness of the box can really boost or diminish its value. You will have to personally weigh it each time.
Gems Rewards Rewards Rewards
500 5x HS - -
1200 5x Super Chips 2x 3★ Orange Armor Pieces -
2400 8x POs 2x 3★ Orange Armor Pieces -
4000 Decent Hero 20k Dust -
8000 Good Hero 25k Guild Coins Skins
Only 3 Artifact or Shards Event Currency Feathers
  • You want to have at least 12k gems saved up each time for this event. The 1st, and 3rd boxes are usually must buys. The 2nd box is a crap value. The 4th box with random shards and dust is pretty bad deal as well. The 5th i would generally say to get if u can afford it just for the Guild coins, but if you are tight on gems its fine to leave it if Guild Coins is really all thats good in it.


If you go into the "Hero" menu, and click the gallery on the right side, you can see all heroes available. You can read hero abilities and more importantly you can see the 10★ versions of heroes. The 10★ heroes change a little from their former versions. This also lets you see which heroes CAN be 10★s, as not all heroes can. Read up and decide for yourself who you want. That's part of the fun right? Check my other guide if you would like to know who to keep or not Here.
  • Hero Class: There are 3 Classes of heroes the way i break it down
    • The Class 1 - 10+★ heroes (5 star base)
    • The class 2 - 9★ heroes (4★ base, can be found in 5★ though)
    • The class 3 - 5★ heroes (4★ base)
  • Why are those categories important?
    • The Class 1 heroes are 5★ only heroes, meaning they are harder to get. You should be picking your end game team from these heroes. Everything else is fodder. Just because it is a class one hero does not mean its a strong hero. Focus on hero skills and read carefully. When sacrificing heroes try NOT to use this class of hero if you aren't sure how good it is. Check the top of this thread if you want to know what is safe to sacrifice...Here
    • The Class 2 heroes are useful, especially early on. They all have 4★ versions that can be obtained very easily and can thus be changed into a 6★ hero much faster. This is also useful to puzzle out because they max out at 9★. That means they are the best choice for a 9★ sacrifice. Class 2 minions make the 9★ sacrifice much easier than than using a harder to obtain Class 1 hero that might make a better 10★ sacrifice. Norma for early progression is the only worthwhile hero in this grouping. And Sierra cause dem tiddies level up with her.
    • The class 3 heroes, while being absolute garbage, are very useful as 5★ sacrifices. That's it though. They are my main source of fodder through 4★ fusions.
  • Had a decent amount of questions concerning ★s. So here is the level up rundown. 6★ by combining 5★s at the creation circle. Once at 6★, click on the hero you want to upgrade and go to the upgrade tab.
7★ 4x 5★ Same Faction - -
8★ 3x 5★ Same Faction 6★ Same Faction -
9★ 2x 5★ Same Faction 6★ Same Faction 1x Copy of Hero
10★ 9★ Any Faction 6★ Same Faction 2x Copy of Hero
E1 9★ Any Faction - 1x Copy of Hero
E2 9★ Any Faction - 1x Copy of Hero
E3 10★ Any Faction - -
E4 10★ Any Faction - 1x Copy of Hero
E5 10★ Any Faction - 1x Copy of Hero
  • Best Heroes:
    • There are a limited number of places to obtain the best heroes in this game, most with a TINY chance.
      • Event Completion Rewards
      • Heroic Scrolls
      • Prophet Orbs
      • Prophet Branches
      • Super "Wishing well"
      • Elite Shards
      • Feather Shop
    • The 5★ Hero shards cannot give any top tier heroes. Prioritizing Prophet Orbs, Heroic scrolls, and events will progress your hero copies more than anything else. Knowing this helps you understand where to spend resources, and what to prioritize if you have many options.
  • Light and Dark heroes are harder to get and level. Taking multiple L/D units past 7★ is really hard. For this reason, don't level any L/D until you have enough copies of the hero to at least 10★+ the hero.
  • Treasure gems: They are the item on the lower left of the hero. Any hero you don't plan to take to 10★, don't take past a Green stone. Never lock in the stats.


  • You have the ability to reset your tavern quests that are available for 10 gems per quest re-rolled. Maybe this doesn't seem like a good idea, but in general it is. My formula is this:
    • Do any quest with more than 25 gems (40+ gems)
    • Do any quest that gives heroic summon scrolls
    • Do any 5★ quest that gives 4★ token pieces (None)
    • Do any and all 6 and 7★s except Green/Red Artifact pieces
    • Re-roll the rest and repeat
      • Caveat: This has worked for me at Vip3 and higher. Vip0 i have been told is risky for 7★ Quests.
  • The idea is this. The only items i really care about are the HS, and the gems (and a little for 4★ Shards). Because gems are so useful, i focus on gaining them over pretty much everything. Anything that can be bought with gold, has less value here.
  • So i have gone nearly 2 years with this strat, but the last 6 months has been very rough for one of my acnts. The other 2 are sitting at like 10x 7★ Quests. One of my acnts though is getting royally screwed with RnG. Because getting 2x 7★ Quests a month is so profitable, it needs to be done. So for like 3 months i altered my plan. I used the Parenthsis values instead. So from now on, i will those rules if i don't have 2x 7★ Quests. RnG is RnG, and sometimes it's bad, even for long periods. Eventually tho, you will get back to normal, or even have your situation flipped.


  • Buy every day:
    • 5x Arena Ticket for 300k Gold
    • 3★ Fodders for Gold
    • 4★ Fodder for Gold
  • If you are over 20k Gems, and preparing for the 2000 HS events
    • 8x Heroic Scrolls for 1000 Gems
  • If you find you are no longer have such a huge need of gold:
    • Buy 5x Basic Scrolls for 500k Gold
      • Helps supplement 3 and 4 star numbers


  • Every 10 hours, the loot and exp max out. Open the campaign screen to resume the gain.
  • End on farming levels divisible by 5. You can obtain shards this way. Don't stop on other levels.
  • At acnt level 175 Orange Artifact shards start dropping, or acnt 177 for Artifacts and 5★ shards.


  • Do not upgrade any armor under Orange 1★.
  • For the daily quest, make the 3 cheapest armors. Never sell low tier armors, just keep using them for the Daily.
  • This is a place that you can waste gold if u aren't careful. Be smart.

Celestial Island

  • This place is pretty amazing if you stay on top of it and don't mess up. There IMO are alot of place you CAN mess up.
    • First, get the island going as early as possible. Make the first 2 mines you build Gold mines. "WHAT DID HE JUST SAY??!?!" Yes, gold. I did gems for my first 2 with 1 acnt, and gold on my other. The gold came in WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more useful than the gems did at that point. By the time the Gem mines will produce relevant amounts, you will have 4 mines. Have 2 Gold Mines and 2 Gem Mines.
    • Don't build Dust Mines until last.
    • Don't level your main building too far ahead of what you can handle. You can easily screw yourself by leveling it past your ability to clear it, especially early on. The method i developed was to progress it once i maxed out all the buildings i was building AND was able to kill the boss island in 1 attempts.
    • The first building you make is Vitality. Follow that with Harvest. Then follow those with Tyrants. Don't even bother with the rest. They are a huge waste of gold, and as you should know, ain't nobody got gold to waste early on.
    • There are also special fights available randomly for a skin shard. Make sure you can kill this. At any point you run into it and can't beat it, don't progress your main building any further. I did this, and i think i missed out on a good 15+ Skin shards. Foolish is a beast.
    • You will notice as you progress along that there are alot of empty buildings because i told you to only build certain ones. That is good. If you filled them all up, you did it wrong, and wasted alot of resources while doing it. You have been warned.

Pets (Monster):

  • Your pet can make or break you. Besides getting actual good heroes, this is the most important thing you can do. Even more important early on... InfoGraphic by Ibex_sm does better than my old chart.
  • Imo Pheonix is the best starting pet. The amount of heroes with fire dots is large (including one of the most necessary heroes Sigmund), the heal is clutch, the DoT is decent, and the damage boost is great. Works really well for both PvE and early PvP.
  • After Leveling your first pet to max, save you mats. A new monster will be total crap until it is able to be maxed out or close to maxed out. The boost from a maxed pet is just too big so your first maxed pet will be better at everything until your new pet is as well. Because of that, save ~600k Monster Souls, and ~100k Chaos Stones before even thinking about leveling another pet. If they release a new OP pet, or more pet levels, you are prepared.
  • A great 2nd pet is Deer.

Aspen Dungeon

  • After the Buff to pets, Aspen is a little more useful than before. Its still not gonna get you 400 Casino coins a month. The pet supplies aren't all that easy to get though, and this is a great place for them. Pets are HUGE, so this place is now fairly important again.
  • Aspen Dungeon has several difficulties. Easy, Normal, Difficult, Nightmare, Hell and Death. Each time you fight, its 1 of your Heroes, vs 1-4 other heroes. Because of this, certain self healing heroes are really good for this:
    • Vesa (early)
    • Aida
    • Penny
    • Valk
    • Horus
  • Guild Tech, great armor, optimal Treasure stones, and a great Artifact play pretty huge rolls here.
    • Keep in mind, those are not always the same as their PvP or PvE optimal setups either.
  • The goal here is to clear 100 levels for each difficulty. For each 50 you clear, you can do a smash the next time you come and auto-loot a bunch of prizes. In the Merchant Deals area you can check out all the deals from the smash, and buy accordingly.
    • Young Dude
      • Any Casino Coins for Gold
      • Arena Tickets for Gold
    • Lady Dude
      • Any Casino coins for Gold
      • Arena Tickets for Gold
      • 4★ Hero Shards for Gold
    • Old Hooded Dude
      • 5 Prophet Orbs for 2250
      • Any Casino coins for Gold or Gems
      • Never buy 5★ Hero for 3k Gems


  • Guilds have their own currency, Guild coins. These can be used in one of 2 places. The shop or the Tech Building.
    • The shop should not really be used. The tech is just that useful.
    • The Tech Building is where ALL of the coins SHOULD be going. Guild Tech raises the stats for ALL heroes you own of that type. These bonuses are in effect everywhere. Marauders, PvP, Aspen Dungeon, and so on. That compounds with high level characters higher stats.
      • Most of the choices for Tech is decided by your team comp and its not exactly easy to max out. Your choices are pretty important. Generally speaking Hp and Damage are good nodes to max for all classes, as well as speed. So if you can't decide, max HP and Damage early nodes while you think.
      • Skipping less useful nodes like dodge and precision with the standard 10 points is a decent idea to get to the good stuff.
      • If you mess up (or change your team focus), you CAN reset your talent points. The first time is free, after that you gotta pay some gems, so don't mess up. Click the green circling arrows in the upper left.
  • Earning Coins
    • The coins can be earning by clicking the Guild clipboard looking button. It gives you 50 coins.
    • The Mill is a great way to earn them.
    • Guild Bosses reward around 10k for the top place. It goes down from there. Good source of coins for PvE focused players. You can only kill a boss once.
    • Guild Wars award coins based on guild placement. Must have at least 10 teams.
  • IF you leave a guild and join another, your tech level goes with you, but only once you rejoin a guild. While you are guild-less, you are without tech.
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[Guide] New to Mid Game Player Guide V4

New Guide at

The New to Mid Game Player Guide

Originally i posted this for a friend. As he asked questions, i added to it. As guild members asked questions, i added to it. Now its full of info. This is all the info i have figured out about the game to date. Yes its long, and no, its not perfect. There are several ways to play this game. Though maybe not the most fun way to play at ALL times, I believe that most of what I share in this will save time and resources getting you into the later parts of the game much faster. In the end tho, i want you to take this info and make your own decisions.
Tracked some stuff here. Alot are out of date, and i will probably update it some and remove outdated info. Link Here

Account Progression

  • I'm going to be breaking some of my advice up into progression points. At certain points in the game, the optimal action is not the same as another point. Here is how i define them.
    • Early Game: You either have a team of 5★s, or a mix of 5★ and 6★s. Its hard to make a plan for heroes at this point in the game, and your resources are very limited.
    • Mid Game: You have an E3 and working towards more, maybe a 10★ support healer or Heartwatcher. You should have a decent grasp on the game, and a plan on heroes you want to level and how.
    • End Game: A team composed entirely of E3-5. Your PvP and PvE teams aren't the same. You are crushing it.

General Info

  • Daily Quest Skipping:
    • There was an old strategy where you only complete the daily quests when you had the free Heroic Summon. When this wasn't up, you completed all but Heroic Summon and 2x Casino spins.
    • After a little debating, discussing, and mathing with msmith78037 i re-evaluated my stance on this. If you look at the Google Sheet i linked above, on the tab for Daily Quests, it shows that the difference between the 2 is pretty small. And if the advantage goes anywhere, its probably on the side of completing every day. So for now on, i will be completing it. For sure EVERYONE should complete it during a HS Event.

  • Gem Spending Priority and Gem Hoarding Strategy:
    • Gem Events:
      • Gem Boxes (~10k)
      • Grey Dwarf (up to 8k)
      • Holiday Events (Easter, CNY, Anniversary, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Xmas, New Years)
    • Gem Spending Priority(outside of card users)
      • Early Game: Spend gems on Event Raid Hero Challenge and the Tavern. Save the rest for events, specifically the Gem Box Event. You probably want a minimum of 10k. At some point you should also pick up a class set for your first E3 or E5 from the blacksmith event. When the months start getting close to a Holiday, save for those as well. Good chance for special Holiday event to require gems.
      • Mid Game: You income will be higher than before. Still make sure you have enough for any Gem Box event, and save for the Holiday events. At this point if you have spare gems i recommend buying the 5x POs for 2250 Gems.
      • Late Game: You be cranking out gems pretty decently between everything. Still save for all events like you did in the Early game, but any excess pick up the Daily 8x HSs for 1k Gems from the Marketplace. We are trying to get 2k before Xmas and Chinese New YeaAnniversary. The benefits of obtaining the hew hotness are worth it. Also the only events that will ever give F2P players the chance at P2W artifacts will more than likely require 2k+ HSs.
    • Gem Hording
      • I tend to horde gems up to 20k and try not to dip below unless i'm dropping gems on an event like Gem boxes. Anything over that amount i spend. This way you will never get taken unawares by the devious Devs that drop random events on us at the worst times. 20k is purely arbitrary and you can decide on your own value if you want. The idea behind mine is to have enough for Gem Boxes plus like 5-8k in reserve.

  • Game Advice:
    • There are so many people with so many different ideas on how to play. Some people know their stuff, others don't. Some people are nice and trying to help but have no clue how the game actually works. Some people make opinions sound like facts. I find myself doing the last alot. Some people even do some crazy math on things that help all of us out, but not everything can be mathed out and quantified. Because a large portion of this game is basically gambling (RNG), there is too much hypothetical actions and results that could play out. I play and advise a certain way, and some disagree. Really it breaks down into 2 main ideas. Spending for "efficiency" and progress, or saving for big event gains and possible higher rate of progress. Is either wrong? Nah. What i'm saying is be careful who you listen to and play like u want.
    • The game CHANGES. From start to now, this game has changed alot. Events, player growth rates, heroes, PvE Meta, PvP Meta, it all changes. If you don't adapt, you will lose. Valk is a stellar example of this. She changed the PvP meta hardcore. It was a great change from speed CC rules all. Yet people rant about her constantly. She is very powerful (a touch too much), but she has to be for 1 unit to change a meta. So build her, build her counters, or lose and complain. Adapt or die. I'm pointing this out because there are quite a few that haven't adapted well that still give advice, so keep this in mind.
    • In conclusion, be skeptical, do your own research before buying in fully to any idea, and then use your brain to decide. In the end, you are in charge of you. There are quite a few times a little self research or even just THOUGHT about a topic could resolve peoples problems and more places a little patience would have helped. Use your brain if you want to do well, its all on you.

  • Early Game
    • I see questions in the line-up thread all the time. Am i doing it right? Who should i focus on? With a full team of 5★s, this is not a question that is needed. At 5★, all your heroes are poop. Should you replace poop in your line-up for slightly better poop? Sure, but its still poop. At this point in the game, the gear, artifact, and Treasure gem is more important than your hero. Of the heroes you have currently, you have no way of knowing which ones you will obtain more copies of. So here is the blanket advice.
      • Build every hero to 6★ you can. It doesn't matter. If you have 2 copies of it, build it. Put it on your team. 2 Faceless, is she good? Nope, build her anyways. This will not hurt you in the least. What you are building is fodder. Fodder is needed in the THOUSANDS (NOT exaggerating anymore) in this game. So build without worry. If you find a top tier hero and have 2 copies, then its time to focus in and see if you can make things happen.
      • The only thing (hero wise) you can do wrong is sacrifice a top tier hero to ★ up another one. How do you avoid this? WELL, i'm glad you asked. You jump to the top of the screen, type in "Tier List" and read. I personally like MKxJump's list. You can also check out my other Guide Here Check the top.
    • I'm not saying to never post in the Line-up thread with questions either. Just that posting with a team of 5★s is a waste of time. Most people don't know how to respond so they don't. Most of the time i tell them "You have these 3 good heroes, rest are fodder, don't sacrifice the good ones, build 6 stars, cheers." All of which with a little research they could probably have figured out. If you have a varied line-up of 6★-10★ heroes and you want to know treasure stone builds, artifacts, if its worth proceeding with a hero in your comp, if you should sacrifice a mid-tier hero for a top tier, those are good questions. Keep in mind that just because they answered you doesn't always mean they are right either Haha.

​ ## Importance of Gold:
- Guild Tech Pets Treasure Stone Heroes Grey Dwarf
Gold 75m Per Tree 800m Per Pet 170m Per Stone 270m Per Hero 200m Per Event
  • Can't stress this enough. DO NOT waste your gold. SAVE IT. Gold is used in high quantity for all of the above. In massive numbers. A full team of E5, Max Tech, Celestial Stones, and Pet are easily in the BILLIONS of Gold. Best to start saving now. That blacksmith event is killer early on, but still worth... sometime for only partial completes.
  • So be careful spending gold on:
    • Blacksmith Upgrades
    • Leveling heroes (YOU DON'T NEED TO LEVEL THEM ALL and fodder heroes only to 100)
    • Treasure stones for non-Tier 1 heroes.
  • There are thankfully alot of places to earn gold as well.
    • The Guild mill is a great early place
    • Celestial Island is another good place. Clearing Gold mines and the Islands can net like 6m a day.
    • Making sure to stay on top of the Campaign 8 hour timer
    • Broken Spaces monthly event. Very doable 45m even for Noobies
    • Aspen Smashes
    • Fusion Event

Account Progression

  • Account progression is impacted by 2 main things, fodder, and Hero Copies.
    • Neither is more or less important than the other. Without Good hero copies, all the fodder in the world won't help you. If you have the hero copies and no fodder, same. You need both. As i see it Events are mostly important for Hero Copies, and 4★ Shards will be your solution to fodder issues.
    • I have a guide on the best way i have found to progress. Its to focus 1 hero, and ignore all else. Here is the guide Here. I recommend Reading that thread more than this one. While still useful, this one just doesn't have an big an impact.

Importance of 4★ Heroes:

  • 4★ Heroes shards will make up a large portion of your consistent acnt growth. You build their numbers daily, in small amounts. By the end of the month, they add up. On top of that, with the monthly Fusion quest, the first 20 5★ you make reward you gold, which you will need. They should be picked up at every chance.
    • Marketplace: 30x Shard for 1.5m Gold
    • Seal Land: Smash daily for the most you can.
    • Event Raid Hero Challenge: Spend gems for extra completes here. All that you can EVERYDAY.
    • Tavern Quests
    • Aspen Dungeon: The Lady Dude sells 30x for 1.5m
  • Done right, you should be able to pick up 3000-8000 Shards a month depending on your status.


Obtaining hero copies in this game is all about events. Generally, there are 2-3 events each week starting on Thurs. The events themselves reward a player for doing what they were already going to be doing, just saved up and done all at once. The best way to get hero copies is to save for Events. The best way to do events is to properly prepare and pool resources ahead of time. Scrambling and using random resources causes such a huge loss to overall progression, at those times its better to just pass on the event. You shouldn't be doing anything outside its associated event to maximize your results with no extra effort beyond BEING PATIENT. I have put little notes in each section on how i feel this is best accomplished. The following are things i see people doing WRONG:
  • They spend Heroic Scrolls, Prophet Orbs, Casino Coins, 4★ or 5★ Hero Tokens at any point outside their specific events.
  • They will use resources on odd events to accomplish them at a crazy cost (using 20 Prophet Orbs for Miracle).
  • A very common mistake: They use hard earned resources on an event that does not give them anything they need. Do you really want to use 80 Prophet Orbs for that a copy of Starlight who you will never build? Be patient and wait for the next Event if the reward is not something you want to build, its only 3-4 weeks away.

Opportunity Costs

  • A big argument with saving for events is this "Opportunity Cost" of not spending your resources. What they mean is that for not spending your resources, you obtain less fodder to ★ up your heroes. Without leveling your heroes, you accomplish less than someone who does. Alot of the debate is wrapped up in this hypothetical... for both sides. Meaning if you skip an 80 PO event turn-in because you won't build the hero event reward, you miss out on fodder for an entire month that the person that does spend 80 POs each month has access to. Thus they earn more than you in various ways with their increased power.
    • Early Game: Yes spend 80 Orbs each time you have them. Don't worry as much about the reward Heroes. You are just focusing on getting copies from the orbs and your branches. Plus you need all the fodder at this point. You don't have massive 4★ Farm going yet.
    • Mid Game: I think its worth waiting for a hero you might need. Don't hold your breath for a Valk or any Top Tier Light/Dark to be the PO reward, but there are still good ones offered. Horus, Vesa, Sig, KB have all been up there. A few times for Special events they throw up a Light/Dark. Like i said tho, don't hold your breath and don't hold back if you already have 320+ Orbs.
      • For the best heroes in the game, you are gated by hero copies. DH took 2 steps forward with the release of the Feather Shop. At that same time they took 1 step back, as it appears that heroes of a similar caliber with Valk won't be gracing many events anymore.
      • One of the things that is rarely mentioned in talks about people saving is the special events. Anniversary, Thanksgiving, CNY, and X-mas (sometimes others like Easter or Halloween) will have special events. Its always random, but almost always good. Generally its these events that the P2W artifacts are available without money, and no other time. The catch is they require a decent surplus of Resources. Thanksgiving event is a great example. 240 POs and 60 SCC, and you got Xia, Amvour +Skin, Runes Power, and Kiss of Ghost. Is it worth delaying your progression to obtain such things? Hell yes. Without a doubt. <-- My Opinion How much are the P2W Artifacts worth? Most take $100-$300 to obtain. What is it worth to you to have a chance to obtain them without money. That is my answer to opportunity costs. The downside it the randomness, unpredictability, and inconsistency of the events, but the upside is possibly obtaining an item that at the higher ends of the game is a difference maker between you and the next person.

Monthly Events:

  • With the release of monthly events a few things have changed... for the better. We have more time to complete events, AND they released the feather Shop.
    • Golden Feather shop: This shop is so amazing for progression. If you focus most of your effort into obtaining feathers over all else, you can get any hero you want. Heroes unobtainable by normal players like the new Light/Dark hotness can actually be built. I recently saved up and used 560 Feathers to get all the rest of the copies i needed of Aida to E5 her. Game changer here if used properly. ​ *** ​

Fusion Event: (Monthly Event)

  • A large portion of your account growth will come from this event. Each day you will do each of the things that provides 4★ shards. We will use those to make our 5★s as discussed above.
  • Because this is now a monthly event, you can now double dip with Heroic Miracle if you wish. I do it, but some don't like to wait. Just make sure you do have enough for the Heroic Miracle event.

Militant: (Monthly Event)

  • You just have to fight a lot. Keep in mind you get less points for losses, SO DON'T LOSE. Some of the event is based in the crystal crown league, and the other will be in the Trial of the Champion. Both require 200 wins, and reward Golden Feathers for a full completion.
Crystal Crown 200 Points 1 Ticket Entry 2 Points for Win 90 Free Entries 10 Tickets to Complete
Trial of the Champion 200 Points 3 Ticket Entry 2 Points for Win 0 Free Entries 300 Tickets to Complete
  • Buy the Marketplace 5x Tickets for 300k every day. That is 150 Tickets a Month. Rest you will have to get from Aspen, or buy with gems from Aspen. Technically you get 2000 Gems from Trial as reward. Its obviously best if you don't have to reinvest those to complete it. It can be done EVERY month, and SHOULD be. Those elite shards are going to give you more Groots, but you will get those shards anyways cause #Hope.

Tavern Event: (Monthly event)

  • This is the EASIEST event. I use my Tavern Re-roll strat, and its a non-issue to complete this. For being the easiest event, it has some killer rewards. 20 Prophet Orbs! It doesn't require much prep work. While re-rolling tavern quests, save two 7★ quests, and five 6★ quests. Saving the quests means you put heroes in them to complete them. Let the timer run, but instead of clicking the "Complete" button, you just leave them floating.

Broken Spaces: (Monthly event)

  • This event has a set of bosses to kill for rewards. Pretty basic. The first tier is pretty doable by almost anyone. The 2nd and 3rd take a bit more. The 3rd is outright insane with billions of HP, and Damage Reduction through the roof.
    • My advice, as soon as you can, complete the gold challenge. Focus on it above all else. Continue to complete it every month even if it costs all your tokens each month. That 45m Gold is a godsend. After that focus on Montser resources. The Dust is pretty worthless ATM.
    • The 2nd and 3rd tiers reward feathers which is really the only reason to complete anything but the Gold Fight. Feathers are very valuable, so if you can complete them then do so.

Heroic Summon Event:

  • 500 HS are needed to complete the event. Can be completed 4 times. The summon event is THE hardest event to complete.
500 HS Completion 16x 5★s 100x 4★s ~28x fodder God Tier Reward 15 Feathers
100 HS x5 16x 5★s 100x 4★s ~28x fodder None 30 POs & 100 HS
  • Due to the restructuring of the 3 big events and the ability to repeat 4 times, i have changed my approach to this event.
    • Early Game: Spend 100 or 500 as you can. I prefer the 500, as i focus on the Feathers all i can. If you can't wait for 500, then do the 100 summon. Its tech the most efficient event there is. Missing those 15 feathers i feel is a bad idea tho.
    • Mid Game: Complete the 500 summon for a top tier Hero and Feathers or start saving 2k for a Holiday event. Mid game is long, so it kinda depends where you are, and how much patience you have. Saving 2k is not for everyone i'm told. The earlier you start, the more likely you will be to have top tier heroes and artifacts for your End Game team.
    • End Game: Save 2k. The. New. Hotness.
  • Reasons for 2k saving:
    • Most special events seem to be taking into acnt that it is possible to complete 4 times, thus to obtain some of the best rewards you will NEED to complete it 4 times.
    • The release of a new OP hero. Most new heroes are OP with the ever scaling hero powers. 2000 scrolls gives 4 copies (almost 5 with feathers) of that hero and a good likelihood of 3-5 more, thus handing you a new OP E3-E5.
    • Chance at P2W artifacts. So far, they are still behind a $100 paywall for the last few events even with 2000 HS used. If P2W artifacts are going to be had, this is how it will probably happen though. A few have been obtainable tho. Antlers Cane for Xmas, Kiss of Ghost for Thanksgiving, and a few prior to the event changes.
  • The odds are 1.58% to summon a 5★ normally. 3.16% in a summoning event. Never summon outside the event.
  • This event is very hard on Hero room. Be careful what you are sacrificing on the Altar, and remember that keeping as many heroes in token form as you can helps a lot.

Prophet Orb Event:

  • 80 orbs are needed to complete this event. It can be completed 4 times. All rewards from the Prophet Orbs are awarded in Token form.
  • Keeping rewards in Token form helps:
    • Hero space, its fairly limited. Token space is limitless.
    • With how random Shelter events are, keep even 4★ heroes (x120)
  • Ways to obtain Prophet Orbs:
    • Completing Events (25 from Monthly)
    • Aspen Old Dude 5x POs for 2250 gems
    • Super Casino
    • PvP Vendor
  • Early Game: Save up 80 Orbs and spend on the next event. Don't worry about event skipping because of the hero reward at this point.
  • Mid Game: If the Hero reward is not one you plan to build, skipping is a good idea. Because it can be completed up to 4 times, each time you skip adds one potential hero copy of the same hero. Going very far over 240 should be pretty rare though. I also buy the 5x POs from Aspen, eventually stopping once i start to focus on HSs.
  • Saving opens up your options and affords the power of choice. There are "opportunity costs" associated with this choice as well. You have to weigh the delay of progress against good hero copies and special events.
  • The caliber of hero offered in this event has dropped. Don't expect Valk or any Light/Darks for the Event Completion reward in its current form (outside Holidays)
  • Early on you should orb to supplement your first 10★ choice, which should coincide with the same faction you plan to E3 first. This will help speed your way to E3. When choosing might keep in mind the number of good heroes in Abyss and Forest compared to the others.

Heroic Miracle:

  • For this event you need to summon or craft 5★s, 2 each of Light and Dark, and 3 each of Abyss, Shadow, Forest, and Fortress. This rewards a good 5★ hero, some nice HS or POs, and some nice orange gear. Here are some tips.
    • With the Release of the Monthly Events, you can save all Creation Circle 5★ fuses for this event. For those early on in progression, its an advantage you should probably take advantage of.
Heart Summons to supplement Creation Circle Crafts Then Specific Hero Tokens

Shelter Event:

  • Shelter Events are a set of trades that can be done for a reward. Its had some varied requirements, and generally not top tier heroes. Sometimes gems, sometimes 4★ shadow assassins, sometimes two 5★ heroes, sometimes gold, and/or a random mix of things. Since it is random, be careful how you scramble to obtain the heroes.
  • Stash:
    • 120x 4★ of each Heroes Token
    • 6k Gems, 60m Gold
    • 5★ Fodders of each faction (2x to be safe)
  • My last advice is to think twice before getting any Light/Darks from this event. Trading 2 L/D fodder in for 1 hero is costly. With the other factions, wouldn't be as big a deal. Since its rarely a top tier light/dark, its usually not worth it. Make sure if you trade, you intend to build.

Grey Dwarf Event:

Gear Gold Gems
4★ 5★ 40m 1500
5★ 6★ 60m 2500
6★ Class Set 100m 4000
Total 200m 8000
  • All of these upgrades are worth it, but this event is very expensive to continually complete. Armor is more important that most realize especially early game. Save BEFORE it arrives.

Casino Event:

  • Casino event, to me, is the worst of the repeatable events due to its lack of fodder, and has the corresponding lowest value on the spreadsheet. You can pick up many Casino Chips from:
    • Marketplace 8x Chips for 240 Gems
    • Aspen Deals for Gold and Gems.
    • Tavern
  • I don't like spending gems on Casino Coins. Mostly i think this is the main value of Aspen. Casino coins for gold. We get way less than we used to, but we still get some.
    • Early Game: While its the worst valued event, it also has some pretty good benefits for low level players. Namely Gold, 4★ Shards, and Sacrificial Artifacts. Gold we all find is a huge issue early on, and this helps a little with that. Because it does have a decent use early on, i will leave it up to you if u want to spend gems on this.
    • Mid Game: Buy your Aspen deals for Gold, and complete when you can. The POs for completing the event are nice and generally so is the gold, but its not worth our gems at this point. Complete when you can and don't worry too much about it.
  • Alot of the value for this event comes from the gold value on the wheel, which changes. So refresh your wheel until you have a good gold value on it. Take your time, you have all week to get a good roll.
  • While refreshing the wheel, if you come across a 4★ L/D shard, spin until you get them. Nets a few more of the elusive L/D fodders.

Treasure Chest:

  • This event is sometimes really AWESUM and other times....bleh. This event is a big sale of Boxes for Gems. This formula seems to be changing from week to week, and so the gem prices on the boxes are varied. 4k hero boxes, 6k Guild Coin boxes. The box that makes or breaks this event is the box with the guild coins. This is a huge boost to guild coins, but the randomness of the box can really boost or diminish its value. You will have to personally weigh it each time, but it seems to be trending downwards in value with just an orange artifact.
Gems Rewards Rewards Rewards
500 5x HS - -
1200 5x Super Chips 2x 3★ Orange Armor Pieces -
3000 8x POs 2x 3★ Orange Armor Pieces -
5000 Decent Hero 20k Dust -
8000 Good Hero 25k Guild Coins Skins
Only 3 Artifact or Shards Event Currency Feathers
  • You want to have at least 12k gems saved up each time for this event. The 1st, and 3rd boxes are usually must buys. The 2nd box is a crap value. To be worth it to me, it would need to roughly cost 500 like the first box. The 4th box with random shards and dust no one needs is pretty bad deal as well. The 5th i would generally say to get if u can afford it just for the Guild coins, but if you are tight on gems its fine to leave it if Guild Coins is really all thats good in it.


If you go into the "Hero" menu, and click the gallery on the right side, you can see all heroes available. You can read hero abilities and more importantly you can see the 10★ versions of heroes. The 10★ heroes change a little from their former versions. This also lets you see which heroes CAN be 10★s, as not all heroes can. Read up and decide for yourself who you want. That's part of the fun right? Check my other guide if you would like to know who to keep or not.
  • Hero Class: There are 3 Classes of heroes the way i break it down
    • The Class 1 - 10+★ heroes (5 star base)
    • The class 2 - 9★ heroes (4★ base, can be found in 5★ though)
    • The class 3 - 5★ heroes (4★ base)
  • Why are those categories important?
    • The Class 1 heroes are 5★ only heroes, meaning they are harder to get. You should be picking your end game team from these heroes. Everything else is fodder. Just because it is a class one hero does not mean its a strong hero. Focus on hero skills and read carefully. When sacrificing heroes try NOT to use this class of hero if you aren't sure how good it is. Dominator, Faceless, Kharma, Fat Mu, Gusta, and Lord Balrog are fodder-worthy.
    • The Class 2 heroes are useful, especially early on. They all have 4★ versions that can be obtained very easily and can thus be changed into a 6★ hero much faster. This is also useful to puzzle out because they max out at 9★. That means they are the best choice for a 9★ sacrifice. Class 2 minions make the 9★ sacrifice much easier than than using a harder to obtain Class 1 hero that might make a better 10★ sacrifice. Norma for early progression, and Aleria for marauders that don't attack the front row, are the only worthwhile heroes outside of being fodder. And Sierra cause dem tiddies level up with her.
    • The class 3 heroes, while being absolute garbage, are very useful as 5★ sacrifices. That's it though. They are my main source of fodder.
  • Had a decent amount of questions concerning ★s. So here is the level up rundown. 6★ by combining 5★s at the creation circle. Once at 6★, click on the hero you want to upgrade and go to the upgrade tab.
7★ 4x 5★ Same Faction - -
8★ 3x 5★ Same Faction 6★ Same Faction -
9★ 2x 5★ Same Faction 6★ Same Faction 1x Copy of Hero
10★ 9★ Any Faction 6★ Same Faction 2x Copy of Hero
E1 9★ Any Faction - 1x Copy of Hero
E2 9★ Any Faction - 1x Copy of Hero
E3 10★ Any Faction - -
E4 10★ Any Faction - 1x Copy of Hero
E5 10★ Any Faction - 1x Copy of Hero
  • Best Heroes:
    • There are a limited number of places to obtain the best heroes in this game, most with a TINY chance.
      • Event Completion Rewards
      • Heroic Scrolls
      • Prophet Orbs
      • Prophet Branches
      • Super "Wishing well"
      • Elite Shards
      • Feather Shop
    • The 5★ Hero shards cannot give any top tier heroes. Prioritizing Prophet Orbs, Heroic scrolls, and events will progress your hero copies more than anything else. Knowing this helps you understand where to spend resources, and what to prioritize if you have many options.
  • Light and Dark heroes are harder to get and level. Taking multiple L/D units past 7★ is really hard. For this reason, don't level any L/D until you have enough copies of the hero to at least 10★+ the hero.
  • Treasure gems: They are the item on the lower left of the hero. Any hero you don't plan to take to 10★, don't take past a Green stone. If you have picked the hero or heroes you plan to 10★, its not a waste to take it to the max if you have ample resources and know the proper stone. Never lock in the stats.


  • You have the ability to reset your tavern quests that are available for 10 gems per quest re-rolled. Maybe this doesn't seem like a good idea, but in general it is. My formula is this:
    • Do any quest that gives over 20 gems.
    • Do any quest that gives heroic summon scrolls
    • Do any 5★ quest that gives 4★ token pieces
    • Do any and all 6 and 7★s
    • Re-roll the rest and repeat
    • Caveat: This has worked for me at Vip3 and higher. Vip0 i have been told is risky for 7★ Quests.
  • The idea is this. The only items i really care about are the HS, and the gems (and a little for 4★ Shards). Because gems are so useful, i focus on gaining them over pretty much everything. Anything that can be bought with gold, has less value here.
  • This is my alternative to losing gems on a near daily basis, and know that i have never missed completing a Tavern event. If i had, strat would have changed. That is for 7 Tavern Quests tho at ViP 3.


  • Buy every day:
    • 5x Arena Ticket for 300k Gold
    • 3★ Fodders for Gold
    • 4★ Fodder for Gold
  • If you are over 20k Gems, and preparing for the 2000 HS events
    • 8x Heroic Scrolls for 1000 Gems
  • PO for 500
    • Early on you won't have spare gems. Later you have access to Aspen and its better. This is not really worth.


  • Every 8 hours, the loot and exp max out. Open the campaign screen to resume the gain.
  • End farming levels divisible by 5. You can obtain shards this way
  • At level 175 Orange Artifact shards start dropping, 177 for Artifacts and 5★ shards.


  • Do not upgrade any armor under Orange 1★.
  • For the daily quest, make the 3 cheapest armors. Never sell low tier armors, just keep using them for the Daily.
  • This is a place that you can waste gold if u aren't careful. Be smart.

Pets (Monster):

  • Your pet can make or break you. Besides getting actual good heroes, this is the most important thing you can do. Even more important early on... InfoGraphic by Ibex_sm does better than my old chart.
  • Imo Pheonix is the best starting pet. The amount of heroes with fire dots is large (including one of the most necessary heroes Sigmund), the heal is clutch, they DoT is decent, and the damage boost is great. Works really well for both PvE and early PvP.
  • After Leveling your first pet to max, save you mats. A new monster will be total crap until it is able to be maxed out or close to maxed out. The boost from a pet is just too big to use a crap pet in any regard. Because of that, save ~600k Monster Souls, and ~100k Chaos Stones before even thinking about leveling another pet. If they release a new OP pet, or more pet levels, you are prepared.
  • A great 2nd pet is Deer.

Aspen Dungeon

  • After the Stealth nerf to Aspen, its not as important as it used to be. You can no longer buy 400 Casino coins for gold in Nightmare and above. Still it is useful for the smashes, and the occasional rare gold deal.
  • Aspen Dungeon has several difficulties. Easy, Normal, Difficult, Nightmare, Hell and Death. Each time you fight, its 1 of your Heroes, vs 1-4 other heroes. Because of this, certain self healing heroes are really good for this:
    • Vesa
    • Aida
    • Skerei
    • Valk
  • Guild Tech, great armor, optimal Treasure stones, and a great Artifact play pretty huge rolls here.
    • Keep in mind, those are not always the same as thier PvP or PvE optimal setups either.
  • The goal here is to clear 100 levels for each difficulty. For each 50 you clear, you can do a smash the next time you come and auto-loot a bunch of prizes. In the Merchant Deals area you can check out all the deals from the smash, and buy accordingly.
    • Young Dude
      • Any Casino Coins for Gold
      • Arena Tickets for Gold
    • Lady Dude
      • Any Casino coins for Gold
      • Arena Tickets for Gold
      • 4★ Hero Shards for Gold
    • Old Hooded Dude
      • 5 Prophet Orbs for 2250
      • Any Casino coins for Gold or Gems
      • Never buy 5★ Hero for 3k Gems


  • Guilds have their own currency, Guild coins. These can be used in one of 2 places. The shop or the Tech Building.
    • The shop should not really be used. The tech is just that useful.
    • The Tech Building is where ALL of the coins SHOULD be going. Guild Tech raises the stats for ALL heroes you own of that type. These bonuses are in effect everywhere. Marauders, PvP, Aspen Dungeon, and so on. That compounds with high level characters higher stats.
      • Most of the choices for Tech is decided by your team comp and its not exactly easy to max out. Your choices are pretty important. Generally speaking Hp and Damage are good nodes to max for all classes, as well as speed. So if you can't decide, max HP and Damage early nodes while you think.
      • Skipping less useful nodes like dodge and precision with the standard 10 points is a decent idea to get to the good stuff.
      • If you mess up (or change your team focus), you CAN reset your talent points. The first time is free, after that you gotta pay some gems, so don't mess up. Click the green circling arrows in the upper left.
  • Earning Coins
    • The coins can be earning by clicking the Guild clipboard looking button. It gives you 50 coins.
    • The Mill is a great way to earn them.
    • Guild Bosses reward around 10k for the top place. It goes down from there. Good source of coins for PvE focused players. You can only kill a boss once.
    • Guild Wars award coins based on guild placement. Must have at least 10 teams.
  • IF you leave a guild and join another, your tech level goes with you, but only once you rejoin a guild. While you are guild-less, you are without tech.

submitted by maxwell_623 to IdleHeroes [link] [comments]

Here are the achievements that unlock stuff.

Name Action Unlocks Job or Heist
$1.8M Speedrun In the Mallcrasher job, loot $1,800,000 in loose cash within 50 seconds of starting the heist on the OVERKILL difficulty "Scope Mount" and "PBS Suppressor" for the AK weapon family, "Alfred" mask, "Dawn" material and "Dinosaur Skull" pattern. Mall Crasher
1... 2... 3... JUMP! In the Birth of Sky job, have the entire crew jump out of the airplane within 1 minute and 23 seconds on the OVERKILL difficulty or above “Maui” mask, “Wade” material and “Ornamental Crown” pattern. Birth of Sky
12 Angry Minutes In the Big Bank job, complete the heist in under 12 minutes on the Hard difficulty or above Wooden Foregrip for the Falcon rifle. The Big Bank
A Taste of Their Own Medicine Kill 25 Snipers using only the Rattlesnake sniper rifle Tactical Aluminium Body for the Rattlesnake sniper rifle.
Arachne’s Curse Perform 100 headshot kills using any sniper rifle “Tarantula” mask, “Insectoid” material and “Spider Eyes” pattern.
Army of One Equip the GL40 grenade launcher, the Locomotive 12G shotgun and the Improved Combined Tactical Vest CQB Foregrip and Plastic Stock for the Gecko 7.62 rifle.
Artillery Barrage Kill 25 enemies at 40 meters or more using only the GL40 grenade launcher Wooden Stock for the Gecko 7.62 rifle, Pirate Barrel for the GL40 grenade launcher, “Bone” material and “Muerte” pattern.
BAAaa...BANG...aaAAH In the Goat Simulator heist, throw a goat in the air, kill one enemy and catch the goat before it lands "Wet Goat" mask, "Hay" material and "Goat Face" pattern. Goat Simulator
Backing Bobblehead Bob Bring Bobblehead Bob to the vault “The 18th” mask, the "Gemstone" material, the "God of War" pattern and the Wooden Stock for the Falcon rifle. The Big Bank
Bang for the Buck Kill 10 Bulldozers using any shotgun and 000 buckshot ammo Long Barrel for the Street Sweeper shotgun, "Steven" mask, "Sparks" material and "Chief" pattern.
Beaver Team In the Bomb: Forest heist, cut down all trees within 5 seconds "Butcher From Hell" mask, "Meat" material and "Pleter" pattern. Bomb: Forest
Big Bada Boom Kill at least four enemies with one GL40 grenade launcher shot Sawed-off Stock for the GL40 grenade launcher and the “Crow Goblin” mask.
Black Knight Kill a black Bulldozer with the Great Sword melee weapon "Mason Vanguard Veteran" mask, "Forged" material and "Checkered Out" pattern.
Blind Eye in the Sky Complete the Golden Grin Casino heist in stealth "Wheeler Dealer" mask, "Stars" material and "Chips" pattern. Golden Grin Casino
Breaking Dead In the Bomb: Dockyard heist, find the meth lab "Extended Mag" for the LEO pistol. Bomb: Dockyard
Bullet Hell Kill 10 enemies within 10 seconds using the Buzzsaw 42 light machine gun Old Blood and Guts mask, Light Barrel for the Buzzsaw 42 light machine gun, "Patriot" material and "Captain War" pattern.
Bunnyhopping Jump 100 times within 30 seconds "No Me Gusta" mask.
Cancelling Santa's Christmas Complete the White Xmas job on the Very Hard difficulty or above "Krampus" mask. White Xmas
Cat Burglar In the Diamond job, complete the heist without triggering the alarm Unlocks "The Cursed One" mask, "Sand" material and "Hieroglyphs" pattern. The Diamond
City of Sin and Well-Oiled Gears Complete the Golden Grin Casino heist without having the Big Fucking Drill ever break in loud "Murmillo Galea Helmet" mask, "Casino" material and "Royale" pattern. Golden Grin Casino
Claustrophobia Complete the White Xmas job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above "Mechanical Santa" mask. White Xmas
Clay Pigeon Shooting Kill 10 snipers using any shotgun and flechette ammo Long Barrel for the Raven shotgun, "Clint" mask, "Leaf" material and "Monkey Skull" pattern.
Clean House In the Beneath the Mountain job, secure all of the loot from the vaults and mountain-top in the escape helicopter “Tawhiri” mask, “Flow” material and “Sun Avatar” pattern. Beneath the Mountain
Crazy Ivan Complete the Boiling Point job having everyone only using melee weapons without electricity or poison to kill enemies on the Very Hard difficulty or above "Safety First" mask, "Planet" material and "Phoenix" pattern. Boiling Point
Crouched and Hidden, Flying Dagger Kill 8 guards with the Throwing Knife while crouching on the Murky Station job The heist must be finished for any kills to count. "Hotelier" mask, "Club Lights" material and "Piety" pattern. Murky Station
Culture Vultures In the Diamond job, secure 10 bags of additional loot "Medusa" mask, "Rusting Metal" material and "Runes" pattern. The Diamond
Cutting the Red Wire Disarm the C4 on the Counterfeit job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above "Dragon Head" mask, "Days" material and "Kurbits" pattern. Counterfeit
Death From Below Kill 25 enemies as they rappel using the Nagant sniper rifle Constable mask, the Silenced Barrel and the Long Barrel for the Nagant sniper rifle, “Gunsmoke” material and “Dazzle” pattern.
Diamonds in the Rough In the Diamond job, complete the heist, diamond puzzle and steal the Diamond after the alarm has been triggered on OVERKILL difficulty or above "Anubis" mask, "Mummy Bandages" material and "Hawk Helm" pattern. The Diamond
Didn’t See That Coming Did You? Kill 10 enemies using any sniper rifle while zip lining Theia Magnified Scope for all sniper rifles.
Disco Inferno Have 10 enemies burning simultaneously "Graug" mask, "Coal" material and "Fireborn" pattern.
Do You Like Hurting Other People? In the Hotline Miami job, kill 30 thugs with the Baseball Bat Dennis mask, Solid Stock for the Uzi submachine gun, Wooden Grip for the Cobra submachine gun, "Rubber" material and "Hip to Be Polygon" pattern. Hotline Miami
Dodge This Perform 10 headshot kills on Cloakers using only the Thanatos .50 cal sniper rifle Suppressed Barrel for the Thanatos .50 cal sniper rifle.
Don't Bring the Heat In the Big Bank job, complete the heist without triggering the alarm CQB Stock for the Falcon rifle. The Big Bank
Done in 60 Seconds In the Bomb: Dockyard heist, open the dock gate in 60 seconds using the keycards "Custom Slide" for the LEO pistol. Bomb: Dockyard
Double Kill Kill 2 enemies with one bullet 25 times using only the Rattlesnake sniper rifle Sniper Suppressor for the Rattlesnake sniper rifle.
Dr. Evil Print and secure $1,000,000 worth of counterfeit money in the Helicopter on the Counterfeit job "Viking" mask, "Houndstooth" material and "Fenris" pattern. Counterfeit
Entrapment In the Big Bank job, complete the heist with 12 bags in the default escape with all the lasers active CQB Foregrip for the Falcon rifle. The Big Bank
Euro Bag Simulator Complete the Santa’s Workshop job after having secured at least 100 bags in the chimney on the OVERKILL difficulty or above “Rudolph” mask. Santa’s Workshop
Even Steven In the Alesso heist job, get your seven bucks back "Cantus" mask, "Bionic" material and "Circle Raster" pattern. The Alesso Heist
Everyday I’m Shovelin' On the Night Club heist, kill 25 law enforcers using your shovel Short Barrel for the Raven shotgun. Night Club
Eye for an Eye In the second day of The Biker Heist job, destroy the helicopter turret "Road Rage" mask, "Chromey" material and "Biker Face" pattern. The Biker Heist
Far, Far Away Kill 25 enemies from 40 meters using only the Thanatos .50 cal sniper rifle Tank Buster Barrel for the Thanatos .50 cal sniper rifle.
Farmer Miserable In the second day of the Goat Simulator heist, send all goats in separate cages on the OVERKILL difficulty or above "Slick Goat" mask, "Tongue" material and "Fur" pattern. Goat Simulator
Fastest Gun in the West Kill 6 law enforcers within 6 seconds of killing the first while hipfiring with the Peacemaker .45 Revolver "Apache Mystic" mask, "Gold Fever" material and "Sacred" pattern.
For Daisy Finish the Firestarter job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above with your crew using only the Contractor Pistol "Daisy" mask, "Dog Fur" material and "Daisies" pattern. Firestarter
Fuck It, We're Walking In the Alesso Heist job, complete the heist in loud without using the zip-line or bag chutes on the OVERKILL difficulty or above "Female Concert Goer" mask, "Stained Glass" material and "Soundwave" pattern. The Alesso Heist
Fugu Fighter Have at least 3 enemies poisoned at the same time with your poisoned weapons "Shirai" mask, "Origami" material and "Hanabi" pattern.
Full Throttle Complete the second day of The Biker Heist job within 120 seconds on the OVERKILL difficulty or above "Speed Devil" mask, "Devil Eye" material and "Skull Wing" pattern. The Biker Heist
Funding Father In the Big Bank job, complete the heist while you and your four man crew are wearing one different "Big Bank" mask each Marksman Stock for the Falcon rifle. The Big Bank
Ghost Run Complete the Murky Station job within 7 minutes of starting it "Cloaker-san" mask, "Rusty" material and "Rebel" pattern. Murky Station
Goat In 60 Seconds In the first day of the Goat Simulator heist, secure 6 goats in the escape truck within 1 minute of it arriving "Scout Goat" mask, "Goat Eye" material and "Giraffe" pattern. Goat Simulator
Gone in 240 Seconds In the Car Shop job, complete the heist within 4 minutes "The Tids" mask. Car Shop
Hail to the King, Baby In the Golden Grin Casino heist, kill "The King" and complete the heist in stealth "Sports Utility Mask" mask, "Carpet" material and "Dices" pattern. Golden Grin Casino
Hammertime Kill 25 thugs using the Ding Dong breaching tool melee weapon “Frost” material and “Emperor” pattern.
Hazzard County Complete the second day of the Goat Simulator heist within 4 minutes from when the escape car is available "Goat Goat" mask, "Flamingo Eye" material and "Illumigoati" pattern. Goat Simulator
Hedgehog Get 10 or more arrows stuck in a Bulldozer at the same time "Lone Heister" mask, "Scorpion" material and "Totem" pattern.
Heisters of the Round Table Complete any heist on the OVERKILL difficulty or above with 4 players using only Gage Chivalry Pack masks, primary weapons, melee weapons and Ballistic Vests or heavier armors "Agatha Knight Veteran" mask, "Blooded" material and "Agatha" pattern.
Here Comes the Pain Train In the Firestarter job, complete the heist on OVERKILL difficulty or above, with all days done in loud and with a crew of 4 players using unmodified "AK Rifle" rifles and "PARA" submachine guns "DMR Kit AK.762" and the "Low Drag Magazine" for the AK weapon family, "Timothy" mask, "Prehistoric" material and "Dinosaur Stripes" pattern. Firestarter
Hey Mr. DJ In the Nightclub job, have 12 hostages or more on the dance floor when you escape "Aluminum Grip" for the AK weapon family, the "Aluminum Foregrip" for the Krinkov submachine gun and the "LW Upper Receiver" for the CAR weapon family. Night Club
High Roller Complete the Golden Grin Casino heist under 14 minutes "The King" mask, "Plush" material and "Cards" pattern. Golden Grin Casino
I Never Asked for This Don't jump a single time during an entire heist "Rageface" mask.
I Want to Get Away Jump "Funnyman" mask.
I Will Walk Faceless Among Men In the Shadow Raid job, secure all 4 pieces of the samurai armor “Somen Mempo” mask. Shadow Raid
I've Got the Power In the Bomb: Dockyard heist, don't let the enemies cut the power "Long Slide" for the LEO pistol. Bomb: Dockyard
It Takes a Pig to Kill a Pig Drop Floyd the pig on top of a lawforcer “The 1st” mask, the "Exhausted" material, the "Ruler" pattern and the Extended Magazine for the Falcon rifle. The Big Bank
It Takes Two to Tango Hack the correct computer on the first try in The Big Bank job “The First American” mask, the "Parchment" material, the "Roman" pattern and the Tactical Grip for the Falcon rifle. The Big Bank
Jump! Jump! Jump! Finish a heist without it ever going more than 4 seconds between you jumping "Dawg" mask.
Keep Clear of the Windows Complete the Undercover job without killing any Snipers "Hans" mask, "Red Black" material and "Luse" pattern. Undercover
Knock, Knock Kill 50 Shields using any shotgun and slug ammo Collapsed Stock for the M1014 shotgun.
Knockout! Knock out a Bulldozer using the OVERKILL boxing gloves Unlocks "The Champ" mask.
Last Action Villain Perform a headshot kill on enemies using only the R93 sniper rifle while zip lining Compensated Suppressor for the R93 sniper rifle.
Let the Man Work In the first day of The Biker Heist job, let Mike the mechanic finish the bike without any interruptions on the OVERKILL difficulty or above "The Classic mask", "Hotrod" material and "Engine" Pattern. The Biker Heist
Lock, Stock & Eight Smoking Barrels Own the Locomotive, Street Sweeper, Reinfeld, Mosconi, Izhma, Raven and M1014 Shotguns Flip-up Sight for the Raven shotgun.
Lord of the Flies Perform 50 headshot kills using any sniper rifle “Asilidae” mask, “Carapace” material and “Bugger” pattern.
M.F. Stev In the Alesso Heist job, complete the pyro sequences without failing even once "Male Concert Goer" mask, "Dim Blue" material and "Smoke" pattern. The Alesso Heist
Maximum Penetration Kill 10 Shields by shooting through their shields using only the R93 sniper rifle Short Barrel for the R93 sniper rifle.
Names Are for Friends, so I Don't Need One Get eleven kills with the Lebensauger .308 Sniper Rifle without reloading it "Slicer" mask, "Still Waters" material and "Youkai" pattern.
No Blood on the Carpet In the Birth of Sky job, release the money without having any player take health damage on the OVERKILL difficulty or above “Oro” mask, “Glade” material and “Tribal Wave” pattern. Birth of Sky
No Heist for Old Men Complete any day of a heist in stealth with a Locomotive 12G shotgun modified with the "Silent Killer Suppressor" equipped Suppressed Barrel for the Street Sweeper shotgun, "Rutger" mask, "Banana Peel" material and "Banana" pattern.
No Scope Kill 10 enemies in a row by shooting them in the head with the Platypus 70 Sniper Rifle while not aiming down the sights “Tane” mask, “Sancti” material and “Tribal Face” pattern.
Not Invited Kill 10 enemies within 10 seconds using the Piglet Grenade Launcher without using Incendiary rounds "Firefighter's Helmet" mask, "Burn" material and "Flamer" pattern.
Not Today Kill a jumping Cloaker using the GL40 grenade launcher Wooden Stock, Retro Grip and Wooden Foregrip for the Gewehr 3 rifle.
Nothing Personal Kill 30 snipers with the Desertfox Sniper Rifle on the OVERKILL difficulty or above "Mustang" mask, "Tire" material and "One Shot" pattern.
Oppressor Finish the Bomb: Forest heist without letting any civilian flee or die, having at least five civilians in the heist, while escaping with the boat Unlocks "The Doctor" mask, "Plywood" material and "Caduceus" pattern. Bomb: Forest
OVE SAW 72000 In the Nightclub job, complete the heist on any difficulty with each crew member using the OVE 9000 saw as primary and secondary weapons "THRUST Upper Receiver", "THRUST Lower Receiver" and "Long Ergo Foregrip" for the CAR weapon family. Night Club
Overdose Cook and secure six bags of meth on day one of the Hotline Miami job Graham mask, Ghetto Blaster, Extended Mag and Just Bend It for the Blaster 9mm submachine gun, "Error" material and "Be Somebody" pattern. Hotline Miami
OVERGRILL Set a Bulldozer on fire for at least 10 seconds "The Chef" mask, "Toast" material and "Hot Flames" pattern.
Pest Control Perform 250 headshot kills using any sniper rifle “Vespula” mask, “Bug Shell” material and “Venomous” pattern.
Phew! On day two of the Hotline Miami job, save someone in need Aubrey mask, Ergo Grip, Extended Mag and Unfolded Stock for the Cobra submachine gun, "Sunset" material and "Doodles" pattern. Hotline Miami
Precision Aiming Kill 25 Bulldozers using the Gewehr 3 Rifle Sniper Barrel for the Clarion rifle, Sniper Stock, Sniper Grip and Sniper Foregrip for the Gecko 7.62 rifle, Precision Stock, Precision Grip and the DMR Kit for the Gewehr 3 rifle as well as the “Black Death” mask.
Private Party In the Jewelry store job, don't let the cops enter the jewelry store until the van comes back on OVERKILL difficulty or above "DMR Kit AMR-16" and the "L5 Magazine" for the CAR weapon family, "Vincent" mask, "Feathers" material and "Dinosaur Scars" pattern. Jewelry Store
Public Enemy No. 1 Kill 250 enemies using only the Rattlesnake sniper rifle Long Barrel for the Rattlesnake sniper rifle.
Pump It Up In the Bomb: Forest heist, do not let the cops disconnect the water hose while you are using the river water pump "Tech Lion" mask, "Marble Rock" material and "Lion Game Lion" pattern. Bomb: Forest
Pumped Up and Jolly Complete the Santa’s Workshop job having all players in the crew only use shotguns “Christmas Cap” mask. Santa’s Workshop
Rabbit Hunting Kill 10 Cloakers using the Gecko 7.62 rifle Skeletal Stock, Fabulous Stock and Fabulous Foregrip for the Gecko 7.62 rifle as well as the “Volt” mask.
Recycling Pick up 100 arrows "Desert Skull" mask, "Western Sunset" material and "Mystical" pattern.
Riders On the Snowstorm In the White Xmas job, complete the heist on the Death Wish difficulty or above while each crew member wear a different "2014 Xmas" mask each "Almir's Beard" mask. White Xmas
Scavenger In the first day of The Biker Heist job, find the secret item "Flaming Skull" mask, "Shiny and Chrome" material and "Fire Tire" pattern. The Biker Heist
Seer of Death Perform 500 headshot kills using any sniper rifle “Sphodromantis” mask, “Hard Shell” material and “Wings of Death” pattern.
Seven Eleven Get 7 enemy headshot kills within 11 seconds using any shotgun Short Barrel for the M1014 shotgun, “John” mask, “Explosive” material and “Terror” pattern.
Shock and Awe Hit 4 enemies simultaneously using any shotgun and HE rounds Solid Stock for the M1014 shotgun.
Shotgun 101 Complete any heist by killing at least 50 enemies and getting 101% accuracy or above using any shotgun Long Barrel for the M1014 shotgun.
Shuriken Shenanigans Complete a single day of a heist in stealth using only the Shuriken throwable and killing at least 4 enemies "Kuro Zukin" mask, "Bamboo" material and "Koi" pattern.
Skewer Kill a Cloaker with the Javelin throwable "Mason Knight Veteran" mask, "Scale Armor" material and "Mason" pattern.
Skill Shot In the Lab Rats job, secure a bag in the secret area "Invader" mask. Lab Rats
Smoke and Mirrors In the Diamond job, steal the Diamond in under 10 minutes "Pazuzu" mask, "Diamond" material and "Horus" pattern. The Diamond
Sneaking With the Fishes Complete the Bomb: Dockyard heist in stealth on the Death Wish difficulty "Lady Butcher" mask, "Rhino" material and "Checker Board" pattern. Bomb: Dockyard
So Many Choices Own one of every Gage Assault Pack weapon in the game Short Barrel for the Clarion rifle, Light Stock for the Gecko 7.62 rifle, Plastic Foregrip and Assault Kit for the Gewehr 3 rifle, “Evil” material and “Vicious” pattern.
So Uncivilized Equip a Broomstick pistol with the Damper.L 44 Nozzle and the Barrel Sight 44 British Bulldog mask, High Capacity Mag and Holster Stock for the Broomstick pistol, "Army Green" material and "Filthy Thirteen" pattern.
Sound of Silence Complete the Alesso Heist without your crew killing anyone "Boom Box" mask, "Enlightenment" material and "Alesso Logo" pattern. The Alesso Heist
Sounds of Animals Fighting In the Hotline Miami job, complete the heist while you and your four man crew are wearing one different Hotline Miami mask each on hard or above Silent Death and Folded Stock for the Uzi submachine gun, Suppressor and No Stock for the Cobra submachine gun and Short Barrel for the Blaster 9mm submachine gun. Hotline Miami
Special Operations Execution Kill 25 enemies while in stealth using the Trench knife Red Bear mask, Short Barrel, Suppressed Barrel, Short Mag, Folded Stock, No Stock, Solid Stock, Heatsinked Suppressed Barrel for the Patchett L2A1 submachine gun, Barrel Sight 44, Damper.L 44 Nozzle for the Broomstick pistol, “Red Sun” material and “Death Dealer” pattern.
Stealing Christmas Complete the White Xmas job on the Hard difficulty or above "Strinch" mask. White Xmas
Stick a Fork in Me, I'm Done Set an enemy on fire and kill him with the "Motherforker" melee weapon "The Gas Mask" mask, "Candlelight" material and "Flammable" pattern.
Surprise Motherfucker Kill 10 Bulldozers using only the Thanatos .50 cal sniper rifle CQB Barrel for the Thanatos .50 cal sniper rifle.
Sweet Sixteen Complete The Big Bank job with 16 secured bags “The 16th” mask, the "Clay" material, the "Spartan" pattern and the Marksman Foregrip for the Falcon rifle. The Big Bank
Swiss Cheese Kill 100 enemies in a single day of a heist with the Kross Vertex Submachine Gun "Kage" mask, "Sakura" material and "Oni" pattern.
Tabula Rasa In the Hoxton Breakout job, complete the heist on OVERKILL difficulty or above with each crew member using no skills, wearing suits, wielding Golden AK.762 rifles and Chicago Typewriter submachine guns Unlocks a new skill slot. Hoxton Breakout
The Collector Kill 100 cops using only weapons from the AK or CAR weapon families "Keymod Rail", the "Crabs Rail" and the "Modern Barrel" for the AK weapon family.
The Ground Is Too Cold In the Boiling Point job, have no crew members get downed on the OVERKILL difficulty or above "Zero 68" mask, "Nebula" material and "Hexagons" pattern. Boiling Point
The Nobel Prize Kill 3 enemies at the same time with the Dynamite "Wild West Classic" mask, "Cactus" material and "Coyote" pattern.
The Pacifist Complete the Murky Station job without anyone in the crew killing anyone "Augmentation" mask, "Spaceship" material and "Squares" pattern. Murky Station
The Saviour On the Undercover job, place 10 planks on windows, vents or fences "Trickster Demon" mask, "Mushroom Cloud" material and "Split" pattern. Undercover
The Turtle Always Wins In the Art Gallery job, complete the heist in stealth within 4 minutes with each crew member wearing the Improved Combined Tactical Vest and no Armor Kit deployable equipped "Classic Stock" for the AK weapon family, "2 Piece Stock" for the AK and CAR weapon families, "Pachy" mask, "Fossil" material and "Prehistoric Predator" pattern. Art Gallery
The Wolf Lures You to Your Grave In the Art Gallery job, kill two of the patrolling guards in stealth in the bathroom "E.M.O. Foregrip" and the "OVAL Foregrip" for the CAR weapon family and the "Aftermarket Shorty" for the PARA submachine gun. Art Gallery
Their Armor Is Thick and Their Shields Broad Kill 10 shields with a Gage Chivalry Pack melee weapon in a single heist "Agatha Vanguard Veteran" mask, "Chain Armor" material and "Medieval" pattern.
They Don’t Pay Us Enough In the Meltdown job, secure all additional loot "Rad Mutant" mask. Meltdown
Tour de Clarion Kill 200 enemies using the Clarion rifle Suppressed Barrel and G2 Grip for the Clarion rifle as well as the “Professor Wrath” mask.
Trick or Treat! In the Lab Rats job, complete the Cloaker event on OVERKILL difficulty or above "Satan" mask. Lab Rats
Triple Kill Kill 3 enemies with one bullet using any sniper rifle Angled sight for all sniper rifles.
UMP for Me, UMP for You Kill 45 Russian specials on the Boiling Point job with the Jackal Submachine Gun on the OVERKILL difficulty or above "Zashchita" mask, "Mist" material and "Battle Wounds" pattern. Boiling Point
Unusual Suspects In the Watchdogs job, complete the heist while you and your four man crew are wearing one different Assault Pack mask each on OVERKILL difficulty or above Light Foregrip for the Gecko 7.62 rifle, Tactical Foregrip for the Gewehr 3 rifle, Long Barrel for the Clarion rifle, “Void” material and “Death” pattern. Watchdogs
Vlad's Little Helpers Complete the White Xmas job on the Normal difficulty or above "Mrs. Claus" mask. White Xmas
Walk Faster In day two of the Hotline Miami job, reach the Commissar’s apartment in under 210 seconds on the OVERKILL difficulty or above Rasmus mask, Tactical Foregrip and the Ergonomic Stock for the Uzi submachine gun, “Chromescape” material and "Palmtrees" pattern. Hotline Miami
Why Don’t We Just Use a Spoon? Complete the Hoxton Breakout heist on any difficulty Unlocks "Hoxton" as a playable character and the "Nova's Shank" melee weapon. Hoxton Breakout
Wind of Change In the Hoxton Breakout job, complete the heist while you and your four man crew are wearing one different "Historical" mask each on OVERKILL difficulty or above Discrete Stock and Short Barrel for the Nagant sniper rifle, Precision Barrel for the Broomstick pistol, Extended Mag and Long Barrel for the Patchett L2A1 submachine gun and the Heatsinked Suppressed Barrel for the Buzzsaw 42 light machine gun. Hoxton Breakout
You Can’t Hide Kill 25 enemies shooting through walls or objects using only the R93 sniper rifle Wooden Body for the R93 sniper rifle.
You Owe Me One In the Big Bank job, start the Big Bank job after having spent all 10 favors in Preplanning Retro Foregrip for the Falcon rifle. The Big Bank
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Christmas Baubles at Crown Casino

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